What was your first pc gaming memory?

Poppy JR.

New member
Jun 25, 2013
My first PC gaming memory was watching my dad playing Halo 1. My first PC game I played was Splinter Cell, but without guns because my mom hated "gun games". I still remember the tutorial level with the room full of chains. My first game was probably Joust at the (now completely demolished) local arcade.



New member
Apr 26, 2011
It's cool seeing everyone date themselves. Ages apparently ranging from mid thirties to early teens.

Couch Radish

New member
Mar 28, 2011
I remember playing Myst. I had no idea how to solve the puzzles and ever left the first level, but I was enchanted with no beautiful it all looked.


Enthusiast Magician
Jan 16, 2011
Think my first PC memory was playing a demo version of the Rugrat's Movie, i remember one puzzle was sliding cars around so you can fit a reptar car through, and another one has the babies jumping on newspaper piles to unclog holes. it even had one of those lame "do you want to subscribe to AOL" discs. other than that, maybe Dungeon Keeper or Age of Empires, but i was very young so it's not like i knew what i was doing.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
My friends dad bought a PC and i went to my friends to see it. He had Starcraft (the original one) demo on. This was back in 1999. I fell in love with it so much i became a PCMasterRace member there and then. I was 9 years old.

Also anyone remmeber when CD players got built-in audio players which meant your PC didnt had to process it and you could do something else with it? God i used these things to no end. Play a game and listen to music at the same time, magic aint it!

Sleekit said:
a 16 MB stick of PC100.

i'll let myself out...
Dont diss that 16 MB of ram. Once i got there i could play mp3 without it stuttering!


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Pinball, One of the games that come with windows. Greatest thing ever when you had to wait for the Internet page on dial up to load up.

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
Honestly I can't remember exactly but it was on the Commadore 64 with tape station and I was 5. The loading colours man!


New member
May 1, 2014
haiku said:
I was 8 or something and watched my older brother playing Crono Trigger [http://chronotriggerwalkthrough.net/quest/weapons/] it seemed to be the most exciting game in the world. Later on he taught me also to play it and i spend a lot of time with Chrono and all the others. It was like a live fairytale to me :)

i was also 8 years old. And been a total fan since!


New member
Mar 19, 2014
Probably watching my parents playing the Sims, first game I played on a PC was Half Life 2.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
My first PC gaming memory.. It was around 1994 (I think) and I was four years old. My dad brought me to the family restaurant so he could do some opening preparations. He wanted me to occupy myself while he worked, so he fired up my older brother's copy of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. I've only watched him play a couple times, not really understanding all of the mechanics, but i picked up on the controls. I started my game as Humans, and preceded to order my peons to chop down wood. In my child-mind I was quite proud of myself. I was making some progress. I sat there in awe, watching my men tear down the forests around me. Before long, my one building village was being attacked by the Orcs. I had NO idea what was happening, and I remember the terror that went on in my mind during the attack. Without even pausing the game, I freaked out, and hid under the desk for fear of the tiny pixelated Orcs axing down my lumberjacks. The level of anxiety grew and grew until I could no longer handle the stress of attack and ran screaming, "DADDY! DADDY! HELP!"

Ah. Those were the days. I miss being stupid.