What Woman think of Man that are nice to everyone.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
But...people only give me sweeties when i'm nice to them. And when I complete menial tasks in blinding white, controlled environments. Are you saying women won't give me any sweeties like the others do, no matter how nice I am? This is not how I have been conditioned! Everything has been turned upside down! Noboday can be trusted! *cries in shivering ball in corner*


New member
May 4, 2009
I think there is some merit to the idea, but not in such blunt terms. There's no such thing as 'being nice to everyone,' and don't kid yourselves otherwise. If you're 'nice' to everyone in the sense that you put everyone else before yourself, then you're not being nice, you're just spineless. This sends out a warning signal to basically anybody who might be interested in you that they can expect no special treatment. They get nothing from you, because you're not withholding anything from anyone else. Plus, how can you be trusted to step in on their behalf if you won't step in on your own? Giving up your seat to anyone and everyone, ceding the best views to obnoxious Dutch tourists, apologising meekly when you're clearly in the right, that's what being nice to everyone looks like.

Nice people aren't interesting. Not exciting, not dynamic, just universal sycophants. Now obviously I'm not saying everyone should go out punching old people or refusing to give up a seat to a pregnant woman, but I am saying you should put yourself and your inner circle before total strangers. That earns loyalty. That says to people, "I'm worth getting to know."

It also separates the seed from the chaff. If they can't tolerate your cocky attitude or self-assured behaviour, then they probably weren't worth hanging out with anyway. There's enough people in the world for us to be picky about the people we're nice to.

Note - I'm also not advocating vandalism, making a mess of your mates' houses, being abusive or generally behaving like a dickhead. Those things impress nobody.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
There are very jealous people who do indeed think like that. But I would not project that attitude onto everyone.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Aside from this being a work of fiction and as such it shouldn't be seen as indicative of the real world, you should keep the culture in which it was created in mind. Something which may seem normal for the Japanese may seem outright weird for people in, for example, the US. I feel that it would be best for you to ask this question to actual Japanese people, as they will be able to give you a better explanation for said sentence, because it originated in their culture, not the American / European culture members of which are predominately active on these fora.

Having said this, in general one could say that the Japanese are quite closed, stick to themselves and generally don't go out of their way to reach out to other people. For example, a person drops something in the grocery store, chances are that 95% of the people won't bother offering to help. However, in case when somebody is overly nice to a girl, this is often because they like that girl. All in all, a guy who is nice to everyone is something that seems to pop up often in Japanese pop culture.

Please note that my experience is not indicative of the country or culture in a whole, but I at times got scolded by my then girlfriend a few years ago for being too nice to everyone ( guess why she isn't anymore ), even had a colleague step up to me saying that I shouldn't be too nice to my other colleague's because I might be giving them the wrong idea.


New member
Aug 6, 2013
There's a difference between a guy who is generally nice to everyone (but extra nice to you), otherwise known as a polite person, and a completely spineless dude who just puts everyone else above his needs. Likewise, there's a difference between being a bit of an introvert and being a complete antisocial, there's a difference between being opinionated and being a *****, etc.
Statements like that don't amount to much truth because they see a world in black and white (partly because it's easier and also, lazy writing)