What would Sony have to announce to get your juices going?


New member
Nov 19, 2007
With the impending announce of its Next Gen (if rumours are to be believed) I'm wondering what can Sony announce that would make people excited. I'm kind of meh about a new gen myself.

1) Hardware specs? I wonder if anyone gets excited about this anymore. Gone are the days of polygon/sec or FLOPS touting. It's fair to expect that power-wise the PS4 and the NextBox will be in the same ballpark, enough that differences in multiplatform releases will be minor, as they are today.

2) New control schemes? This has become a differentiator, but a kind of moot one I think. Dualshock+Sixaxis+Move? Anyone cares?

3) Exclusives? The bread and butter of consoles, but what can they announce? A new God Of War? Uncharted? KillZone? None of those get my adrenalin going.

I'm not going to lie, I know I'll end up buying it eventually, but I'm not forgetting that I got burnt last time when the price was reduced months after I bought.

For now I just can't get excited.


New member
Sep 13, 2012
That they're not bothering with any motion controls or touchscreens or Facebook/Twitter smartphone/tablet media hub rubbish.


New member
Dec 31, 2012
Genocidicles said:
That they're not bothering with any motion controls or touchscreens or Facebook/Twitter smartphone/tablet media hub rubbish.
This alongside new exclusive IPs that aren't full of derp.
Only then, would I be happy.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Five hundred ninety nine US dollars.

All kidding aside, I think we have to see streaming backwards compatibility for all PS3 games, both on PS4 and Vita, to really be exciting. If Sony can pull that off, the resulting library of titles (not to mention the Wii U Tablet emulation) will put it in a class of its own compared to Microsoft and Nintendo's products.


New member
Dec 13, 2011
I haven't gotten excited about consoled in a long time because I know I will buy them anyways. I don't care if it's a PS3 that allows you to play 2 games at once, I will buy it because I am an idiot.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
They'd have to announce that their console is $300 or less. Maybe 400, but 300 would really get me going. And yes I realize there's no way that's happening, but still. A poor college student can dream.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
If it's around $300 and The Last Guardian is the launch title.

If by some act of God they do that then they can have my money right away.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
That they saw the error of their way in releasing console games/consoles and are moving to a proper framework: the PC and that all their new games will be made for windows/Linux.


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
Uncharted, if they announced one as a launch title. That would be it. Day one for sure!

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Some good Vita games... Aside from Soul sacrifice, Murumasa and Tearaway I don't see any exciting upcoming releases.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
1: That the hardware specs will be up to par with current high-end pc's.
2: That it won't ban the possibility to sell your used games.
3: That it won't be always online required.
4: That it won't have things like social media on it.
5: That they didn't go with the touch pad on the controller, and kept their tried and true old design.

If they announced all of those for the new console, THEN I would be interested. Otherwise, no thank you.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Full disc based backwards compatibility with PS1-3 games.

The end of their attempts at handheld gaming.

The end of motion/touch/psionic implant control.

The option to use the old PS Store, because the new one is measurably inferior. It takes about a full minute to load, tv and games are no longer separated, the search function has been handicapped, and actually finding the particular thing you are looking for takes way longer than it should. I used to be able to boot it up in about 4 seconds, see all the new stuff that week, and pass 99% of the time. Now it actively wastes even more of my time.

All those impossibilities aside, there really isn't anything in particular that Sony could do to excite me. Nintendo is currently lost to me with its Wii U nonsense, but the 3DS is looking good though I hate 3D luckily its optional. M$ was dead to me before the original Xbox was released.

Literally the sole game I currently know to be in development on any platform that still interests me is Dark Souls 2. Since I only like to play those games offline so far, even that game will have a lot of content I won't be enjoying.

I would love a new IP that was basically the Elder Scrolls minus all the lore etc. Basically a good first person RPG that Bethesda or Id or EA or Gearbox hasn't driven into the ground yet.

I don't need fully voiced dialogue, 400 labyrinthine dungeons, or really fancy bells and whistles. I just want an interesting fantasy world to dink around in with a character I can create and grow. I already have that in PWI, but I'd rather have a better one. ES Online looks pretty cool. If it made its way to PS4 then I might be interested.

It doesn't need to be better than Elder Scrolls, but it does need to be better than Sacred 2 and Kingdoms of Amalur. That REALLY shouldn't be too hard.

I'd settle for something like The Summoning, or Grimrock, or even a new Puzzle Quest that doesn't suck like each game after the original has.

I love Etrian Odyssey, but it would be nice to have another option for dungeon crawling. No randomized levels preferably.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Sony! Where's my Demons' Souls 2? I WANT IT NOW.


Sony, just give us an option to enable digital copies of games on PS+ that are brand new copies. I'd like to play my PS3 games whenever. Oh, and backwards compatibility is a must.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Honestly, just a video game system. Like, literally, just a video game system. I'm tired of having a bunch of apps and other useless content that I never use, and when I do try and use it, never works right. Hulu on the Wii spends more time buffering than actually showing the episode, and Zune for the Xbox was just a worse way of typing the song in on youtube to hear it.

I'll give the Wii credit, though, in that it never shoved this kind of content in your face like Xbox did. For the most part, if you didn't want something on your main Wii menu, it could be removed.

But just a plain, simple system, with decent enough power to get games running at 60 fps with a wider FOV would be nice. Then just start working on the exclusives and third party support.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Backwards compatibility and more Vita functionality would be just dandy. I'd also love a new Killzone though, especially if it took the Mercenary apporach and allowed you to fight for the Helghast.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
Backward compatibility - at least to PS 3 is a must but I would like to see PS 2 playable again since they've discontinued, PS 1 being on the PSN is ok with me (more than 15 years back I don't expect them to go on disk honestly). If NOT PS 2 compatible I would like a store credit for games I already own on disk at the PSN store - half off or more seems appropriate to me.

No or only optional touch / screen in controller / gimmicky move crap. I do not want this. I do not want it forced upon me by any console, period. Respect the older gaming generation while you're off innovating for the new people. Choices are good.

I'd also like to see them keep backing things like Thatgamecompany and the stuff they put out and keep that stuff flowing into the PSN store. The store could use another overhaul, I think someone already mentioned that they have made it more difficult to navigate with the most recent iteration. iTunes did the same crap recently and I wish everyone would leave things that aren't broken the hell alone.

Price point is going to count, but at the end of the day I will save up if it is worth having. Of course, I won't be buying the first wave unless they co-release some title I can't live without (buggy first wave PS stuff has hit my house before).


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Yes, a new God of War would be sweet, it seems to be the new Megaman for me, except unlike Capcom, Sony havent anandoned me yet. Not sure how Ascension will turn out but if they keep the same quality as all the other games in the series Ill keep buying.

Now I would still wait for some price drops though.:p Unless they buy Crash Bandicoot, make them their mascot again and force Naughty Dog to make as many games as there are Mario games + MediEvil, do something with it damnit. If I get these its day one purchase.