What would you do if you were invincible?

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
[buzz kill]
Invincable doesn't neccisarily mean stronger than everything. If you did some of this stuff you would be wrestled to the ground and put in a straint jacket, on a lab table, ot both.
[/buzz kill]
I would keep my invincibility to my self and use it only if absolutily neccisary. Alternatly I would take up a high risk/usefull profession like bomb squad, fire fighter, or marine sniper bait. That way when the government comes for me I will be surrounded by people who apreciate my ability and will be opposed to my life time encarceration in Area 51.

Heroic One

New member
Aug 29, 2007
If I were invincible I'd star in a comic that would at first be really popular but then get boring as I'd win every single time.

Khedive Rex

New member
Jun 1, 2008
Honestly? Not change my life at all except to do the ooccasional trick for people I want to freak out (light myself on fire, spend twenty minutes underwater ect.)

Fictitiously? Lead a campaign against all nations of the world from my vast undersea empire. AFter conquering it all I'd make them build a big statue of me. Then I'd live the rest of my days peacefully on the top of mount Everest trying to stay awway from people so that my name will become a legend and people will think I'm only a myth.

If I were also Immortal, I might do this multiple times.

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
If I were invincible I wouldn't die, I'm invincible, you wouldn't die of old age.

I'd play chicken with trains and scare the sh*t out of the driver. Have him hit me then pop up on the window on front of him.

Find Ben Stiller, Kidnap him, take him to a desert Island and bring only a video camera and enough food for one person. The only way he can eat is if he makes me laugh. He'll die of starvation.

fall in the bear pit at the zoo. Then when they get me out I "accidently" fall back, again, and again, and again.

TJ rock 101

New member
May 20, 2008
well first of all i would grab the chainsaw before heading out into towns then scare the shite out of people with it ether against them or on myself ^^
oh! and i would do through the fire and flames by dragonforce on guitar hero III, expert level without loosing some fingers since even on medium my arm comes close to falling off on solo bits


New member
May 9, 2008
Take over the world, become a benevolent dictator, if anyone doesnt like it, what are they going to do!

Also film loads of people trying to shoot be/blow me up/burn me with acid etc. etc. etc. and stick it on Youtube


New member
Jun 21, 2008
I would learn the first guitar solo in Dream theater's "Stream of counsiousness". Then i would jump off an plane landing on Mount Everest while playing that solo on a guitar covered in ice set in flames behind my head while having sex with a fake vagina.

Oh! and i would jaywalk.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Me? I'd do really stupid things, like have people bulldoze me while I'm on fire and listening to Rickroll and slapping Chuck Norris really humiliating-like. :p


New member
May 18, 2008
Pfft, there is only one thing to DO when you have invisibil-
Oh wait, invincibility? Not invisibility?
Collect insurance money further corrupting Americas economic system.