Whatcha Playin?


Wishes he had fewer cap letters.
Mar 7, 2008
It's easy to get bogged down in all the politics going around the industry right now, but let's not forget what we're here for: The Games. Let's talk about 'em.

I picked up Dust: An Elysian Tail on PC a couple days ago. It's been XBox exclusive for a while, but now and I finally got my mitts on it and, it's pretty good! The combat, which is the meat and potatoes, holds up pretty well, balancing difficulty and skill. It avoids the pitfalls of a lot of Beat-Em-Up style games, the fights don't usually feel homogenous pr plodding, even though an single area may be limited to three or four enemy types, and it also avoids making you tired by sprinkling RPG-esque side quests and character interactions liberally throughout the game.
On the plot side, I find the characters and story to be endearing, if a little cheesy and unoriginal. Fans of games in the 90's will recognize plot elements and tropes brought back from the dead without a hint of irony, but the writing style and full voice acting makes them seem much more believable than they would be otherwise.
Art and Animation is pretty swanky. Pretty swanky indeed.

The game does have a few bugs on PC, mostly dealing with context sensitive actions, and ledge clipping issues can make platforming very annoying, but all in all I'd recommend this to anyone looking for something fun to get into for a weekend.

So what are you guy's up to?


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Dota 2 and Persona 4 Arena since fuck all worth a damn is coming out in singleplayer land any time soon.

Both really fun but need a bit of practice to really get the hang of. I swear to god I can't conveniently double quarter circle and if lag comes around in either game then may god have mercy on your soul.


Why does this place still exist
Aug 1, 2010
Just picked up a 3DS and a Vita so I've been alternating between Pokemon Black 2, Rayman Origins and Playstation All-Stars.

Gonna get a bunch of games, including Animal Crossing and Ragnarok Odyssey when I get paid :D
Dec 14, 2009
Been playing my usual TF2 and Dota 2 sessions, as well as playing some Borderlands 2 (recently picked this up for cheap on Steam, I already had the game on Xbox, but I can't pass up the chance to play such a good looking game on better hardware).

Also been playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate of the Wii U, cos I love me some Monster Hunter.

Been thinking about picking up a 3DS as well, for the new Fire Emblem and the upcoming Animal Crossing.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Sly Cooper collection

just at the moment though I am not playing anything as I have strained my eyes so playing games hurts also Sly 2 crashed on me and set me back 40 minutes I was not impressed.

Oh I also have Planescape Torment on the go but the terribad combat is making it a slog.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I have a massive backlog of games that I've bought and not yet played, and games I'm currently playing that I used to own, sold, then rebought very recently. The current list of games I'm playing or that are on my list are:


- The Secret World
- Myst V
- Theme Hospital
- Constructor
- Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- Far Cry
- Dreamfall/The Longest Journey (replay for both)
- L4D/L4D2
- TF2
- Half Life 2 (Episodes only)
- Psychonauts
- Empire: Total War
- Napoleon: Total War
- DotA
- Plus various free games from GoG that were gifted in return for me joining, including Beneath a Steel Sky.

Nintendo DS/GBA:

- Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- Chrono Trigger


- Alter Echo
- Silent Hill (PS1)
- Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
- Crash Bandicoot 3

Xbox 360:

- Assassin's Creed Revelations (replay)
- Assassin's Creed 3 (multiplayer and story DLC only)
- Bioshock 2
- Gears of War (replay)
- Project Gotham Racing 4

Yeah, I have a lot of backlog stuff to get through...

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Persona 4 Arena (in which everyone and their pet dog is playing Yu Narukami online. Seriously, buy some skill and play someone who is not retardedly Easy Mode,) vanilla Persona 4, sort of Persona 3 FES, trying to put a positive spin on the Main Character's absolute douchebaggery this time so I can actually like the game :p, BlazBlue CS Extend in which I play nothing but Mu-12 and annoy everyone by being *that guy* who plays full on keepaway forever and TOO MUCH League of Legends. I am literally loading a game as I type. Jungle Rengacia, wish me luck.

I'm on the official duo Q quest of KaosuHamoni's Journey to Gold. In which he loses every single series he ever gets put into. I'm forever chilling at Silver 5 because what 5 Ranked wins in a row? You just lost one? LOL let's just take all those points and throw them into the abyss.

Riot pls. RIOT PLS!


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Just now I play the original DOTA map for Warcraft 3, along with a game called Knights of Honor, when I'm looking for something longer than 40 minute rounds.

I'm thinking of picking and trying League of Legends again, but I suffer shit talking poorly, si I am a bit reluctant going into another MOBA.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
Pc: Stronghold kingdoms, Really like it although I know it's not a popular game for good reasons.

Football Manager: Not going to be a popular game again on here but it's one of the deepest games you will ever play.

Rome Total War: Still pretty awesome apart from the bloody elephants

Mount and blade war band: really like this game would suggest it too someone who's PC maybe isn't the best but still wants a great game.

Ps, Is it obvious my PC is shit lol

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I've been bouncing around Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Legend of Dragoon and Breath of Fire 4.

But I've recently acquired Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for my Wii U. And from what I've played so far, I'm having a blast. So I see myself having a nice Monster Hunter binge for a while.

I still own my original Dragon's Dogma, which I played to Hell and back. I got addicted to it again with Dark Arisen(getting yet another 150+ hours out of it) and I'm still playing frequently.

So a Monster Hunter binge is a definite possibility. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is actually my entry to the series, as I never had the opportunity to play earlier titles. I wanted to play Monster Hunter Tri when it came out, but I was never able to afford it. So it doesn't bother me in the slightest that MH3U is an enhanced port.

Interestingly, I'm actually not doing that badly. I have yet to be downed in combat and I battled three Ludroths together in underwater combat without taking a single hit. I killed and carved Epioth for their Monster Guts all while completely evading a very angry Lagiacrus that was out for my blood. I took down a Great Jaggi and all his obnoxious little followers without any traps or extra tools and without losing any more than half my life.

Granted, the Great Jaggi is the strongest monster I've hunted thus far, but I like to think I'm doing pretty well for myself, for a newbie.


New member
Jan 7, 2013
Sleeping Dogs was on sale via Steam last week. Picked it up and I've been slowly working my way through it.

GTA comparisons are inevitable, and honestly I'm enjoying it more than I did GTA IV. Driving controls are wonky as fuck, on PC at least. But the story's engaging, and the unarmed combat is an absolute blast. I like the lead character more than probably any GTA protagonist so far, and the setting's reasonably unique.

It's a lot of fun, and it's holding my attention thus far but I'm still yearning for something a little deeper. There's a distinct lack of developed female characters as well, which is a shame because I enjoyed Emma Stone's all too brief appearance at the start. The radio stations have very quickly grown stale as well. Just serves to highlight some of those areas where GTA is still king.

I've also been playing a fair amount of Shogun 2, and again that's only really served to whet my appetite for Rome 2. It's a very tight strategy game, and I'm really enjoying the atmosphere. I've never been much of a Japanophile, but the samurai thing is doing it for me at the moment. My only real complaint is that there's so little variety. Every faction uses essentially the same units and gains them using the same tech tree. The oceans in naval battles are absolutely gorgeous, but feudal Japanese ships are ugly as sin, and some of the mechanics seem frustratingly random when it comes to boarding actions. The promise of radically different factions and locations in Rome 2, and the new beach landing mechanic look set to blow Shogun 2 out of the water, but for now I'm having a lot of fun slowly conquering Japan with a friend in a co-op campaign.

Tentatively looking forward to Remember Me next week. I'm absolutely jonesing for a voiced female player character.

But it's still to Rome 2 and GTA V that I'm really looking. This is going to be a long summer...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I've been playing Terraria which just got released for the consoles, and it pretty addictive. It doesn't seem to tell you a damn thing though.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Basically been bouncing around between Warframe & Kerbal Space Program (with a dash or Airmech) while I decide what to play next (deciding between LoTR Online, Dust 514, EvE Online or League of Legends)


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I just got a 3DS XL so I've been hopping between Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Ocarina of Time, and Fire Emblem. I'm trying to pace myself on Fire Emblem, it is so good and I don't want it to be over to fast.

I also picked up Alan Wake from the Humble Indie bundle and Mark of the Ninja from amazon. Also got Civ 5: Gold Edition today.

Seriously though Amazon is having some crazy sales, check this Cheap Ass Gamer thread:

Not trying to advertise, but I haven't seen anyone one else mention this on the forums.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Picked up dragon age origins again, playing for about 25 hours and having my save corrupt really drained any will I had to play the game a few months ago but I have decided to give it another go and it's been great so far


New member
Aug 29, 2011
This is what's currently on my plate:
PS3: Rayman Origins (mostly to get 100%)
PSN: Moon Diver (I've been ignoring this game for a while, so I feel like I should catch up)
PSP: Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness (mostly post-game stuff)
Wii: Pandora's Tower (pretty close to finishing it)
DS: Kirby Mass Attack (again, I want to get 100%)