Whatcha Playin?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Dark Souls. 2 years going and still strong.... pvp is so much fun its impossible to detach yourself from it.

Dust 514. I just like the concept of an MMO FPS free to play PSN title set in the future tied in with EVE where you work for corporations in a deep and impacting online economy, also cause my friends peer pressured me into getting it and so far i'm glad they did.

Bioshock Infinite 1999 mode.

and I will be tackling MGR Revengeance on Revengeance difficulty very soon.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Metro Last Light. I'm disappointed though. The stealth gameplay has been considerably dumbed-down streamlined and it feels like you have even less freedom than in the first one. And whoever thought hulking bulletsponge bosses that like to charge at things is a good idea deserves to be shot in the knee-caps.

Also, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (2009 Complete Mod), a game I'm returning to every once in a while. Too bad S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 is in development limbo.

I think I'll start on my backlog soon. See what the fuss is about concerning Dragon Age: Origins.

Dirge Eterna

New member
Apr 13, 2013
Borderlands 2 to finish the Ultimate Vault Hunter run through. Wargames European Escalation when I feel like a little RTS and Skyrim if I don't feel like the other two.


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I'm playing The Secret World, and sort of loving every second of it. I've never been much of an MMO gamer, but I just can't get enough of this game.

serious biscuit

New member
Jul 3, 2012
With assassins creed 4 coming out later this year I finally got around to playing the third one. Now I know that the story doesnt really carry over but I still felt I had sit down and play it just because its the only one in the series I haven't yet.

Baron Tanks

New member
Mar 3, 2013
After it gathering dust for a good 4-5 months, I jumped back into Borderlands 2 this weekend with a friend. Playing the DLC. Thought I might as well get the season pass, but so far the only good one is Mr. Torgue. However, it's been such a blast that getting the season pass hasn't left me sore, Mr. Torgue's DLC is making up for it all. Will probably be done with the current packs when Tiny Tina comes out late next month, so can flow right into that :)


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Currently, these are the games I'm playing:

- Luigi's Mansion 2: I've completed the main story, and now I'm trying to 100% it.

- Team Fortress 2: Mostly the 10x Servers (Where the Items Pro's and Con's are times'd by 10). Just for Fun.

- Victoria 2

- Europa Universailis III

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
I'm playing GTA: San Andreas again. Oddly enough my previous save file loaded me up right before the Zero missions. I'm now realising why I stopped playing last time! Although still frustrating missions they're not half as difficult as I remember them being when the game was released.

Just started up Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow as well; never did finish that game.

I've just completed Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time which isn't as good as the originals but is definitely a fun, solid platformer. Even if it does fall prey to the dreaded plague that is QTEs. Get them out my platformers!

Oh, and also still playing Metro: Last Light which is very enjoyable and atmospheric even if it does suffer from a touch of the Call of Duty this time around.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm playing Legend of Grimrock and I just got up to the spiders...

Fuckin' spiders *shudders*. I had to quickly work out how to brew potions, because I hadn't been paying attention and one of my guys was nearly dead from poisoning. It was tense as all hell, lemme tell ya!


New member
Oct 17, 2011
GTA IV right now on 360 finially coming back to it and going to put an honest attempt to finish it before gettin.... oh shiny!!!


New member
Nov 26, 2011
boots said:
Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft. Minecraft Minecraft? Minefract. Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft.

I ... I may have a Minecraft. I mean, problem.
I believe they have pills for that, or maybe an herbal supplement.

I'm not really playing any games right now. I think I burnt myself out. Was thinking of giving Persona 3 another try. The lack of control over your teammates really puts me off though, and none of the characters in the beginning really grab me like they did in P4.

I recently finished On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and was thinking of checking out the first two. The callbacks in it to the first two did their job and made me curious.

I've been playing Neverwinter Online recently, but "endgame" content is becoming boring as it's just the same dungeons you go through while leveling, and my gear is at a good enough level that the epic dungeons available to me for progression are those with cheap, annoying bosses.

I think I will go play P3. I'm a bit bored at the moment, so I might as well.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Currently, I'm mostly playing Skyrim although I've done all the major questlines now, including those added by DLC so now I'm just tying up loose ends and odd sidequests. Other than that, I've been replaying Spec Ops: The Line for my dissertation and going through Beyond Good and Evil HD for the nostalgia.


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Right now I am playing These games:

I am right now at the start of the 3rd Chapter. I really like some characters it have, especially in a specific one in the first Chapter. Downside for me is is a little bit "cartoonist" for my taste with comparison the first two games of the series.
The story right now is ok, but only because I didn't saw yet the big twist tha game have at the end [I hope to have a big twist]

A puzzle/platform game that you control two characters at the same time with some interesting gameplay elements.
Strangely enough, I prefer the first part of the series "AlterEgo" better. It is also free so you can check it right now.

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Currently waiting for Sim City to update so I can throw myself into that pit of hell. But other then that, I'm playing the Virgils Downfall DLC for DmC, Metal Gear Solid 4, Persona 4 on my vita, Final Fantasy 7 on my vita, Evidence the Last Ritual on my PC, and Resident Evil Revelations on my Xbox.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Just playing with the Monaco level creator (you have to opt-into the Beta) and trying to get patrol pathways to work.
It badly needs full mouse support though instead of transplanted keyboard and gamepad controls.