What's the best zombie movie?


New member
May 19, 2010
28 days later. I know people like those slow zombies, but lets be honest, fast zombies are scary as hell. While watching the movie you really feel scared when a character is getting chased down by an army off bloodthirsty zombies. In this movie, it feels not only real but reasonable that people are dyeing. While in the other zombie movies it comes off as kind of ridiculous.


Scandinavian Jawbreaker
Jul 22, 2010
Dawn of The Dead, the original. One of the best horror movies of all time hands down, let alone the best zombie movie. Of course, the only other zombie movies I have seen where Fido, Shaun, and Return of the Living Dead, so I don't have much experience with the sub-genre...


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Thanatus1992 said:
Durgiun said:
The Walking Dead. It's just one long, unfinished, incredibly fucking awesome adaptation.
I have to agree with you there, I've just finished reading the comic book (up to the most recent issue) and I think I want to marry the thing.
I tried reading the comic, but the art-shift and the break-neck pace (opposed to the TV's slower one) at which it moved were just too much.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
I vote 28 weeks later.

The truly best ones are probably the Romero series but in a genre that all too often wallows in cheap schlock it stood out like a giraffe in a pigfarm because of how tense it is. Mostly due to it's opening sequence. If you know what a zombie movie is all about you can probably already guess what happens but even so, it still hits like a brick. It was so tense, I almost started sprinting out of the house myself.

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
Probably the original Dawn of the Dead for me, there are more stunning movies by this point but I still really like this one, it has held up incredibly well for being so old. I like a lot of the other zombie movies, Night of the Living Dead is really good, Day of the Dead and the remakes are still pretty damn cool. I don't really consider Evil Dead a zombie movie, it is more of a supernatural monster movie but yeah I love those movies too. Walking Dead is the best thing out there currently and I feel I have to mention it since it is about to be back on the air, really excited.

A good question would be favorite zombie video game? I honestly don't think there is a definitive answer, you could say Resident Evil but that hasn't ever been purely about zombies. I really have yet to find a zombie game that has satisfied my need, I thought Dead Island would be the answer but it left me sorely disappointed.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Definately 28 days later! For me it was the most realistic, and the best! I really enjoyed it!

Also I love the comedy ones... ie Shaun of the dead, Dead Snow, Dead Set (The series) and Zombieland!

Oh, and I agree, the main theme from 28 days/weeks, is really awesome! The House - in a Heartbeat by John Murphy takes a proud place on my iPod!


New member
Sep 26, 2009
28 Days Later. I loved, loved loved the atmosphere, the scenes, the characters, the environments, the twists, goddamned everything.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Dawn of the Dead (2004), perhaps the first movie ive seen with faster zombies and it was a lot scarier to me than those old school ones that barely moved, but somehow managed to tear people apart with little effort..


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Ando85 said:
I love all the George Romero ones pretty much so its hard to pick which one I like the most. I really enjoyed the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead.

Also probably not as popular as Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead, I loved Day of the Dead. The whole semi intelligent zombie thing was interesting.

One aspect I like about zombie movies is the older ones that use make up instead of special effects.
The original Dawn of the Dead is probably my favorite one, the Directors cut features about 10 more minutes of Tom Savinis incredible effects wizardry of people getting torn to pieces by the zombies that was removed from the theatrical release for being a bit too gory. Also, Dawn wasnt just a zombie movie, it was also a commentary on commercialism.


New member
May 27, 2009
Braindead/Dead Alive still stands to be as the best zombie films, as those zombies basically never die but have tones of personality, not to mention the film is insanely funny.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
I actually really like Land of the Dead. I know the premise is kinda stupid (zombies get smarter)but I'll pop this in any day. Also an honorable mention of 28 weeks later I hated 28 days later but the sequel to me is a lot better and frankly you don't need to see the first to understand whats going on.

Jetpack Stu

New member
Feb 12, 2012
Regnes said:
Yes! Best zed-movie ever. this movie was filmed in the Okanagan Valley, in the movie there's an anti-zombie/old person propaganda commercial where a little girl screams "help! grandpa's fallen down and now he's getting back up!"

that little girl used to come to my mums daycare in elementary school! she was 4 years older than me so I didn't talk to her much outside of that but it's always nice to know people in awesome movies! really makes ya realize that it's a small world and whatnot.

another great zombie movie, dead-heads!



New member
Jun 12, 2010
Night of the Living Dead is a great movie, even today. I thought the 1990 remake was good as well. My favorite has to be the Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake for sure. It took a horrifyingly campy B-movie and smacked it with the "realism" stick. There was no frolicking through the mall while happy disco plays in the background in his version.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Braindead and Shaun of the Dead
Both brilliant, both insane!