What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you in a game?


New member
Apr 27, 2011
Sometimes enemies die in the funniest ways possible.
Anytime an enemy dies in a hilarious way or lands in a hilarious way i burst out laughing.

Here are my two favorite funniest kills ever:

In Halo 3 multiplayer (i think the level was called "the pit",) I shot a fusion coil, causing it to explode and send debris flying at high speeds. One of the construction pylons was sent flying, and hit an enemy right in the stomach, killing him. To me, there's nothing funnier than seeing a genetically enhanced super-soldier get killed by a pylon.

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 single player, I was playing on the level "Wolverines!," and I was on top of the Burger Town roof. I had the intervention, and an enemy was climbing up the ladder to our roof. I saw him come up the ladder and i no scoped him. Then, as he died, he flew 10-20 feet backwards in a bush. I LOL'd for about 5 minutes.

So, what about you?


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Wow. I haven't laughed at ragdoll deaths since, dunno, 2004? (But I admit, occassionally they do make me smile...)

MY most recent funny game story: Playing Dirt3 at a friend for the first time, I clipped a rock and did a perfect barrel roll, landing on my wheels again. Before my mate could finish his Starfox impression of "Do a barrel roll!", I clipped another rock and did another perfect barrel roll.
To bad that due to excessive laughter, I crashed afterwards and couldn't finish the stage. That would've been badass.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Battlefield Bad Company 2, the game started and I immediately picked the sniping class, because on Isla Inocentes if you don't keep them from getting the choppers at the start it becomes a lot harder to hold the island. So I go to my spot and wait a couple seconds for someone to get in the chopper. They do, but they take off faster than I had expected, and were already rising in the air by the time I had brought my scope up. I target the pilot, pull the trigger, and hit him as he's flying towards the island; pretty normal.

Now the good part. The other chopper was in the process of taking off as I sniped the first guy. The first helicopter fell out of the sky like a rock, right on to the chopper that was taking off. In doing so, it landed on a guy running for the second one, killing him. Now, apparently having a helicopter land on another helicopter isn't enough to make either of them explode, but one landing on another, then the second one taking off at an angle and flying straight in to the one that was now rolling on its side, is enough to make them both explode. They both go up in balls of flame, killing one guy that had been in the gunner's seat of the first and four that were in the second one.

Sadly, I didn't get most of those kills, but it was funny as hell to watch seven of the enemy die from one sniper bullet. Made me feel good about myself. I've got better ones, but that's the one that comes to mind at this particular moment.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
Battlefield Bad Company 2 i hear some on the mic cussing out the helicopter and as i look up the heli does 2 front flips and crashes into the water i had to turn off my tv once i could stand up the guys voice and seeing that just made me keel over in my chair laughing


New member
Aug 9, 2011
ColeusRattus said:
I clipped a rock and did a perfect barrel roll, landing on my wheels again.
Yeah, me and a friend spent a couple of hours trying to do barrel rolls on Motorstorm Pacific Rift, finally got one, landed on my wheels, then got mown down by a monster truck (I was on a bike). We laughed so hard.

Also, once on Mercenaries 2 (such a cheap game for so many hours of fun), got pissed at the stupid oil company and decided to kill them. Got in a chopper, the roof of their HQ and started RPGing them. One started calling for reinforcements so I threw a nuke marker down at them, I get in my chopper, fly away and then turn around. I hear the guy say "Yeah its him, the Swedish merc-" BOOM. Took me a while to regain their trust =D.


New member
May 27, 2009
LOTRC a brown smudge if you compare it to almost any game (sept ET) EACH!! time I grabbed an Ent on the final level it would cause me and the Ent to (no joke) Fly around the map super fast in random directions and randomly and land somewhere once the kill animation ended.
Do I win XD


New member
Sep 10, 2009
cod 4 single-player: first time realizing they also included arming distance on the grenade launcher. was firing my M203 when it hit an enemy in the nuts without exploding. Death animation showed him collapsing while grabbing his crotch.

Blackops: Mutual Assured destruction- me and some other guy contact each other-fail to kill each other and go into cover, then threw semtex which stuck on each other blowing both of us up at exactly the same time.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
In falluut New vegas a Deathclaw was glitching so it was walking backwards..and the song "spurs that jingle jangle" was playing...I swear it looked like it was dancing

that and I gave veronica a fatman+ mini nukes without a secodn thourght..only to have it unespectitly blow up in my face whil going after a couple of raiders...scared the crap out of me...the raiders were dead before I got to them to say the lest


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Team Fortress 2, X-Box 360. For whatever reason, we were playing on the Half Life 2 level where you storm the beach with the antlions.
The Red team was spawning a couple dozen feet above the water, which consisted of me and maybe one other person. The Blu team had the beach, which as far as I remember had one sniper. The rest of the Red team consisted of two Pyros that kept spawning only to drown over and over again and a Spy that was stiff as a board riding a Pyro flamethrower like a broom erratically all over the place.

I know that the game is glitchy, but that was some thing else entirely. Kept me laughing while I was playing.