What's the most you've gone through to play a game, and was it worth it?

mr man

New member
Jul 27, 2009
superpower 2

i bought a copy off amazon after playing the demo,a few days later it arrives, im happy and i start to install the game.

But there is a problem the game wont install so i decide to search for answer on how to get the game working so i head to the tech support section on the games website, however the creators went bankrupt a few years prior and that meant there website was no longer running so then i went to publishers website and spent a few days searching through the tech support forums trying to find out what is wrong with my game.

It turns out copies of the game were shipped with the wrong cd-key so i had to email the company who made the cd-keys (i think it was starforce)and ask for a new cd-key a fews hours later they emailed back with a new code and i booted up the installation for the game again.

The game still doesn't work so back to the forums i go to look for answers, for some reason (that i cant rememmber) i needed a patch, so i downloaded the patch and tried to start the game up again but it still didn't work, it turns out i downloaded the wrong version of the patch i had to download the north american version instead and so i did.

So i did all of that and the game finaly started but was it worth it?



New member
Nov 9, 2009
a 4 hour train ride to go to a game which had timesplitters future perfect copy in stock it was totally worth the the entire 10 hour journey.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Le Tueur said:
I bought Bioshock 2 on Amazon.com with 1 Day shipping only to have it arrive at the wrong house. I went though a outrageously stupid rigmarole to get it. I FedEx'ed it but by the end of the day I finally found that goddamn thing at a UPS shipping center. I had the dumbass resident of the house it arrived at to thank for the entire problem as he lied and said he recived the package months ago and begged a random UPS guy to take it with him.


I spent a lot of time talking to Amazon.com, FedEx and finally UPS on the phone trying to figure out where the hell my damn game was.
That sounds like an incredibly irritating experience. I know how it feels to not be able to play a game you've been anticipating all too well. When I got DMC4, the disc was scratched and i literally had to wait TWO WEEKS for a replacement. The same thing happened with Bad Company 1, but I only had to wait a weekend (felt like a longass weekend though).


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I built my PC to play good PC games, and I went to America to order Super Robot Taisen OG 2 on Amazon, then wait for it to be delivered.

Worth it? Oh, GOD yes.

Cosmic Naginata

New member
Jan 7, 2010
I realised last year that I should have bought Sonic Adventure 2 and Shenmue 2 like when they came out at the beginning of the decade. The realisation came when I was in Germany...far from home...I made it back and started an ebay account and searched for the two games breaking two age long habits: never doing serious shopping online and buying 2nd hand games. Trusting others to be truthful in their discriptions of their offerings. The week passed and they came.

Was it worth it?
Sonic Adventure 2...Shenmue 2?
Must you even ask?

no one really

New member
Nov 18, 2009
I had to wait 2 MINUTES for a guy to get a game from the back room.
2 whole, complete minutes! Can you belive it? o_O

Haven't really had any trouble getting my games to be honest, but I don't use steam, so I have to go to stores to buy them.

De Ronneman

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
De Ronneman said:
Dodgy said:
Teaching myself some language or other to make .wad files for Doom and Doom II.

And spending a week typing out 80 pages of code to play a C64 game for it not to work due to a mistype in one line somewhere. Grrrrrr...
THAT is some SERIOUS dedication there...

Though I once had the luminous idea to learn Japanese to play the Pokemon TCG part 2, back when I was 14.

I could've pulled it of, but I'm lazy and couldn't find anyone who could teach me...
I had no idea they even made a sequel to TCG! That game was so awesome though, it made me realise the game was actually pretty fun if you knew the rules.
They made a Japan-only sequel to it, featuring TEAM FREAKING ROCKET! I wanna play it, even now, after x years!

I liked the game, but my friends didn't play it. Great replacement.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
I sulked for 13 hours at Gamestop, to be the first person in line to get my World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Collectors Edition.

I brought my laptop and 3 portable batteries and tapped into the Malls wireless sitting on the ground... playing WoW.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
De Ronneman said:
They made a Japan-only sequel to it, featuring TEAM FREAKING ROCKET! I wanna play it, even now, after x years!

I liked the game, but my friends didn't play it. Great replacement.
Let's face it, who actually DID play pokemon cards the right way? I know as a kid I didn't give a crap about any of that 'energy card' baloney, and as far as everyone I knew was concerned, charizard was the best card ever devised due to his HP and damaging move. Little did we know that charizard basically got to use that move twice per battle IF HE WAS LUCKY.

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
Tomb raider 3! I didnt even had finished India levels and my old CD-rom drive went crazy and broke me CD. I saved money to buy another copy but when went back to the stores it was sold out. Didnt have internet connection or credit card to order it online. A couple of months later went to France to visit my sister and was at the supermarket when I go through the media section and what do I find, Tomb Raider 3, in french, with the 6 levels expansion included.

Was more then worth, it became my favourite game ever (I am weird, I know!).


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I bought a wii to play Resident evil 4...

Was it worth it...Well RE4 is played occasionly so I quess it was.