There's a difference between a little girl in this type of portrayal and a grown women. Hit girl is awesome just because she's a little girl, an underdog with uncanny abilities to kick so much ass. If you were to show a grown women, per say Xena Warrior Princess beating up tons of dudes, you're generally going to get a different reaction.
To start off Hit girl unlike a lot of female characters (Xena, Lara Croft, GI Jane) is actually a likable character, she'll act like a prick but only because that's all she knows, being a homicidal maniac killing people in the name of justice is what she's been raised to be, but deep down she's a very sweet and caring person.
You take Ridley Scotts GI Jane and I'll call that movie a complete and utter waste of time, why? Because the movie is about a women spending 2 hours straight screaming "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR!" into the camera. Another unlikeable female heroine doing everything she does in the name of overcoming her insecurities of being butch in a man's
Can't understand how Ridley Scott would think such a movie would be a good idea, probably made the movie out of of community service for being born male before women's lib the damn babyboomer...-_-
I mean there's a point in the movie a female doctor asks her why she wants to be a Navy SEAL in the first place, and the funny thing is it's never answered, because she has no good reason.
Xena Warrior Princess was another complete and utter waste of time I couldn't stand for, a lot like Lara Croft where all she did was beat up tons of males for the sake of beating up tons of males. Both completely unlikable characters who were just as much a pair of pricks as their male antagonistic counterparts.
Another example of tough girls gone wrong that comes to mind is the girls from the Charlie Angel movies, a threesome of unlikeable characters whose major flaw was trying too hard to be tough, yet likable, and yet cute, and instead coming across as being fake and as plastic as an American Express Platinum card. In the end managing to be even more despicable than the female characters I've mentioned before.
It's funny, I gotta say I loved that video of Marlene Dietrich dressing up as a man and kissing a girl more than a lot of the trash you see today. When you see that video, you don't see a women doing something like that to prove a point and or strike back in a cold masculine world. She does it naturally like that's who she is, no more no less.
I liked Hit girl a lot because she came across as a natural bad ass but still a kid, she is who she is.