What's with all the hatred for Heavy Rain


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
I think its great personally though it does takes some time to get into it and that fact alone may put people off it. I can understand the fact the game won't be everyone's cuppa-tea due to the a heavy storyline and lack of variety in gameplay. But i think what the game should be praised more for is the graphics i was blown away by them and im not easily impressed (am i the only one with this opinion?) everything looks so detailed even down to the small objects i seriously think this is the best the playstation 3 has done so far in terms of visuals (yes it looks better than Uncharted 2 and that's no mean feat).

robinkom said:
I know Yahtzee's going to have a field day with this one.
I doubt it even though he resents games with alot of QTE's he did say he liked farenheit (which heavy rain shares alot of simularities with)he just didn't like what farenheit turned into towards the end (cue the quote farenheit syndrome meaning it started good then turned into a mess of a game) and unlike farenheit heavy rain doesnt have those problems so he may actually like the game when he comes round to review it.
Who knows, you could be right, maybe Yahtzee will give some leeway on the story. It was pretty amazing and very contrasting to other games' settings currently being done to death.

I agree on the visuals, especially when they show the facial close-ups on the loading screens. I was totally blown away at the detail.

I think the reason why it's hard to show fellow gamers why the PS3 has such potential is because 90% of it's games are ports from the Xbox 360. Of course the hardware and rendering methods are completely different and the PS3 is more difficult to program for but, essentially, developers are simply covering that "PS3 Ground" just to increase sales even if the games don't port properly. The hardware is capable of more, there's just very few Exclusive titles that take advantage of it... this of course lies in the competence and budget of the development team/company in question.

I think between Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain though, it's finally hitting it's stride.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
robinkom said:
I think between Uncharted 2 and Heavy Rain though, it's finally hitting it's stride.
Yep. And God of War 3 will show up in two weeks to really show the other developers what the PS3 can do.

OT: I thought it was a great game. By no means the best game, nor was it without faults, but it was great and I loved it. I have one major complaint that is actually 50% compliment at the same time: I'm so attached to the characters that I don't want to replay the game for the trophies!!!!! I wanted to bad to platinum this game, but I just can't bring myself to get
the characters killed! I already got Scott killed, which I was quite sad about, even if I liked him the least of the 4 you get to control. I REALLY REALLY wanted Ethan and Madison to get together, so I don't want to see the ending where Madison/Ethan dies. But if I don't see that ending I can never get the gold trophy! NOOOOOO!!!!!! DAMN YOU QUANTIC DREAM! DAMN YOU!

Most of the hating that I've personally encountered actually comes from people who don't own PS3s, which makes me lol a bit. Nothing like a fanboy hating. Another thing that people pick at is the abundance of QTEs. I understand that some people can't stand QTEs, but I personally found the QTEs of Heavy Rain to be probably the most intuitive and well integrated controls I've encountered in a long long time.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
anyone remember indigo prophecy? seems damn similar, and I loved that games events and story and music and general awesomeness. When I read a preview for heavy rain, I was down right excited...too bad I dun have a ps3, damn my being a PC gamer and being slightly poor because of god damned college.


New member
Jun 25, 2009
I'm actually surprised that a game like Heavy Rain has managed to sell so well.

500,000 copies world wide in the first week (according to vgchartz) is pretty impressive for something that isn't an action game.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Hubilub said:
Corkydog said:
Hubilub said:
I do recall a lot of hatred. Let's have a Flashback, shall we!?

*remembers the going gold article about how Heavy Rain is super-ultra-awesome*

*remembers several other articles about how Heavy Rain is super-ultra-awesome that I can't remember by name. I think Funk did one...*

*remembers all the users that have praised the game and said that they loved it*

*remembers how it has gotten tons of high scores form reviewers*

Man, that's a lot of hate!
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's refferring to the gamers themselves, not the reviewers or the rest of the industry, because gamers tend to want more of the same, but all of the industry types just want something fresh.

And there's your problem. It's too different to be massively popular at the moment.
As shown in the highlighted section of my comments, I've seen tons of users on the Escapist praise this game.
Ah, okay, didn't see that part. Oh well, I've still heard plenty of people who disagree with Heavy Rain's overall philosophy towards a game, so the point is valid (in my opinion). There is hate for the game, and there is praise for it. I guess that makes it like any other game. Oh well, there goes the argument.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Terrible voice acting, all the people are obviously foreign, and cannot speak English correctly. Just pisses me off. Glad I borrowed it.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I heard some mention of resentment because of tech issues, but none of it was outright hatred. So if anyone knows a site where the forums are thick with rage against heavy rain than say it.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Life lesson: Haters are the loudest people on Earth (go ahead and ask me about Fable 2), followed soon after by the rabid zealots (and ask me about the Mass Effect games)

Dapper Ninja

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Most of the hate is from completely un-informed people and/or 360 fanboys, but some people, even those like me who still like the game, have legitimate complaints.

Mostly the plot riddled full of holes by a mini-gun and the killer's identity coming absolutely out of nowhere without any hint at motivation or even connection to the case, instead of it turning out to be anyone the game even hinted at in the slightest. It kind of hurts the quality of a story-based mystery.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
The only issue I ever had with the game was the article that basically told me to buy the game even if I wasn't interested because it was my "duty" as a gamer. That met with a resounding "bite me".

Not my kind of game, perfectly okay with that, I'm happy for people who like it, but looking at the information about it doesn't make me want to play it, so not buying it, to be told "even if you don't have any fun playing this game you still have to buy it because its your "duty" to narrative games" just pissed me off.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
i saw a walkthrough of the entire game start to finish because i was really curious but i dont have a ps3 i have an xbox, and wow is the storytelling great, i wasn't even playing and i was emotionally driven by the atmosphere and tension in this game. The music is good too and i dont think anyone can really see that ending coming. I think people are hating on it is because they dont know the story at all they just see a few boring cutscenes and not the meat of the game, you know?


New member
Jan 23, 2010
i heard it was amazing. but the story has been ruined for me because some clown did not put a spoiler tag for the revelation of the oragami killer


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
I haven't heard any hate for it. I for one think it's fan-fucking-tastic. But I'm sure some people don't like it and see it as Heavy Rain: The attack of the quick time events: The movie: The game. Which, I guess, it kind of is. Still excellent beyond compare.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Nomanslander said:
It's like watching a 12 year old throwing a hissy fit at the video store when a parent decides to rent something he/she would like and the kid wants to watch TRANSFORMERZZ...0o

It was something different that I actually enjoy a lot and I'm pretty sure others did too, and the fact that I can't stand QTEs tells me something.

So the question is what's up with all the hatred I'm seeing not directly from this site but around.

Just hoping it has nothing to do with the hype since when has that ever been a good reason to like or hate something, and if it's because the whole PS3 exclusive thing referring to the console wars then allow me to facepalm and pretend I didn't get involved...0o

If you think the game is nothing more than an interactive movie than I have to ask what's wrong with that? Not every game has to be a cover base shooter or feature Tolkienesque fantasy settings, and if you're afraid such an idea for a game would catch on and change gaming forever than you've really haven't been paying attention.

Just curious....?
Errmmm... I'm sorry? I haven't noticed any hatred or dislike toward Heavy Rain (I could just be ignorant, but whatever.)


New member
Nov 3, 2009
I remember a time where I would be dishing out the hate for this game. Nut a weird thing happened. I played it and lo and behold it turned out to be awesome!
Mar 26, 2008
McHampton said:
I'm actually surprised that a game like Heavy Rain has managed to sell so well.

500,000 copies world wide in the first week (according to vgchartz) is pretty impressive for something that isn't an action game.
It is impressive. Especially seeing so Indigo Prophecy had incredibly similar gameplay mechanics and didn't sell nearly as well. Quantic Dreams are finally being recognised outside the fanboy circle.
I've seen indifference toward it, but not hatred.

360 fanboys have Mass Effect 2 so I don't see why they'd be overly concerned.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The reason I don't like it, is because what I saw and what I played, was literally Quick time event: The movie: The game. The game part is questionable.