Madame_Lawliet said:
Second place would probably be Kingdom Hearts 1. I know Two is technically the superior game, most assuredly the bigger game, but I prefer the story, characters, and theming of the first one.
KH2 is still an incredible game though, I'm not bashing it just because I like the original more.
I think saying KH2 is obviously superior to 1 is a bit of an overstatement. It's certainly a PRETTIER game, but I'd be pressed to say that it's superior.
First off, Kingdom Hearts 2 is just blatantly easier than 1. And not for the good reasons, either. It's WAY too dependent on "mash X to win". Except when the reaction commands come into play. Then it's "mash X to win, except sometimes mash triangle to win instead". There's tons of combat options in 2, just waiting to be used, but none of them really come into play when you can just mash one button and win every fight, save for the exceptionally tough optional battles.
Secondly, yeah, it's bigger, but it's also padded. The beginning few hours with Roxas are ENTIRELY too long, for no particularly good reason at all. Also, that whole "lets visit every world a second time for no reason except to pad out the game length" was a particularly annoying dick move. Oh, and Atlantica. Just... all of Atlantica.
Third (and I admit that this one may be just me), but I felt like the voice acting overall was a bit of a step down from the first game. Aerith and Leon both sound alot worse than they did the first time around, and alot of dialogue sounded a bit too silly for my taste (I've got a drinking game for you. Take a shot every time someone says "Sora! Donald! Goofy!" in that exact order.)
I'm not saying KH2 is BAD, but it's flaws and shortcoming sort of even out all the improvements it made over the first game, so I wouldn't really say that it's objectively better than the original. Okay, tangent over.
OT: Favorite RPG? Easy. Persona 4.
My reasoning is simple: I have never grown as attached to characters in a video game as I did with the cast of Persona 4. I mean, yeah, there's alot (ALOT) more to love about it, but really, I loved the Investigation Team more than anything else in that game. I actually got a bit emotional when the game was over and I had to say goodbye. That NEVER happens.