What's your favorite RPG and why do you like it?

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I don't have a favouite RPG right now. I need a new one to play. I was really into Skyrim for a while, but then I got bored of it.

The Random Critic

New member
Jul 2, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
Madame_Lawliet said:
Second place would probably be Kingdom Hearts 1. I know Two is technically the superior game, most assuredly the bigger game, but I prefer the story, characters, and theming of the first one.
KH2 is still an incredible game though, I'm not bashing it just because I like the original more.
I think saying KH2 is obviously superior to 1 is a bit of an overstatement. It's certainly a PRETTIER game, but I'd be pressed to say that it's superior.

First off, Kingdom Hearts 2 is just blatantly easier than 1. And not for the good reasons, either. It's WAY too dependent on "mash X to win". Except when the reaction commands come into play. Then it's "mash X to win, except sometimes mash triangle to win instead". There's tons of combat options in 2, just waiting to be used, but none of them really come into play when you can just mash one button and win every fight, save for the exceptionally tough optional battles.

Secondly, yeah, it's bigger, but it's also padded. The beginning few hours with Roxas are ENTIRELY too long, for no particularly good reason at all. Also, that whole "lets visit every world a second time for no reason except to pad out the game length" was a particularly annoying dick move. Oh, and Atlantica. Just... all of Atlantica.

Third (and I admit that this one may be just me), but I felt like the voice acting overall was a bit of a step down from the first game. Aerith and Leon both sound alot worse than they did the first time around, and alot of dialogue sounded a bit too silly for my taste (I've got a drinking game for you. Take a shot every time someone says "Sora! Donald! Goofy!" in that exact order.)

I'm not saying KH2 is BAD, but it's flaws and shortcoming sort of even out all the improvements it made over the first game, so I wouldn't really say that it's objectively better than the original. Okay, tangent over.

OT: Favorite RPG? Easy. Persona 4.

My reasoning is simple: I have never grown as attached to characters in a video game as I did with the cast of Persona 4. I mean, yeah, there's alot (ALOT) more to love about it, but really, I loved the Investigation Team more than anything else in that game. I actually got a bit emotional when the game was over and I had to say goodbye. That NEVER happens.
I always thought the community's general opinion was that Birth by Sleep > all (playing it now, can't confirm)

OT: Fallout... all of them (well 1,2,3,new vegas anyway, and yes I've included 3)

It has two things I like in rpg's, freedom to do almost whatever you want. And the satire writing (that also includes 3, at least for me)


New member
Feb 25, 2010
The Random Critic said:
I can't speak for the community, but I don't really think that BBS is the best Kingdom Hearts game (personally, I'd say that the most recent one, Dream Drop Distance, is probably the best of the bunch so far). It has a few... issues, in my book. Not alot, and not game-breaking by any means, but they kept me from enjoying the game to it's fullest. In bullet point fashion (and spoiler-free, since you haven't beaten it yet):

1. Loading times are entirely too long, and start breaking the flow of gameplay.

2. Voice acting for a few key characters is a bit spotty in my book.

3. The repetition of having to basically play every level three times started wearing on me near the end of beating the game with my second character.

Again, I love BBS, and it ALMOST achieved the perfect Kingdom Hearts formula (which, again, I feel was done best in DDD), but I wouldn't rank it as my favorite of the bunch.

The Random Critic

New member
Jul 2, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
The Random Critic said:
I can't speak for the community, but I don't really think that BBS is the best Kingdom Hearts game (personally, I'd say that the most recent one, Dream Drop Distance, is probably the best of the bunch so far). It has a few... issues, in my book. Not alot, and not game-breaking by any means, but they kept me from enjoying the game to it's fullest. In bullet point fashion (and spoiler-free, since you haven't beaten it yet):

1. Loading times are entirely too long, and start breaking the flow of gameplay.

2. Voice acting for a few key characters is a bit spotty in my book.

3. The repetition of having to basically play every level three times started wearing on me near the end of beating the game with my second character.

Again, I love BBS, and it ALMOST achieved the perfect Kingdom Hearts formula (which, again, I feel was done best in DDD), but I wouldn't rank it as my favorite of the bunch.
Yes you are correct about DDD, I forgot about it since it's gonna be a while till I get a 3ds

Though in terms of gameplay, they are both pretty similar as far as I am concern.
(Even though DDD is an improvement, won't deny that)

As for the long loading time on BBS, yea it's pretty annoying. Since I don't have the space on my PSP to install the game

Back on topic: Right next to Fallout for me will be FFT, but I ramble on with that game enough. The gameplay is just as old as fallout 2

Jason Rayes

New member
Sep 5, 2012
Even after all these years I would have to say Planescape Torment as its one of the best written games I've ever played. The protagonist, The Nameless One is one of the most interesting and unusual characters I've ever seen in a game.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
JRPG - Chrono Trigger. That game was such a glorious sendoff for SNES for me. It did everythig just about right. Story is usually japanese silly but still touching and dear enough, characters were awesome for JRPG and fighting system is second only to Resonance of Fate. It narrowly have beaten persona 4 tho just because fighting system in persona 4 was so polarised. Either You kill them without scratch or they erase you.

WRPG - Can't decide between Fallout 2 and Fallout New Vegas. Let's be clear, Planescape Torment is best video game RPG ever, without contest, but I prefer Fallout myself as it is more fun to play while Torment can drain me. And while New Vegas does have more involved gameplay and that same awesome world and sensibilities and characters as 2 and more content (with expansions), 2 is older, less sanitized and more morbid with actually greater freedom of behavior which i adore. Soooo... I'm a coward that can't really decide.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Deus Ex:hr - It gives enough choices in dialogue and gameplay while offering a thriller like narrative. I played it like a stealth game and really enjoyed it.

Dragons Dogma - Character creation, pawn creation, exploration, hoarding armor/weapons and action gameplay. I can finally climb on massive beasts and trash their heads. The gameplay that came out of the simple additon of a grab/climb button, having to manage which set of attacks you want for your next trip, which gear you take (don't forget your oil) was highly addicting for me. I loved that night actually means it's dark. Sure not everything is great about the game but i spend so many hours with it.
I even bought dark arisen.

Not everyone might consider both games as rpgs but those are the closest i played in the last years.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
It's really difficult to say, RPGs being one of my favorite video game genres.

It is between Final Fantasy X, Pokemon Silver, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, or Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3.

Final Fantasy X: One of the first Final Fantasy titles that I've ever played, this title provided a lot of what made a great Square Soft/Enix RPG: a gripping story, a strong battle system, lovable characters, plenty of side quests, and several hours of gameplay and extras. This game took a long time for me to complete, simply because I didn't want it to end, and sought after every Ultima Weapon, summon, and side-quest I could complete. I finally beat the final boss, and to this day, I haven't gone back to it because my initial experience was so perfect, I don't need to play it again.

Pokemon Silver: This is a simple case of 'bigger and better than the original.' I played Pokemon Red and Yellow before, I absolutely enjoyed both titles. When I got my hands on Silver, I was immediately blown away with all the new and exciting things that the second generation of Pokemon had to offer.

There were a 100 new Pokemon, a new region to explore, the day and night time system, berries, the friendship mechanic, Pokemon being able to hold items, new ways to evolve Pokemon and interacted with the environment, daily events, Shiny Pokemon, Pokemon breeding, move tutoring, and the previous region to explore after a 3 year time gap. I've easily replayed this title many times and every time it was a joy. It is truly my favorite game in the series and also my favorite Pokemon Gen.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Similar to Pokemon Silver, The Thousand-Year Door has everything that you loved about the original and added more for its sequel. A great story with side quests that enrich the experience, fun allies with helpful abilities, new and better tactics during battle, new abilities that sell the 'Paper World,' and an overall great game for fans of the Mario RPG and Paper Mario titles.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3: Granted that I haven't played Persona 4 and I'm still very anxious to play it, I really love Persona 3 because it solidified that this game and it's sequel are easily the best titles in the Persona series.

It is a very interesting breed of game that combines several different genres and game elements beautifully to bring about a truly interesting and unique experience. The story and game progression is very interesting and organic that it makes you truly cherish, as well as savor each day. The combat mechanics are simple to pick up and stay true to classic turn-based RPGs; Ally AI is amazingly well done, as they can make swift and decisive actions without needing to be controlled; fusing and summoning monster to your aid is complex and well done, making you want to experiment with other results to create the greatest array of creatures at your disposal; build and maintaining relationships (i.e. Social Links) makes the overall story more engrossing and beneficial in other aspects of the game; and the soundtrack is also amazing.

I was weary of this series for a while, but now I'm glad I played this game.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
that's a tough one. I've played a lot of good ones over the years.


I have no idea which I would pick as my favorite. as stated above I've played a lot of great JRPGs over the years and measuring one great classic against another is harder then it sounds. so instead of one game, here's a short list of them in no order.

Chrono Trigger
Paracite Eve
Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire 3
Sieken Densetsu 3
Valkyrie Profile; Lenneth


>.> Divinity 2; Dragon Knight saga I guess? WRPGs and I have yet to 'click', ya know, find that one game to validate WRPGs in my eye. But I had lots of fun with Divinity 2 (even though it doesn't work now for some reason :/) so I'm going with that cause you getta turn into a dragon and blow shit up :D