When did Call of Duty become an insult to gamers?


New member
Nov 14, 2010
because the casual gamers don't realize it's shit, and the gamers who are actual gamers that expect good quality out of 60 bucks would rather play something a bit more classy and with good writing.


New member
Jun 25, 2010
It became an insult when it went mainstream. Modern Warfare or CD4 started the downfall in my opinion. Its when all the annoying gamers started realize that Halo was getting old and needed a new game to play. I used to work in a game store and it amazed me how the average gamer buying Call of Duty was 9-14 years old with parents just okaying it. I love how useless ESRB rating are with carefree parents. Once MW2 came out it was over saturated and lost its legit fandom.

Thank God Battlefield has been a safe haven ever since. Fingers crossed MW3 takes all the noob-tubing, double shotgun sprinting, broken perk stacking players. Give me a FPS that involves team work and some skill any day!


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Littlee300 said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Littlee300 said:
triggrhappy94 said:
It didn't become an insult. It just became popular.
Most gamers are nerds, there's no real two ways around that. And most nerds aren't/weren't very "popular" in high school. So, they are more prone to regect main-stream/popular things, because they represent the "popular crowd" in high school.

Also its not very complicated, the multiplayer is filled with idiots (no insult to people who play CoD), and the game skimps on the campaign.

I enjoy CoD. I play the campaign enough to get most of the achievements, and I play online long enough to max out my level (screw prestige!). Then I move on. Only to come back when playing with friends, or I want to mop up the last achievements.
This and the whole "Man, 99% of the world is full of mindless idiots that I am forced to live with" mindset
Try being in the 1% of rational and intelligent people. It really is lonely and shit you know. If that whole attitude shits you, imagine the actual life of the person you're complaining about, including the fact that they have few if any friends, almost no social life, and have to pretend to be retarded if they want to have a conversation with a normal person without having said normal person reject or attack them for "Thinkin'yer better'n me".

Then realise that this is the saddened outcry of a person doomed to know you're incapable of comprehending, let alone agreeing with your arguement. Now, if you wish to prove this person wrong in their judgements of you, try this: Pity them and move on. Don't argue at them or judge them, just accept that theirs is a sad lonely existance, but one that has innumerable intangible knock on benefits to you, the mass consumer (ever work out who made the internet and computers, or medicine and such?). Pity them their fate, and go on to reap the benefits, but don't begrudge them the occasional existential outburst of angst and rage at a world that cannot comprehend them... If you can manage that, you prove them wrong. If you argue that your game is still cool so shut up you snooty dickbag, then you prove them right and further their isolation. Your call really...
uhhh... You know that when I was talking about the the person who thinks the world is full of idiots I meant it as a delusion. Also, it isn't a lonely existence. Steve jobs and Nikola Telsa both had friends. (Steve jobs made his first computer with a help of his nerd friend I believe.)
Edit: I am way to tired to analyze what you said so I will come back to this post tommorow)
Meh, even if 1 percent of billions of people are intelligent and the rest are dumb that is still a lot of people and thus even if only 1 percent of the humanity was intelligent it wouldn't be that crazy that they would have friends. Especially with the internet it would be easy for someone of that one percent to meet others.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
My guess is because it's like Halo back when it came out, it's the game that launched a hundred clones.

While I do play CoD, and mostly online, I reFUSE to buy MW3 or any more CoD games new, because I want to "stick" it to the developers. I have yet to buy any map-packs, and don't have plans to because I personally think they've been twisting what was once a vibrant, wondrous masterpiece, a true work of art and one of the strongest single player experiences there still is to date, by adding the sludge of repetition and copy-paste to water it down like a huge glass of ice does to soda

People use it as a target because it's become a target. It launched the 'Realistic' shooter game, and the online is currently as big as Halo, and it's mainstream appeal is enormous.

Same thing will happen to the next big game that starts having it's ice melt, it's an easy target because it's no longer pushing envelopes, it's polishing the same shoes and occasionally coloring on it with markers, and permenting the marks when people think they look cool.


New member
Jun 11, 2011
it became an insult after it became the same game year after year and after it was just a way for activision to make more money.its an insult becuase its an insult to the gaming industry as a whole because it the last 3 of them were bland and overall average yet it continous to sell more than games that actually deserve it


New member
Feb 8, 2010
a. They're immensely popular.
b. They're console-simple, even for the PC.
c. They're rail shooters. Meaning anyone CAN be good at them once they learn to follow the directions they're explicitly given by the game.
d. Multiplayer is a fairly mindless fragfest where kills = perks = advantage = more kills = more perks = more advantage in an endless loop. Eventually the only distinction between players is how well they know the good camping spots and can get there first, thereby getting ahead on the killstreaks, thereby getting the perks for the map, thereby getting more ahead - you get the idea.

All of the above put together = "easy-mode FPS" to people like me that grew up on ones that punished us hard for failing (lose all your stuff and do the entire map over! And give me 20 before you start, n00b!). Hard games teach better, I think, and I credit the ones I learned on for teaching me to be a decently smart player either solo or as a team member.

So I played MW1, but didn't get 2 by choice, then a friend gave it to me for Christmas, then I played that too, and it's all the same. Then I played BF2-BC which was touted as "different" and THAT'S the same too! So I gave up. The End.

Edit: oh and the same goes for ME1&2. Rail shooters just don't do it for me, I need to be handed a problem that'll kick my @ss if I can't fight smart, and I need the freedom to be able to fight smart.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
bdcjacko said:
Cause people who label themselves as gamers get all snooty and think call of duty is beneath them because it is popular.
No, I think it's below me because the developers have gotten lazy with it, the publisher has turned it into the Madden of shooters and they haven't done anything truly new since Modern Warfare came out and had a campaign set in modern times, something we hadn't really seen a shooter do before.

After that we had Treyarch with WaW, yet another WWII shooter. Then MW2, which was passable. BlOps, which was yet another Treyarch outing that I wasn't impressed by at all. And now we have MW3, where the trailer shows an engine that we've seen since 2007, with re-used art assets, the whole 9 yards of lazy cash grab development.

The CoD series is a ghost of it's former self. It's disgusting and depressing at the same time. I desperately want to like the series, but between one of the most immature online communities (and I've played my share of WoW and play LoL really frequentlyly) and paint by numbers development I just can't anymore.

Also Elite was a huge middle finger to gamers. A veritable, "Hey, lets see what these dumbasses will throw money at now, they already ate up our $15 map packs! Idiots!"

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Kevlar Eater said:
For some time now, I have encountered this argument, and in various forums. Anytime someone talks about a game in a negative light, the fanboys and girls use this retort as their shield and sword:

"go bak 2 call uv dooty nub" or some variant to that.

If I complain about the Witcher 2 not having a proper tutorial, someone will inevitably tell me to go back to Call of Duty. It's either that or Dragon Age 2 is mentioned, as both games are made for the ritalin-popping and/or drunken frat boy masses due to their simplistic gameplay.
Around Modern Warfare 2, with all the balance issues, huge sales (with lots of young kids), and loss of dedicated servers. It tarnished the series reputation and has become the new "go back to Halo, noob" insult. This isn't new in any means, it just has a slightly different target.


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Mar 6, 2008

And by that, I mean people who think COD's the only game in the world. To paraphrase one of the posters here, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a Michael Bay movie, the problem comes about when all of one's movies are Michael Bay Flicks.

To answer the question though, when MW2 came out.

Arizona Kyle

New member
Aug 25, 2010
SteewpidZombie said:
The reason why Call of Duty is used as a insult and looked down upon, is because a large number of COD players tend to see it as superior to EVERY shooter out there. I personally have seen people who will try and win a game argument by simply repeating that COD is better, while someone who enjoys Battlefield games or others will instead give a reason as to why they PERSONALLY think the game is better (While some COD gamers will just say that COD just IS better regardless of personal choice).

I PERSONALLY like playing 'Homefront' or 'Battlefield: Bad Company 2'. Though about 70% of the time I mention those games to COD gamers, I am seeing insults directed towards my game choices or towards myself for playing the games.
Love Homefront and Battlefield but.... im really used to call of duty lol its hard to adjust to those games as well as coming back

Arizona Kyle

New member
Aug 25, 2010
Frostbite3789 said:
bdcjacko said:
Cause people who label themselves as gamers get all snooty and think call of duty is beneath them because it is popular.
No, I think it's below me because the developers have gotten lazy with it, the publisher has turned it into the Madden of shooters and they haven't done anything truly new since Modern Warfare came out and had a campaign set in modern times, something we hadn't really seen a shooter do before.

After that we had Treyarch with WaW, yet another WWII shooter. Then MW2, which was passable. BlOps, which was yet another Treyarch outing that I wasn't impressed by at all. And now we have MW3, where the trailer shows an engine that we've seen since 2007, with re-used art assets, the whole 9 yards of lazy cash grab development.

The CoD series is a ghost of it's former self. It's disgusting and depressing at the same time. I desperately want to like the series, but between one of the most immature online communities (and I've played my share of WoW and play LoL really frequentlyly) and paint by numbers development I just can't anymore.

Also Elite was a huge middle finger to gamers. A veritable, "Hey, lets see what these dumbasses will throw money at now, they already ate up our $15 map packs! Idiots!"
Well hey you know whats funny is that when you look at the size of the disks and iso's and stuff its like 60 percent of the disk... use all of the disk that you can.... dont give us map packs that you desided that you wanted to chop up and give to us later.... if your going to make us do DLC atleast make it fun... more weapon camo's or something. Im sure that people would eat that up so much that you wouldnt need to sell map packs give us something useful that doesnt mess with the game.

And hey if the CoD series is in need of idea's how about outerspace lol thats like the only place that it can go... or the future really that would be ok if they did it right how about we are fighting against something other then russians

Arizona Kyle

New member
Aug 25, 2010
Jegsimmons said:
because the casual gamers don't realize it's shit, and the gamers who are actual gamers that expect good quality out of 60 bucks would rather play something a bit more classy and with good writing.
%&$%# please pirate the game and save yourself 60 bucks... you think its good then buy it legit and help the developer out or if you think its crap delete and move on

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well damn it OP you can't post a question and then answer it, OP ninjas are not allowed!

And yes they became insults the moment devs made them for the slow kids, and being the fastest in the slow lane as some people like to boast is not much of an achievement.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Dawkter said:
4li3n said:
RT-Medic-with-shotgun said:
Seriosuly? I would say when every publisher and his mother wanted to clone it to make money off ot it thus leading to an endless string of modern FPS games with the same plot, same heroes, same locales, AND SAM MECHANICS!
You know what FPS's where called before the acronym became popular? Doom-clones...

And Delta Force was one of teh first games that had CoD's type of gameplay as i recall... actually i'm pretty sure the Delta Force that came out a few months before the first CoD had a lot of gameplay elements that are still in CoD right now...

Dawkter said:
(by the way, MW2's mechanics heavily improved and advanced MW1's)
Care to tel us how?
tel, huh?

I can tell you how MW2 improved on MW1 if you IMPROVE your grammar.

When a 16 year old tells you to improve your grammar you have some serious work to do.
I would like to see how MW2 improved upon MW1, because where I'm standing it ruined the series. They removed dedicated servers, removed leaning, incorporated other people's mods into their game without so much as a nod to their creators.


New member
May 5, 2010
Activision getting way too involved in the series ala MW2. That was the turning point for the series. I think Blops is trying to be better, but it's not working.