when do movies become porn and what is female nudity?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
It becomes porn when the sex scenes are the entire point in and of themselves rather than a plot device

Female nudity is when a woman isn't wearing clothes.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
The concept of pornography transcends sex. Porn is about baring everything and leaving nothing to the imagination. You might describe something as pornographic so long as everything is painfully underlined and shown over and over, showing something from all possible angles rather than working around the implications via some creative montage. Consider terms like "torture porn" or "gore porn" (AKA gorn). In these, "everything is shown", "everything is made explicit".

Cannibal Holocaust, for example, is borderline pornographic: the camera records real-time animals being dismembered and maimed, along with rape, murder and all other sorts of horrors. It doesn't shy away from anything. The fact that the porn aspect of the movie is carefully framed in found footage is the aforementioned border between porn and not porn: in a way, the characters who shot the footage turned reality into porn, while the characters that are watching the footage freely watch, stop, gag, and edit around it.

Regarding porn movies, I think the concept is the same (i.e. "bare everything, leave nothing to imagination") together with a very simple screenplay formula: every scene must end in sex. If something won't lead to sex, it is useless.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I'm surprised you have to ask this.

Porn is the explicit depiction of sex acts, for the depiction of sex acts. A sex scene in a move which is not the central aim of the movie, is not porn. If the point of the movie is to observe sex, it is porn, if the point is not, it is not.

Nudity is when someone is not clothed.

Jeez, could you just look in the dictionary?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
If it's there specifically to turn the viewer on, it's pornography (softcore or otherwise). Generally, nudity and sex is included specifically to hook people, which sets my internal prude on high alert. If you're going to include graphic sex and nudity, PLEASE have a good reason for it (ie. you couldn't depict the exact same action from shoulders up).


New member
Jul 5, 2009
From entertainment to porn to me has always been the focus on the sex, as in the difference between Debbie Does Dallas and A Room In Rome is that Debbie Does Dallas only had a plot so it could have sex. A Room In Rome actually gave the characters...well...character. It's also the graphicness of the sex. If you see penis entering vagina...porn. If a dude is pile driving a chick put all you see is tits and ass, no actual penetration...not exactly porn. Could be considered softcore porn, but that'd depend on the direction of the film.

As for female nudity...I see it the same as male nudity. When one isn't wearing any clothes.

Captcha: 8th Chevron
LOL! Just finished watching Stargate Universe again. Technically that was the ninth...but still.

Cry Wolf

New member
Oct 13, 2010
lechat said:
i'd have to say france you should be ashamed of yourself.
No, I'd say America - and the countries who follow similar doctrines - should be ashamed. The idea that graphic violence is okay yet sex isn't should be outrageous. More to the point, I think shame over sex is such an awful hold over from backwards religions.

OT: Eh, my only problem is that, unlike violence, there is only one way I enjoy sex in media is by myself with the lights out. Having it in a film where it is entirely irrelevant to the narrative just creates a significant pause where nothing is entertaining. While, as I said before, I belive said violence should be more shameful than sex - it doesn't mean sex should be a replacement.

My only definition between an R rated movie and pornography is the later is entirely created and consumed with the objective of sexual arousal while the former merely contains nudity.


New member
Jan 15, 2013
Lots of porn doesn't show those things, look at skinimax and basically all rated R sex movies. they are defiantly porn.

What you are talking about is hardcore porn.

For both these questions however the real thing comes down to just exactly the situation it is in.
Are you talking about for the media?
For the government?
Personal opinion?

most of this stuff is situational, and when dealing with tv intent is a HUGE thing...that is why panties that show less then a bikini are considered more sexual, it's the intent.

Sex sells, so it's everywhere. I would even say that what one person considers porn another person would just consider character or scene aspects. Just look at the way different country's view nudity.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I would dare say that you're not going to find a textbook definition of what is or is not sexual pornography.

There's a movie out there called "The Brown Bunny" it's boring as hell and I wouldn't advise watching it for any reason.
(To be clear, this is coming from a guy who watches a lot of arty-farty indy flicks)

I only bring it up because the final scene of the film contains a roughly 3 minute close up shot of Chloë Sevigny straight up blowing Vincent Gallo. To be fair I don't know for sure that it's Vincent Gallo being blown, but I'm confident I can identify a penis when I see one and there was absolutely a penis in Chloë Sevigny's mouth.

Anyway, this scene kinda comes out of nowhere and it has virtually no relevance to the plot.

By all conventional understanding that scene was absolutely pornographic. It was a graphic depiction of a penetrative sex act, it didn't advance the plot of the film and seemed to only exist to illicit a primal response from the viewer.

But I'll be damned if the movie didn't get a whole ton of awards and acclaim from the kind of people who wouldn't be caught dead watching movies containing the words "Horny", "Busty" or "Cheerleader Camp."


New member
Oct 16, 2011
I tend to hate porn in my moves, i watch movies to see things be killed and dudes be badass,


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I'd say it's porn when the material is intended to be viewed either as a way to spice up your sex, foreplay or masturbation. However there is a gray area since people get turned on by different things and intent isn't really enough.

I have seen unnecessary sex scenes that I wouldn't refer to as porn so that's not a good criteria either. I'll stick with my initial response here.

Also a woman is naked when she's not wearing any clothes. If you can only see her face she's still naked because she's not wearing any clothes. It's not rocket science.


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Fluffythepoo said:
France has nothing on Japan.. nothing
japan is actually quite tame compared to some european countries. for example if you watch japanese porn as a kid you prolly think the average vagina looks like this
as a comparison a movie mentioned above. shortbus has a scene involving a guy masturbating and ejaculating into his own mouth. the movie romance has a fairly detailed gynecological exam and the less said about anatomy of hell's scenes the better, although while i will say the film is garbage (imo) the graphic scenes in that are at least pivotal to the actual movie theme.

the way i am reading the average reply in this thread is that i can basically go out and make a movie where the plot outline is "a woman falls in love with her pet donkey who is actually the reincarnated soul of her dead husband" and as long as i have significant story you will all give the thumbs up to to a full blown donkey show

back to nudity again. obviously i know the literal definition of nudity but in the case of censorship it's pretty hard to classify a film as containing nudity when what you actually see is this:

in australia if a movie has a MA rating and contains scenes of breasts only, half of the time it will not even be classified as having nudity and i fail to see how a fully obstructed view of a vagina either by way of a piece of cloth or pubic hair rivaling bigfoots back doesn't somehow detract from being nude.

capture: think. create. do.
gotcha capture. arthouse donkey porn it is


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Well I watch a hell of a lot of porn anyways, much of which is pretty heavy shit. So I don't really have a line (bar illegal shit, of course). I don't see much of a need for sex scenes in films though. I mean, what is really the purpose? "These two characters are in a relationship, we must add in a sex scene so people understand that the relationship is intact sexually!". Bah, I don't know. It doesn't bother me really, I just don't see the point.

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
Easy, it's intention's and nothing else. In game of thrones when there's a 3 minute scene of whores fingering each other and moaning to learn the trade Littlefinger is revealing part of his personality as he talks to them, and then more of his backstory. When Theon is with women it again illustrated his personality, namely the more disgusting portions of it and also sets the story up for when
Osha tricks him
by making it more easily plausible because of the character progression. Most of these scenes are very graphic(full frontal nudity) beyond even what most mature movies go for, but at the end of the day it's a show about a grim dark world of politics with moral grey character progression and interaction.

Meanwhile porn movies often have some sort of lackluster story contrivance behind them. The pizza delivery guy, a runaway, one even had pirates; but the focus is always on the sex.

And it's really pretty easy to figure out the intentions of any given movie

And female nudity is as Wikipedia states: 'the state of wearing no clothing.' If she is wearing underwear, but topless, she is not nude. If she is wearing socks and nothing else, she is not nude.