When historians look back upon 2013 in terms of gaming...

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Meriatressia said:
The year 2013 will go down as year when absolutely zero good games came out. But a lot of grotesquely overated, overpromoted, overhyped, garbage, was pushed to the point is stank up everything.

This is one of the worst years in gaming I ever saw.

There has not been one single game I wanted, for the entire year. Absolutely zero.
There is absolutely zero coming out, and zero came out that was anything other than total and utter garbage.

It will also go down as the year that nonegame, pretentious, poser, bullcrap was pushed nonstop. In place of actual gaming, or writing of proper stories and games characters.

And the year that the sony and microsoft tried their best to kill their own companies.
They may actually succeed and kill their companies off, and the only console left that is'nt a money grabbing piece of nonegame garbage, will be the WiiU.
Someone sounds a bit bitter :3

I mean we did get a game from David Cage , famed gaming madman who should not be kept anywhere near sharp objects or design documents.


New member
Nov 1, 2011
The year of "Gaming is smart and deep, please respect us, please respect us, why don't you respect us?"

Maybe that's not completely fair, but there's so many games this year that seem to want to take themselves so very, very seriously and be artsy and make a point... not that there's anything wrong with that, but it does feel a bit like that phase in some teenager's lives where they start writing poetry with words like "heart", "thorn" or "darkness" to feel meaningful. Don't get me wrong, some of these games are fantastic (I adore BioShock Infinite), but there's just so damn many of them coming out, first with BioShock and that whole thing, then with The Last of Us, then with GTA V which some people seem to claim is that (I can't honestly see it, but, once again, mindset of the whole gaming community), also Brothers, Wolf Among Us, and so many, many more.

Honestly, for me it'll be remembered as the year of being afraid of not managing to save up for a 3DS before Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies comes out. I don't think I've been as hyped for a game since Skyrim. Hopefully this won't be as disappointing. I AM buying a whole system for it, after all.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I find it odd that people only look to the big releases when the big stories, if you want to call them that, had little to do with them. Bioshock Infinite was a perfectly fine game but didn't do anything particularly new or exciting. It was a well made thing in an industry that often produces well made things.

It was, however, a year of vitriol and bile and that more than anything else is the more important story. The community and the media simply jumped from one crisis after another and piled hatred and rage at one marginally deserving target after another. Before Mass Effect 3 such torrents of hatred were relatively rare and this year it seems that there is a new villain of the week. Diablo 3 and the auction house, unpopular opinions from amateur demagogs, Feature sets of consoles and a thousand other issues consumed the collective attention.

It has been a year of hatred only limited because of relative lack of easy capacity for violence; it has been a year largely devoid of useful discourse on any contentious subject. A year so blisteringly awful in this regard that threats of rape and murder are fantastically common, that the trend of such blind fanatical hatred itself is a topic of discussion, and a year where bile above all else has caused more than one notable figure in the industry to leave for less toxic endeavors.

If nothing else, this year has proven that the gaming public is just as petty and tribal as any other group and offered no legitimacy to any claim that the medium is adult in the slightest. It is hard to defend such a claim when the fan base acts as petulant sociopathic children when their whimsy isn't met at every turn.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
It will definitely be a year remembered for GTA V but there were a lot of great titles, most of which have been mentioned. I have had a great year of gaming and very happy as compared to last years slog (IMO).


New member
Mar 2, 2009
It will be the year of transition. A new generation is coming, and it shapes the release calendar of the entire second half of the year. 2013 will be the swam song of the current generation, and the start of the new one.

To me, 2012 was "the year of the indie". Games like Walking Dead proved that small, chapter sized games can compete toe-to-toe with the behemoths of the industry, specially when given the right output.