Dalisclock said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Dalisclock said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
I thought I beat Genichiro only to be met by his lightning form. It got me wondering if I have an added, self-imposed layer of difficulty by playing this game on a projector with 67ms of input lag (best case). I mean on one hand I beat Lady Butterfly pretty handedly with lesser stats, but this guy requires far more parrying with 3 life bars to get through, and a slow building posture meter. I also have the game on PC with a DS4 usb-connected, so I should try to match progress and see how much of a difference there is. Might even make a quick video for reference and fun.
I'm still working on his 2nd lifebar. He's easier to handle once his lifebar is down to half because then his posture actually depletes at a decent rate but until them you're chipping aware at him.
Haven't made it to the lightening round yet. I feel like I've got a decent handle on his moves but I mess up enough that it's not helping me much. I've found I accidentally try to do the overhead chop(ichimonji?) when I'm not trying to and he smacks me for it so I disabled that for the fight.
Apparently once Gen takes off his armor his posture breaks a lot faster....assuming you can survive his attacks.
For bosses I like Ichimonji over Whirlwind, which is the only other slot-able art I have so far. Either can be easily unintentional though since often youre guarding to regain posture. I like using it airborne as a counter sometimes.
Apparently you can also retaliate for big damage if he hits you with lightning while you?re airborne, provided you time the jump/attack right. I?ve only gotten to the third round twice before going back to do some more exploring. I know I?m not quite ready for Sunken Valley as the Snake Eye dude wrecks me pretty quickly, with that cannon as a ?fuck you? attack following any posture meter I managed to build him. I might be able to cheese him a bit on a nearby rock ledge but for a straight up posture battle I?m no match yet. I need perfect blocks or my meter fills about triple his going hit by hit.
If you haven?t yet, it?s well worth dropping down the atrium inside Ashina Castle too. Locking on to death blow an elite on the way down is a nice bonus.
Oh, I did some exploring already before this. I've been putting off gen partially due to being intimidated and hoping to get stronger. I've cleared Senpou temple as much as I can at this point in the story(including the caterpillar mini-boss who is surprisingly weak to deflects because of how hyper aggressive he is). I've reached the sunken valley but not proceeded beyond the first idol because of the snipers and made it down the ashina depths to the point I hit a snake eyes in a poison swamp(because of course there's a poison swamp. THERE'S ALWAYS A POISON SWAMP). I guess I could try to go on but I want to try to take down gen tonight if I can.
But yeah, I've pretty much cleared out Ashina castle, other then that one seven spears mini-boss who I don't feel like I'm ready for yet.
By some miracle and an embarrassing amount of tries over the last couple nights I finally took down Gen. I?ve gotten pretty good with the first two bars but by the third my nerves would wear thin, and I wasn?t familiar with his new perilous attacks. I made it to his third phase a half dozen or so times before getting somewhat in tune with how to handle it; that along with probably some unseen aid of sorts.
From what I gathered, the first two phases I always stayed towards the right (his left), including dodging everything that needed to be. We?d trade blows and parry until he got ready to do a perilous and Id only Mikiri the one he does after his own Ichimonji(?), which I?d dodge to the right of first. Also do an Ichimonji after landing a Mikiri counter or heal. I never went for more than three hits at a time and always kept my posture in the pale section when on offense, putting as much pressure as I could get away with.
Avoid getting stuck near walls because I think he?s more comfortable there knowing you can?t strafe around him to the side. I was eventually able to finish the first two phases pretty well, only healing once or twice. It can go pretty quick if you keep control of the fight and don?t give him any real openings. I?d only back far off if I needed to heal, and the charged arrow he almost always does is easy enough to dodge after a slight delay.
The third phase was pretty much the same except avoiding the new perilous attacks where he runs at you, and jumping slightly after he goes airborne for the lightning. It?s kinda tough to retaliate with R1 much; only managed a couple times overall. The key for me was using firecrackers to keep him off guard and whittle down his posture. I almost missed my chance at a deathblow when he staggered me right at the end because I was trapped in a corner. I?d probably still be there trying if it was a split second longer getting to him, and then there?s that extra deathblow prompt to watch for.
It was pretty exhilarating to say the least. What?s more is I?ve gotten used to doing boss fights without using consumables. Mostly because it seems I?d just end up wasting them anyways being too inexperienced with the fight at first.