Where the hell is guild wars 2?


New member
Aug 17, 2012
airwolfe591 said:
As has been said, there is a sort of Guest service. You and your friends don't need to be on the same server to play together, you can party up just like in any other game, and join their server (or them join yours), all can be done in game, without having to change servers or any of that. The only thing being on a different home server limits you to is World versus World, I don't think it affects Structured PvP either.

All in all, i think their system is very smart, for being a mmo without a monthly subscription. If I found I wanted more character slots, or to move servers (I'm content on Dragonbrand) I'd just save up in game gold and purchase the gems.
(sorry for the copy paste here but you bring up the same point as Glademaster *ducks*) Huh. Last time I was playing the guest system was still not working and to be implemented sometime soon (tm).
If its in there now, all the better.

Might even start playing again, but... don't get me started on the ingame shop & ingame economy ^^


New member
Feb 3, 2010
psyco said:
Might even start playing again, but... don't get me started on the ingame shop & ingame economy ^^
What about the shop and economy? Maybe I WANT to get you started!


New member
Aug 17, 2012
BloatedGuppy said:
What about the shop and economy? Maybe I WANT to get you started!
Aww, now you're just trying to be nice ;) And well, since you asked! From what I heard and saw the shop SEEMS reasonable enough though xp boosts and yadda yadda still irk me... but on that note, its really more of a principle thing. Guild Wars 1 had the same pricing model 'free' (ha) and made up for that by cleverly releasing pricey (eh, imo, obviously) expansion at really regular intervals. I mean, in my opinion, you can go subscription, free with microtransactions or buy-once-and-own and... Guild Wars 2 breaks that rule for me. That is all. It -feels- uncomfortable to me when I play, almost like they are cheating. Hm... kind of like the Sims with its bajillion expansions (I think they even made one for weather, what the frig...). Apologies for the lack of a better word or explanation.

Aaand the economy is basically me being either crazy paranoid or just disappointed. Paranoid me sometimes suspects that they (tm) had the Trading Post AND mail down intentionally to boost their awesomesauce shop (again with the shop! bad psyco!). Disappointed, more regular ol' me just thinks that simple things like grouping and trading should be in an mmo at launch... working.
Of course, thanks to the all-server-encompassing scale of the Trading Post prices turn out to also be ridiculous. This is good for the person that just vendors every piece of equipment they happen to loot (and can't wear/isn't an upgrade) as the buying prices are very low, but it is incredibly bad for crafters. And who crafts, you ask? Well, in GW2, everyone (and their aunt) because it gives a pretty sum of xp, especially around the higher levels. Well, okay, people that really really hate crafting probably won't do it, but I suspect that those will be rare. In any case, this in turn means that a larger-than-usual crowd of people all over the world (you can't even rely on peak times or whatnot, buh :-/ ) is selling and undercutting like madmen to the point where, again, vendoring your stuff gives you a better price than using the Trading Post.
And this doesn't even include the fact that (this part is information from Reddit, I have not sold anything on the Trading Post myself due to the reasons mentioned above) when you sell something on the Trading Post, you have to pay a percentage when you put it up (perfectly fine), which does not get refunded when you chancel the auction (meh...) and if you sell it you also have to pay yet another percentage (*grumblemumbles cursewords*). Its not as bad as Diablo 3 were you get fined 3 times, but it still sucks - especially with profits this low.

I think the only things that will sell well right now are crafting materials, maybe? For the lazy and all that, but then again right now many people are still questing so why would they walk past/ignore nodes? So, maybe later? Possibly? I don't know...

You asked! :)

(and this went very OT rather quickly...)
Sep 3, 2011
I would like to thank everyone for helping me out a bit here i have now got my dirty paws on a Digital copy of the game, my ranting helped my rage cool down

back to lurking!

*lurk lurk lurk*


New member
Feb 3, 2010
psyco said:
Aww, now you're just trying to be nice ;) And well, since you asked! From what I heard and saw the shop SEEMS reasonable enough though xp boosts and yadda yadda still irk me... but on that note, its really more of a principle thing. Guild Wars 1 had the same pricing model 'free' (ha) and made up for that by cleverly releasing pricey (eh, imo, obviously) expansion at really regular intervals. I mean, in my opinion, you can go subscription, free with microtransactions or buy-once-and-own and... Guild Wars 2 breaks that rule for me. That is all. It -feels- uncomfortable to me when I play, almost like they are cheating. Hm... kind of like the Sims with its bajillion expansions (I think they even made one for weather, what the frig...). Apologies for the lack of a better word or explanation.

Aaand the economy is basically me being either crazy paranoid or just disappointed. Paranoid me sometimes suspects that they (tm) had the Trading Post AND mail down intentionally to boost their awesomesauce shop (again with the shop! bad psyco!). Disappointed, more regular ol' me just thinks that simple things like grouping and trading should be in an mmo at launch... working.
Of course, thanks to the all-server-encompassing scale of the Trading Post prices turn out to also be ridiculous. This is good for the person that just vendors every piece of equipment they happen to loot (and can't wear/isn't an upgrade) as the buying prices are very low, but it is incredibly bad for crafters. And who crafts, you ask? Well, in GW2, everyone (and their aunt) because it gives a pretty sum of xp, especially around the higher levels. Well, okay, people that really really hate crafting probably won't do it, but I suspect that those will be rare. In any case, this in turn means that a larger-than-usual crowd of people all over the world (you can't even rely on peak times or whatnot, buh :-/ ) is selling and undercutting like madmen to the point where, again, vendoring your stuff gives you a better price than using the Trading Post.
And this doesn't even include the fact that (this part is information from Reddit, I have not sold anything on the Trading Post myself due to the reasons mentioned above) when you sell something on the Trading Post, you have to pay a percentage when you put it up (perfectly fine), which does not get refunded when you chancel the auction (meh...) and if you sell it you also have to pay yet another percentage (*grumblemumbles cursewords*). Its not as bad as Diablo 3 were you get fined 3 times, but it still sucks - especially with profits this low.

I think the only things that will sell well right now are crafting materials, maybe? For the lazy and all that, but then again right now many people are still questing so why would they walk past/ignore nodes? So, maybe later? Possibly? I don't know...

You asked! :)

(and this went very OT rather quickly...)
Well, I can speak to a few things here.

1. The boosts from the cash shoppe are really, really piss-poor, with the possible exception of the crafting boost, which is wonderful for getting you over low-material humps. I barely even notice when an XP one is running. I got a few out of Black Lion chest, of which I've opened about 25 now (all with keys off alts or found in the chests themselves).

2. There is absolutely nothing in the shop to mitigate the trading post being down. The biggest hit was no way to access crafting mats when you needed, say, just one more scale to get over a hump. No help from the cash shop there, unless you wanted to soothe your grief with a mini pet or a pair of boxing gloves.

3. Due to the RIDICULOUS XP gains from crafting, it's REALLY popular, so the trading post is indeed flooded with goods. Crafting is not a money maker right now. It's worth doing just for the XP and pleasure of crafting, though, if you enjoy crafting. Cooking is hugely entertaining.

4. Vendoring is indeed the best route at the moment for most stuff. Obviously for rarer gear like yellows and up this will not be the case, and lots of rarer crafting materials can be quite valuable.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
psyco said:
BloatedGuppy said:
What about the shop and economy? Maybe I WANT to get you started!
Aww, now you're just trying to be nice ;) And well, since you asked! From what I heard and saw the shop SEEMS reasonable enough though xp boosts and yadda yadda still irk me... but on that note, its really more of a principle thing. Guild Wars 1 had the same pricing model 'free' (ha) and made up for that by cleverly releasing pricey (eh, imo, obviously) expansion at really regular intervals. I mean, in my opinion, you can go subscription, free with microtransactions or buy-once-and-own and... Guild Wars 2 breaks that rule for me. That is all. It -feels- uncomfortable to me when I play, almost like they are cheating. Hm... kind of like the Sims with its bajillion expansions (I think they even made one for weather, what the frig...). Apologies for the lack of a better word or explanation.

Aaand the economy is basically me being either crazy paranoid or just disappointed. Paranoid me sometimes suspects that they (tm) had the Trading Post AND mail down intentionally to boost their awesomesauce shop (again with the shop! bad psyco!). Disappointed, more regular ol' me just thinks that simple things like grouping and trading should be in an mmo at launch... working.
Of course, thanks to the all-server-encompassing scale of the Trading Post prices turn out to also be ridiculous. This is good for the person that just vendors every piece of equipment they happen to loot (and can't wear/isn't an upgrade) as the buying prices are very low, but it is incredibly bad for crafters. And who crafts, you ask? Well, in GW2, everyone (and their aunt) because it gives a pretty sum of xp, especially around the higher levels. Well, okay, people that really really hate crafting probably won't do it, but I suspect that those will be rare. In any case, this in turn means that a larger-than-usual crowd of people all over the world (you can't even rely on peak times or whatnot, buh :-/ ) is selling and undercutting like madmen to the point where, again, vendoring your stuff gives you a better price than using the Trading Post.
And this doesn't even include the fact that (this part is information from Reddit, I have not sold anything on the Trading Post myself due to the reasons mentioned above) when you sell something on the Trading Post, you have to pay a percentage when you put it up (perfectly fine), which does not get refunded when you chancel the auction (meh...) and if you sell it you also have to pay yet another percentage (*grumblemumbles cursewords*). Its not as bad as Diablo 3 were you get fined 3 times, but it still sucks - especially with profits this low.

I think the only things that will sell well right now are crafting materials, maybe? For the lazy and all that, but then again right now many people are still questing so why would they walk past/ignore nodes? So, maybe later? Possibly? I don't know...

You asked! :)

(and this went very OT rather quickly...)
I presonally much prefer Gw's system of offering large-scale expansions to optionally purchase (And I don't mind the cost. Sure, they're more pricey than your usual 'expansion' but each of them is an entire new campaign and map just about as large as the original, and 40$ was a perfectly reasonable price for what you got), compared to having to pay continuously just for the privilege to play at all. And I quite like the way the trading post is working. Most games, you have to pay an arm and a leg to get anything at all, here, I can get decent items at a decent price. And the posting fees are really really minor.
Jun 11, 2008
psyco said:
Glademaster said:
You get guested on to a friend's server or you can spend your own money less than 3g on gems to change to a high pop server others are cheaper. You do not have to spend any money at any stage.
Huh. Last time I was playing the guest system was still not working and to be implemented sometime soon (tm).
If its in there now, all the better.
Yes that is because the free transfers is on as soon as it is done the system is meant to be implemented,


May 1, 2008
A buddy of mine managed to locate a copy for sale yesterday, though from where I do not know.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Wolfhowl the shadow lurker said:
A freind of mine told me that this game was the place to be and i had the money so why not?

Looked it up on play.com.. out of stock. Ok! try amazon... out of stock.

Steam will save me! not on steam..

ok well thats fine i guess i'll have to stop being lazy and took the bus into town, half a hour and four shops later i found!

Wait for it!


No guild wars 2 its a shame it looked like fun and i want to give it a go but i can't find any copys! anywhere!

Put an order down on play so im on the waiting for stock list which does not feel like a happy place..

rant over!
You can buy it off the site right now. It's reopened. :)


New member
Sep 9, 2011
yuval152 said:
BigOrteil said:
I think you can buy it directly on their website.
Sold out too.

OT: They need more servers.
"Out of stock"
"Sold out"

...sorry guys, we've ran out of bits!
This will never stop to amuse me about digital distribution. Make up some less silly and more reasonable term, dammit! :-D