Which Critics/Journalists do You Enjoy?


Sep 23, 2014
With the torrent of conspiracy theories about critics and journalists lately (especially in video games) and the absolutely depressing way they've been demonized as a scourge to freedom of expression, I thought it'd be nice to lighten the mood a little.

Which critics and journalists do you enjoy? Are there people that can genuinely motivate you to purchase an item, or steer clear of it? I am lumping critics and journalists together because there is a lot of overlap between criticism and journalism and it's not uncommon for people to be involved in both.

I'll drop a few of my favourites to start.

George Weidman (Super Bunnyhop): My personal favourite game critic currently. His style is both very insightful and easy to digest. He isn't afraid to dig deep into a game mechanically, aesthetically or stylistically to pinpoint what makes them so good or what makes them failures. His "Critical Close-Up" series is essentially a series of video essays (mostly on Metal Gear Solid) that really do not fool around. But at the same time he doesn't come off as pretentious, he trusts that the viewer is on the same level as he is and his critique always seems very sincere.

Charlie Brooker: Cited as one of Yahtzee's biggest influences, Charlie Brooker is a former games journalist that has recently blossomed into a beautiful butterfly (or hybrid of comedian, writer, newspaper columnist, that works too).

He is best known these days for two things. First, presenting a series of comedic review shows ending in -Wipe (Screenwipe dealt with television, Newswipe dealt with journalism, Gameswipe dealt with video games and his annual end-of-year "-Wipes" deal with all of them). Secondly he is the creator of the critically acclaimed "Black Mirror" series, of which he wrote most of the episodes. I highly recommend a large bulk of his material. It might be hard to keep track of so I made a summary:

- Screenwipe (comedic TV review show)
- Newswipe (comedic show that looks at journalism. VERY recommended for people with genuine concerns about ethics in journalism these days.)
- Gameswipe (a special that took a look at video games)
- How TV Ruined Your Life (a TV review show similar to Screenwipe but presented in a more thematic fashion)
- *insert year here* Wipe (an annual review show that is a mixture of all of the above)
- Weekly Wipe (a short series of weekly episodes that is similar to the annual Wipes)
- Dead Set (drama series set in the Big Brother house during a zombie apocalypse)
- Black Mirror (anthology series similar to The Twilight Zone focussed on a satirical view of the dangers of technology)

Anthony Fantano (The Needle Drop): My favourite music reviewer. Has an extremely eclectic taste and very informed opinions, but also a laid-back and rather gentle style that doesn't take itself too seriously. His personality is quite infectious and even when we have different opinions, he's hard for me not to like. If he recommends an album I will probably give it a listen.

If you want a critic that isn't as pretentious as those on Pitchfork and isn't as sycophantic as those writing for more mainstream publications, check him out.

Mark Kermode: Like the other critics I mentioned, Mark Kermode mixes a substantial level of insight and honesty with a dry sense of wit. He gives credit where credit is due but also doesn't go light on films that he genuinely dislikes. He's also very entertaining to watch/listen to, at least for me. The way he plays off radio host Simon Mayo cracks me up, especially when he gets melodramatic.

So yeah, who are your favourites? I'm genuinely curious.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Used to be Roger Ebert. His site has some good critics but nobody really compares. Yahtzee and the Nostalgia Critic are fun. And that's about it.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Lindsey Ellis

although she's in the "internet reviewer" league (the quality of which varys0 I find both her Nostalgia Chick videos and "Booze your own adventure" to be funny, interesting and informative

she just doesn't update enough


New member
Jan 2, 2015
I like and used to follow these journalists:
- James Agee: a journalist, critic, poet, screenwriter and novelist who wrote the text for Let Us Now Praise Famous Men [http://suomalainen-netticasino.net], a celebration of depression-era sharecropper families.
- Christiane Amanpour: long-time and distinguished international reporter for CNN; now also works for ABC News.
- Ed Bradley: a reporter who covered the Vietnam War, the 1976 presidential race, and the White House at CBS and who was a correspondent on 60 Minutes for 26 years.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Jeremy Jahns - The energy. The energy!! Funny, honest, straight to the point and won't bow down to fan boy demands. Recently he said he didn't hate Interstellar, just the third act was a let down. His comment section was just filled with angry angry fans of Nolan. He didn't hate the movie and rated it "A good time No alcohol required" (basically his third top rating). But back to the point, great reviewer and a fan of movies.

Chris Stuckmann - This guy knows movies and breaks them down. Rather than the generic "It's shit cause it's Michael Bay" or "It's the best because its Nolan, dah", he actually breaks it down and explains why its actually really bad or really good. He looks at all sides and point out a plot, writing, shots and editing of a movie. And his Indie movie reviews are really detailed and honest. He appreciates the small production movie which others don't do much.


Oct 28, 2013
I enjoy me some Charlie Brooker, Mark Kermode, JonTron, Nostalgia Critic, Nostalgia Chick, TotalBiscuit and Yahtzee. A couple of those names were added thanks to previous contributors in this thread. I wish Nostalgia Chick would get more videos out as well, because I love watching her stuff. The ones on the list who usually get the biggest laughs out of me are Brooker, Croshaw and Kermode.


Living undeath to the fullest
Sep 21, 2014
Oh yes, SuperBunnyhop. Great guy. Actually the best journalistic content in gaming imo.

Re:Roll. Youtube-Channel with great content. Much smaller than he should be.

Well, TotalBiscuit and Yahtzee.

I should look more for names. Somehow I only remember the aliases D:


New member
Oct 12, 2013
Love me some Angry Joe, while he isn't as analytically as Total Biscuet or the mentioned Bunnyhop, his reviews are still pretty fun and enjoyable and while he does have his faults ( he kind of gets a little too emotional and he does get a little too angry) I still think he is a pretty damn good reviewer


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
I prefer reviewers on the internet, personally. Not just Yahtzee, but folks like the Nostalgia Critic, The Angry Video Game Nerd, The Spoony One, Linkara, and SFDebris, to name a few.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Matthew Matosis

The dude just takes games apart like a 10-armed robot. No stone is left unturned. He also blissfully leaves out any sort of forced comedy, and let's the providing of information itself be the entertainment.

Mark Kermode is usually pretty great, but he can sometimes have a weird sense of things with certain movies.

Lord Krunk

New member
Mar 3, 2008
Charlie Brooker is definitely one of my favourites, although more from an entertainment perspective than anything else. I don't share his tastes entirely, but I adore his dry sense of humour.

For actually deciding on what to buy, watch and play though, I'd say that I always come back to Yahtzee. His taste in videogames is more or less exactly like mine, albeit I tend to be a lot more forgiving. I think Bioshock, Sunset Overdrive and Mass Effect 2 are the only games he's reviewed that I've disagreed with him on. He did renege on Bioshock after the fact, though.

TotalBiscuit is also fantastic because his style of Lets Play is, in all honesty, the future of video game reviews. A solid half hour of the game with a discussion on the good and the bad really works for video game reviews, and TB is at the forefront of it. I honestly think most review publications are more or less obsolete with people like him around.

I never read reviews for TV because I've never seen anyone get it right, and for films I always used to watch At The Movies' Margaret and David, who are basically Australia's Siskel and Ebert. They both keep an open mind and keep the films' intended audiences at the forefront of their recommendation. I've never agreed with either of them 100%, but their discussions are spot on. David likes style, Margaret likes substance. Once you cotton onto that, you'll get a very good idea of what you will and won't like from them.

EDIT: I'm not going to mention the funny men of reviews, like JonTron and Nostalgia Critic, because they're critics like Neil Degrasse-Tyson is a scientist. Technically correct, but I'm watching them to be entertained, not for an non-exaggerated opinion. I also cringe at their sketches most of the time.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Erm... I do watch the occasional TotalBiscuit and Angry Joe video (though the latter is more for the silly amusement, than anything else). Umm... hmm.

Oh I do also watch Coverkillernation, who is a heavy metal reviewer, from time to time. I also read the odd review of albums on Metal-Archives, though I guess that would be stretching the terms "critic" and "journalist" exceptionally thin.

Other than that I've got nothing, really. I've never been too into reviewers and critics. Since my own tastes are quite diverse, and I often like stuff that is disliked by the norm, I've always just blotted out others opinions and come to my own personal conclusions about things.

Suffice to say, the whole debate about "ethics in games journalism" has been wholly unimportant to me, which, I believe, has been a blessing.

Edit: I also dig Angry Video Game Nerd, but at that point we well and truly are stretching those definitions thin.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 11, 2013
As far as names I know, not just sites:
-Yahtzee; yes, I consider him an actual reviewer, not just entertainment.
- Angry Joe
- TotalBisquit
- Linkara
- SFDebris


New member
Jun 9, 2012
I just discovered Super Bunnyhop about 3-4 weeks ago and I've been binge watching EVERYTHING since. He does feel like a proper journalist(probably because he's studied journalism) and his editorials are great work. His half an hour video about VR gaming was one of the best video pieces into gaming tech I've ever seen.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Add another one to the Super Bunnyhop fan club. I'm consistently impressed by the content Mr. Weidman produces. They're eloquent, intelligent and often thought-provoking. What's more, he actually has a journalism degree, which is more than can be said for many enthusiast "reviewer" personas out there. What's even more impressive is that it's basically a side project of his when he's not working at his main job.


New member
Nov 13, 2010
Casual Shinji said:
Matthew Matosis

The dude just takes games apart like a 10-armed robot. No stone is left unturned. He also blissfully leaves out any sort of forced comedy, and let's the providing of information itself be the entertainment.
Seconding this. The only real problem with Matthew is the type of content he does, while fantastic, means he doesn't churn out as much content as others and you have to wait weeks, if not months, for him to put something out, but it's usually worth the wait and often 20-40 minutes in length. His silky smooth Irish accent more than makes up for it though.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I like TotalBiscuit and Jim Sterling.

TotalBiscuit is informative and his videos appeal to me as a PC gamer. Jim Sterling is both informative and humorous. I really enjoy the Jimquisition and the videos where he slams crappy early access games.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Not mentioned yet? I do like MrBtongue. Don't know if he counts. I don't think he thinks he dose. But I also enjoy Red Letter Media. I like there system of do you recommend it? Then a yes or a no. All you need really.

For comedy? I like Spoony when he's not doing a million videos about Wrestling. And Todd in the Shadows is funny. Although I'm completely ignorant of pop music so there is that.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
SFDebris is good for critique of science fiction.
Confused Matthew when he updates because he tends to have the same problems with films that I do.
Jim Sterling when he's in review mode.
TotalBiscuit is a nice PC centric reviewer and provides a lot of depth.