which game and character do you hate the most?


New member
Aug 23, 2011
So let your hate out in this thread. Name one game and one game character that you despise, and explain why.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
I hate any "tie in" games. If they are based on a movie, show, book, children's toy, or whatever, they are always bad. Also, Superman games tend to suck.

Do really cheap enemies count as a character that I hate? Because I really hate enemies that have stats and abilities that stun lock or instant kill you. Probably the worst of all time would be Malboros in Final Fantasy games. If you're not protected from negative status effects, you'll just slowly die from Bad Breath. No worse torture in a game that slowly watching your characters die and being powerless to stop it.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
The game I hate the most is Kingdom Hearts. It is a crossover that never should have happened in my opinion. It led to things like Squall being referred to as Leon... I just don't like the way that dozens of characters are taken completely out of context (At least one of which, I might add, is dead) and mixed with Disney characters.

The only character I've hated was Quina because he/she/it was just so annoying and looked ridiculous. I'd put up with Tidus' whining over that useless lump any day.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
that one game with the character who kept on making 'what do you hate' threads even though they've been done to death already and have always been annoying as hell...


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Games i hate, hm... Not really sure. Can't think of any off the top of my head, i always try to find something good about every game i buy so i won't feel like i wasted money. Call it denial if you will i call it favourable undermining of inconvenient facts.

A character i hate would be Yoshi.
Since in Super Mario Sunshine he was about as water resistant as fizzy pop and he still has that annoying voice. Plus that fact that he's been seen as "an adorable iconic sidekick" just annoys me as well 'cause i really can't see anything adorable about him. Maybe it's hidden behind that giant nose of his!

Also i dislike that Sun from earlier Mario games... for obvious reasons.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Half Life 2, and Alyx Vance/Gordon Freeman.
Half Life 2 is just a mediocre FPS with a gravity gun gimmick and a few puzzles (It was vastly overrated), while having Vance who is just super fucking annoying. And Freeman is just a mediocre, overrated protagonist.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I'll take the easy route and go with my least favorite game of all time, The World Ends with You for the DS. Every negative stereotype associated with J-RPGs applies to it, from a cast of bitchy, unlikeable characters to a convoluted, pretentious, nonsensical plot to a gimmicky and easily breakable battle system. As far as a character I hate goes, I'll just take that game's protagonist, Neku Sakuraba. He has no redeeming qualities of any kind; he is misanthropic for no reason other than he thinks it's cool, his fashion sense is atrocious(even though he works very hard on it), and he constantly insists that he cares about nothing at all(untrue) before he makes a complete 180 halfway through the game and turns into an obnoxious, saccharine wiener. The only character I can think of who appeals to me less is Sonic the Hedgehog, or perhaps Mega Man.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Tf2, i hate it because i love it, the weapons are uncomfortable for me to use and my laptop with radeon 3200 graphics card just can't run it at even 5fps...

so i hate it because i want to play it so much but can't


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I can't boil my hate down to one character, so I'm gonna say the majority of JRPG protagonists. The ones with no substance, the ones with no motivation ("I wanna be the best!" does not count), and the ones who go through great lengths to protect a girl they hardly know


New member
Aug 29, 2010
duke nukem forever

and the duke i really hate

his lines are so dull and he has a delay between every line HES BORING!


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Team Fortress 2, because I have it on the Xbox, The game doesn't balance very well, and because it infuriates the shit out of me.

My most hated character would have to be the engineer. It wouldn't be so bad if they couldn't repair the sentry faster than someone could damage it.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
teqrevisited said:
The only character I've hated was Quina because he/she/it was just so annoying and looked ridiculous. I'd put up with Tidus' whining over that useless lump any day.
Why do so many people hate Quina? I thought he/she was awesome.

w9496 said:
Team Fortress 2, because I have it on the Xbox, The game doesn't balance very well, and because it infuriates the shit out of me.

My most hated character would have to be the engineer. It wouldn't be so bad if they couldn't repair the sentry faster than someone could damage it.
It's all about where you place your sentry. Obviously putting it out in the open would get it destroyed quickly. But if you put it someplace like a choke point or around a corner, people would have a harder time getting to your sentry without getting themselves killed.

If you play the PC version, (which I highly recommend now since it's free) you can unlock an engineer item that allows you to make mini-sentries which deploy themselves really quickly. They can allow you to play more offensively as an engineer.

OT: The game I probably hate the most would be Final Fantasy X-2. No offense to anyone who likes the game, but I just couldn't get into it. The gameplay is kind of bland and the characters are really annoying and badly voiced.

As for my most hated character, it would have to be Rikku from both FFX and FFX-2. I just found her to be incredibly annoying and she seems to take up more screen time than some of the characters I actually liked. Like Lulu or Kimahri.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Despised COD 3.
Just pure awfulness.

As for character?
By Azura by Azura... it must be the adoring fan from Oblivion!
Seriously though, I hate him.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Game: None. What's the point of playing something that infuriates you ?

Character: Commander Sheppard. We have nothing in common. I don't speak about being "better than Commander Shepard". I simply perceive him/her as a cold robot with facial expressions of Moai and since i am of opposite character - i don't take pleasure with Shep being my avatar in the universe of ME.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
The single most irritating character I can think of is the commentator voice from Dirt 2. Not sure if that counts. But damn, he's annoying.

Games? I really didn't like Gears of War 2, it felt clunky and horrible. And aside from Portal I don't really like any Valve games, which is odd.


New member
May 29, 2011
Game: CoD: w@w. okay, so this statement isn't entirely true. i don't hate the game itself, i hate the game's enviroment. the background music is eerie and occasionally has a futuristic feel to it, whereas the game takes place in fucking WW2, so they should be playing something heroic and triumphant in the background, not something that sounds eerie or frightening. unless, of course, treyarch was planning on making an eerie hidden backstory that will explain "hey everyone! this game is a survival horror game, not a WW2 FPS!" oh right, nazi zombies.
Character: John smith 117 (master chief). his voice sounds like somebody put rocks in a blender and his power armour after the first halo is ugly. not to mention he has almost no personality and his love interest is a hologram of someone who died on reach.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Saltyk said:
I hate any "tie in" games. If they are based on a movie, show, book, children's toy, or whatever, they are always bad. Also, Superman games tend to suck.
What about Star Wars: Battlefront II?

That game was great fun.