Which game has the WORST story


New member
Nov 14, 2007
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I have to say Half-Life 1.

"Okay so shit just hit the fan, so let's survive."

"Wait, you want me to flood a room full of flames to get rid of this tentacle beast?"

"Now you want me to set off another missle to interfere with the alien teleporter thingies?"

"Now I have to go to their world... WHY? And what do I do or find there?"
Ok lol. So a secret science facility goes wack, and the military goes in to clear up and remove witnesses, and you got framed for the incident thus you have to flee by any means.
You have to stop aliens from invading. And thats bad storytelling? You mad.

Hl2 on the other hand? what you wake up in a train after 20 years? weird. The combine wants to just kill you because you showed your face to antagonist. Ok ok. Something about antlions a crazy pastor. Lots of more combine and 1000+ explosive barrels, some scientists that are some stuck up douches and a whiney daughter..Then you have to blow some antenna that talks with aliens. So supposedly now theirs aliens everywhere and they shoot missiles with headcrabs around everywhere for fun. And have helicopters with 99999 mines in them. Now thats BAD.

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
The Diabolical Biz said:
The Great Gatsby, for the NES. I played that game believing that the plot was true to the book. I went on to read the book, and was SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED. I couldn't even finish, such was the depth of my despair!
You didn't miss much. There are only 4 levels.

OT: Call of Duty 3 and onwards.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Street Fighter 4.

Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Hell, any fighting game's story mode!

Also James Bond: Agent Under Fire. Clones, WTF?


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Borderlands. Combine that with the worst gameplay from an FPS Ive ever seen it makes it a pretty horrendous game