Which game/s do you think have the best music, and why?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Firstly, this was inspired by the Extra Credits episode Videogame Music (taking late-to-the-party to new heights), and that should probably be watched as well. Secondly, please don't have this devolve into sea of YouTube links; if you simply must include links to pieces then please use the spoiler tags - [ spoiler ] and [ / spoiler ] without the spaces - so the discussion isn't overwhelmed by the examples.

Now, I don't intend the purpose of this thread to be the same as the thousands of similar ones, where it's nothing but Escapists posting examples of what they think are the best pieces of music, but hopefully where people attempt to explain their opinion instead of merely stating it. I would really like this to become a discussion on precisely the reasons you think a game or games deserves to receive praise for its music, and deriving from that a discussion on what, exactly, we look for in videogame music and what, in general terms, we consider to be "good music". Why do you enjoy a certain game's music more than that of any else? What is it that draws you to it, or implants it firmly in your mind? Is it the music itself, or the game, or a combination of the music and the context of the game? To what extent, if any, do your videogame music preferences relate to you preferences for music in general? Please think about these and similar things before you post.

I'll go first: By far, my favourite videogame music comes from the Touhou games. While first and foremost they possess supremely addictive melodies and beats, quite a few also manage to be deep and involving, to fit the atmosphere almost perfectly despite the vast disparity, and to be just as enjoyable either in the game or listening to them by themselves. While of course not all of them are brilliant, even the most mediocre of ZUN's pieces have that strange charm that permeates Touhou in general, nostalgic and even mythic, with incredible originality and undeniable power. From Stage 1 to the Extra stage, from the first game to the most recent, from the gorgeous to the energetic, from the haunting to the just plain weird. And all from one man with a synthesiser.

Eternal Shrine Maiden, the very first stage theme for the very first game, Touhou Reiiden ~ Highly Responsive to Prayers
Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life, the final boss theme for Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes, the Stage 1 theme for Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night
Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome, the Stage 5 theme for Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night
The Gensoukyou the Gods Loved, the Stage 3 theme for Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith
Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind, the final boss theme for Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object

So that's my favourite. What is yours?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Definitely Shadow of the Colossus. You ride around in a silent, empty world and then you face a giant, monstrous colossus and this epic orchestral music kicks in
It makes the already awesome fights seem even bigger, more suspenseful. I dare say the game would be only half as good without this tracks.

I also absolutely love the songs in Gitaroo Man. Every single one is different but very catchy in its own way. I think the diversity of the tracks is what makes the game so great.
My favourites:
<spoiler=Flying to Your Heart><youtube=PJFMWQKgaM0>
<spoiler=Born to Be Bone><youtube=5tHmJwM6bc0>


New member
Jul 28, 2010
RAKtheUndead said:
Final Fantasy, from I to XII at the very least, Doom, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn and Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, the Metroid Prime series and the Half-Life series. Clichéd choices, yes, but clichés have to come from somewhere!
Yes, but why? What causes the music of these particular games to be more enjoyable to you than that of others?


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Final Fantasy X, VIII, VII, Curse of Monkey Island, Shadow Hearts 1, Shadow Hearts 2.

Probably because the music reminds me of how awesome the games are. I just enjoy listening to it.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow has a good soundtrack. Persona 3 was quite good as well.

Even Age of Empires 1 has some pretty cool songs especially since it's the only game I know of that if you insert the game disc into a CD player, it plays the soundtrack somehow.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Final Fantasy X, because it has a great many different music genres in it (from piano music to death metal) and every single melody is done great and played when neccesary.
Also, Guilty Gear and Blazblue fighting series. Great many of songs are metal and each and every melody fits each and every character perfectly. Plus, they are simply kick- ass.

Brown Cap

New member
Jan 6, 2009
Someone beat you by like 20 minutes


New member
May 9, 2011
Divine divinity, music made by Kirill Pokrovsky.

but my absolute favourite composer is Jeremy Soule who we all know from the Elder Scrolls series and Guild Wars, the composer for the OST of Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale (while Icewind Dale might not have been the best of games) both had amazing soundtracks
FAVOURITE THEME SONG EVAAAR!! ^_^ gives me goosebumps


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Chrono Cross had, in my opinion, the best soundtrack of any video game I've ever heard. I would agree with Shadow of the Colossus as well, that game definitely had some epic music.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Fable has always gotten one thing right in all 3 games and that was the music. While I like the games for then most people, the music really stands out to me. And of course Metal Gear Solid and Halo never disappoints.



New member
Apr 18, 2010
I love the World Ends With You soundtrack. The ending song for that is on my top 5, put it that way.
Nov 28, 2007
Final Fantasy I-X, because they are music that pretty much anyone knows. Everyone knows the Final Fantasy theme, everyone knows the Victory Fanfare, everyone knows One Winged Angel. Also, Laguna's battle theme in FF VIII is the best battle music ever.
Mega Man 1-3, and Megaman X-X3, because of their catchiness, the pre-stage theme, and Dr. Wily's Castle Theme in Mega Man 2, as well as Neon Tiger's theme in Mega Man X3 (GNR is awesome).
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, though I can't say why I like it so much, other than the flat out rocking theme from Chrono Cross.
Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, because the music in those games does such a great job of setting the mood while being noticeable, but not overpowering the scene.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
I'm a sucker for 8bit music, and I'm gonna have to go for Mario's theme/Link's theme on the NES.
Sure, a lot of the more modern games have amazing scores or good mixes... but nothing that has carved it's melody into my mind.
I remember being blow away by Quake (thx to Mr. Reznor's talents), Half-Life, Fallout, C&C: Red Alert, Jet Set Radio Future, etc. But right now, I can't recall any of the tunes/melodies (even though I do have some of the soundtracks for those games somewhere in my PC).

Not a week goes by that I don't find myself whistling either Mario or Link's theme song...and, on occasion, even singing the lyrics to the live-action Mario Bros show there was a few decades back.

So in my opinion, that's why they are they best: they've stood up to the test of time.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Recently? A lot of music i love in videogames, but might need to go with Anamanaguchi's Scott Pilgrim sountrack.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Morrowind theme. Just gets me when i hear it.


Just gives the feeling of adventure, grandure and i like it.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
TheKasp said:
I love the Alice: Madness Returns soundtrack.


This track is especially my favorite.
Love the dark fairy tale music. Its all off key....something about that that gives it extra emotion. Same reason i like this song from Nine Inch Nails.
