Which game would make a good MMO/RPG?


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Something with an all new world, combat system (though it could be closely modelled on another), different races and classes with plenty to choose from, a huge world with dramatically contrasting sections.
And its pretty much all PvP.
When the game gets started there are several people (beta testers maybe) who are placed into positions of power within each race, they have the power to declare war on another race, direct where the race is going, make a call to arms, set raiding targets with a bounty. Even set enemy armies or leaders as targets with bounties.
Just think about it, take the call to arms as an example.
The leader of race A gets into a dispute over territory with the leader of race B. War is declared.
The leader of race A tells the main general of his race to declare a call to arms to attack a settlement belonging to race B in the disputed territory.
The general sets it up so a message appears to all players in that race when they log in to the game.
"Call to Arms! We the mighty Race A have declared war on the puny Race B. X of class Y, Z of class W...(etc) are required to go to ____ to prepare for an attack on the settlement of ____ in ______"
Not only that but you can work your way up the hierachy of your race until eventually you may become race leader one day.
There would have to be NPCs too though, to play the part of civilians. Supposing there is a section of the race dedicated to constructing new buildings. When a territory is conquered by the race they move in and order what buildings are to be constructed, then the NPCs get down to it, and set up shop there.

Theres so much more I could add to this but I think you've got the idea.

I better write this shit down!