Which Marvel Character Deserves a Game?


New member
Jun 7, 2010
The game would likely be a spec ops third person shooter, with RPG elements as Forge building random gadgets and crap.
Actually, that got me thinking about Cable, shootouts and tech supremacy as well as the telekinetic abilities, plus the possibility of a pairing with Deadpool, for all you fans posting up there!


New member
Dec 31, 2009
A Deadpool game would be great - swords, guns, regenerating health that actually fits the character, never mind blowing away the fourth wall and having Deadpool insult the player for doing badly or cheering you for making him look good! Hell, could even add Agent X for double the fun as a co-op mode.

And good idea to whoever said Daredevil - could pretty much mimic Arkham Asylum but Detective Mode would just be Super Senses Mode.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
*sighs* Yeah, Deadpool. Glad the character I loved since the early 90s is finally getting respect, but damn, he's going to be as overexposed as Wolverine at this pace.

Regardless, some quick ideas...

Doctor Strange- based around a 3rd person shooter engine, but instead of guns, various incantations and hexes.

SHIELD - C'mon dammit, super secret ops agency with flying cars and laser guns? How isn't this a game already?

Ghost Rider - Yeah, I know there was a game for him recently, but that doesn't count. Give me a sandbox game where I can drive around a city AND up the walls, massive demons to punish, as well as criminals that can be used as XP to build up the Spirit of Vengeance powers, etc. And you damn well better get Sam Elliott (possibly one of the only good parts from the GR movie) as the narrator.

Franklin Richards - ...or you can just pretend the kid from Limbo is him and just laugh and laugh and laugh...


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Deadpool done right dammit. As much as I enjoy the character Wolverine that damn movie pretty much destroyed Wolverine and Deadpool in my eyes.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
xRagnarok19 said:
I'd actually like to see a Dr. Strange game but Deadpool wouldn't be bad either.
I came in here not expecting anyone to mention Dr. Strange.

Here's a list of characters that need a new game.

1. Deadpool
2. Punisher (He had one for the regular Xbox and I recommend you play it).
3. Dr. Strange
4. Ghost Rider


New member
May 21, 2010
I wanna see some new characters get a game. I'd say Moon Knight, but the last thing the gaming industry needs is Marvel's Batman (IE Off his fucking rocker). I'd like to see the Young Avengers, Runaways, New X-men, all of them get a game. Hell, I'd have a massive geek-gasm if the New Mutants got their own game. Love to see how they'd integrate Sam's powers in with the rest...

Specifically... Since Deadpool was taken... I'm a big X-23 fan. A stealth action game with moments of hack and slash and shooter moments. If they could do the powers right I'd say Dr. Strange, but I have a feeling they wouldn't be able to do the powers right...

I guess we'll find out. Now that Marvel has a movie and a tv studio it's only a matter of time before they have a game studio. Dear god I love this time we live in.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Chipperz said:
Shadowcat, for several reasons...

1 - I'm a total Shadowcat fanboy, and I'd love to see her get some more recognition in the Marvel universe.
2 - A stealth game where you can walk through walls would kick ass.
3 - They could get Ellen Page to reprise her role from X Men 3, which would be awesome.
4 - Walking through walls would be awesome.
5 - Did I mention walking through walls would be awesome?
Haha I loved this post. I like Kitty Pryde too, and being able to do things such as walking through walls would be really fun.

migo said:
Dazzler. It would be a combination 3D fighting game and DDR.
I once tried to play a Spider-Man game on PS1 with a DDR pad. It was tricky, since I couldn't web swing, but I could run and punch and kick.. I had fun for those few minutes.

Aside from Deadpool, which is pretty much a given, I would like to see a really good Iron Man game. Heck.. I'd love to see a good game made out of every character mentioned so far, so I don't really know. A lot of X-Men would have great chances.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
How about Spiderman? Allb those bundles of crap they sold at stores don't count. They shold make one where you play a Peter Parker and you have to change into Spiderman whnever trouble arises. If you get caught the story line changes and now villians would be targeting people close to you. Also, how about not making it about going to a guy, talking to him and a mission statrs. Game devs should make everything happen spontaneously. I want to be walking down the street about to enter the Daily Bugle to pick up payment to pay for my rent, when all of a sudden I see Dr. Octopus mutilating a guy down the street and flipping over cars. I then run to the nearest alleyway, switch to the spidey suit and combat him. It would also be cool if they made the story sart from the first Spidey comic book all the way to the last one.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Berserker119 said:
Yeah, Deadpool, maybe Thor, but what about Luke Cage? He's cool, right?
Just make an A-Team game with Mr. T as a playable character and you have a Luke Cage game. I have always viewed them as equals.

Definately Deadpool though. I think he was rather poorly presented in Ultimate Alliance though. His unique dialog was good, but not the random crap he spurted out during fights. Those lines always annoyed me.
Aug 25, 2009
Deadpool yeah, but I would like to see a good Avengers game, or an Iron Man game that's not based off the movies. I know I liked the movies, but really I liked Tony Stark from Ultimates 1 better.

Now let's also add a DC character who needs a game. The Question, both Renee Montoya and Charlie.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
lets see first hopefully the spider man game is good
second i want a real iron man game that would be great
deadpool would be neat
moon night would be cool, since he's bat shit insane
But i want a daredevil game