Which upcoming MMORPG should I be looking into?

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Well, it's been awhile since I quit WoW and I've been feeling nostalgic over it lately, especially the time I spent playing vanilla, but I definitely don't wish to go back to what that game has become. Plus, I'd prefer to start at the beginning so I don't feel as though I'm playing catch-up. And since a couple of friends agreed to start a new MMO with me, there's no need to join a game just for them (like they did with WoW to play with me.)

So, out of everything that's coming out in the not-so-distant future, which MMO should I be looking into? So far both The Old Republic and Aion have peeked my interest, though I would prefer to wait for what's good than jump on something just because it's coming out soon.

Over-all, PvP isn't my game. It's okay as a time-killer or a little something extra, but I much prefer raiding. If given the choice, I will generally choose a PvP server, but I prefer the game itself not to revolve around it.

Also note, I am NOT a Star Wars fan, but I do like the universe enough to play in it. I just much prefer fantasy to sci-fi. so where the hell is my Forgotten Realms MMO?!? Damnit.

Oh, and do like White Wolf so thier World of Darkness MMO might also be considered.

But it feels like I'm forgetting some other options. And since I have time on my side, I would like to consider any and all options.

So... what do you guys think?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'd say Old Republic. Hopefully it's not a grindfest like 99% of mumorpuhguh's.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
G1eet said:
I'd say Old Republic. Hopefully it's not a grindfest like 99% of mumorpuhguh's.
I don't mind grinding for experience so much as grinding for everything else. Like "special" ingredients and that rare dropping that only drops off that one mob that everyone wants and competes for. It really sucks when gold farmers enter the game. Helps make the game unplayable for the rest of us.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
New Troll said:
G1eet said:
I'd say Old Republic. Hopefully it's not a grindfest like 99% of mumorpuhguh's.
I don't mind grinding for experience so much as grinding for everything else. Like "special" ingredients and that rare dropping that only drops off that one mob that everyone wants and competes for. It really sucks when gold farmers enter the game. Helps make the game unplayable for the rest of us.
Same here, but repetitive killing is repetitive.

China took a step in the right direction by banning those bastards.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I say wait a few months after it comes out, at the start the games will be buggy and need to be updated a lot, so I would wait at least 6 months before picking up any MMO and by then you can see what others say, but then they be talking about the stuff before patches ><

Pink dragon

New member
Apr 14, 2009
I would say the Star wars MMO(but still Wow is the one for me , oh yes I like pwning hordies)


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Flangle said:
Fallen Earth looks rather intresting..
I agree with this, but I would wait a few months after it comes out, like everyone else is saying, so you don't get into a game that everyone just bails from.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
G1eet said:
New Troll said:
G1eet said:
I'd say Old Republic. Hopefully it's not a grindfest like 99% of mumorpuhguh's.
I don't mind grinding for experience so much as grinding for everything else. Like "special" ingredients and that rare dropping that only drops off that one mob that everyone wants and competes for. It really sucks when gold farmers enter the game. Helps make the game unplayable for the rest of us.
Same here, but repetitive killing is repetitive.

China took a step in the right direction by banning those bastards.
Charr hunting in Guild Wars (pre-searing) was actually a lot of fun.

It was hard, because you only had skills for maybe one or two builds, and you had to have really good aggro control.

Until you got to level 15ish that is, then you just started owning everything but the bosses.

Bible Doctor said:
Old Republic and Dragons Age
Dragon Age isn't an MMORPG though...

It's all single-player, with DLC from other players.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Old Republic. I hate MMORPGs, but I cringe in fear that Old Republic might change my mind because I really liked KotOR 1/2 and the Star Wars license still appeals to me even if its teats have been milked to oblivion.


New member
May 20, 2009
MAPLE STORY!!!! its good and its free (but its 2d and its kinda silly)

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Lots of votes for Old Republic, though there were some other names listed I don't really know anything about. Will have to look into them.

And as for waiting six months, ain't going to happen. I have friends joining me in whatever I decide, so I'm not worried about everyone bailing as much as playing catch up with the rest of the server. With WoW, I was always one of the best (read: first), and so I plan on being the same with this new game. I like trying new things out and then teaching others what I've learned. I also like exploring new places and being the person people go to for directions.

Yes, I'm the player who when everyone else goes right, I check out the left. Otherwise I just feel like I'm following in someone else's shadow.