Who Are Your Favourite Underrated YouTubers?


New member
Apr 20, 2013
I'm going to say teamudf, he did a lot of oblivion mods when I first started watching him (which is what got me into his channel in the first place) but now he's really diversified (Zelda tutorials, Binding of Isaac races, online multiplayer, and so on). His commentary is interesting and sometimes hilarious and he's really good with his community. That and he's the only LPer who I've continually watched over the years so in my books that definitly deserves a mention ha


New member
Dec 29, 2009
There's this small Youtube channel called the Yogscast, you probably haven't heard of them. They're a small and unknown channel, with only about five and a half million subscribers.

Seriously though, my vote would have to go to Wooden Potatoes. He has a number of Lets Play series but the reason I subscribed to him is because of his Guild Wars 2 videos and especially his Guild Wars lore. Literally everything I know about the lore of Guild Wars, is because of him. He has also recently started a series called Guild Wars Mysteries, where he looks at aspects of Guild Wars lore that are interesting, but which we know little about (such as the floating wizards castle). If you play Guild Wars 2 but never played the first game, you need to check out his channel.

Epicnamebro is another person who deserves more love. Around 130,000 subscribers, so he isn't exactly unknown but he still doesn't have the attention he deserves. He doesn't make as many videos as he used to, because he's a teacher and just had a child, but his Dark Souls lore series was nothing short of amazing


New member
Nov 14, 2011
Honorable mention goes to HeirofCarthage for his excellent total war videos and general niceness to his opponents and audience, and who is sadly disqualified due to him recently hitting 20k subscribers.

I would have to give it to Toegoff. While he too has <20,000 subscribers, his videos have far fewer views. As an RPG enthusiast, it's nice to see someone doing completely blind let's plays, even with very old games such as Planescape: Torment. And his persona doesn't grate like many others do, like Totalbiscuit and Yahtzee, who ramp up the level of snarkiness by 200%. He's just a guy that likes what he does and records it.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
If you are interested in modding skyrim, fallout 3/new vegas look at his videos. He is the reason I can heavily mod new vegas while still keeping the game stable. He a made some popular mods on the nexus like unifiedhud [http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38961/?] for fallout New Vegas and many other useful mods new vegas, fallout 3, and skyrim.
also does pretty good let's plays.

EmceeProphIt is person on the escapist who goes by the name Overusedmeme(i think)
he analyzes symbolism in games. most recent he talk about majoras mask and before he talked about no more heros. They were pretty interesting.

wolf thing said:
MrBtonge give great video game analysis videos

and so does campster,
those are pretty good and deserve mention as well

Miracle of Sound
his song are post on escapist as well but still he is still underrated considering how good his songs are.


New member
Dec 26, 2012
MetalDooley said:
OT: SpoilerWarning

A collab Let's Play channel that features amongst others Escapist contributor Shamus Young.I like them because they manage a nice blend of intelligent discussion and silly humour.They really should have more than the 2,700 subs they currently have
Second'd, those guys have the perfect blend of interesting discussion and horrible, horrible playing.

I will also add another vote for MrBtongue, who does some really interesting rambley monologues discussions on a variety of vaguely video game related topics:

Aug 1, 2010
Reincarnatedwolfgod said:
he has some useful videos if you are interested in modding skyrim, fallout 3/new vegas. He is the reason I can heavily mod new vegas without any problems. He also does decent let's plays.
This so much. I followed his Fallout 3 mod tutorial completely and it worked BEAUTIFULLY. He also has great LPs.

Since the thread already is stretching the definition of "underrated", I'll stretch it quite a bit further.

AlChestBreach has over 100K, but I don't care, he needs more attention.

Not even sure what video to link. He's hilarious though, trust me.


New member
Apr 6, 2015
I like TheBubblesdabear. His recording software ruins his videos a bit, but the newest ones are watchable. He has to put on a higher voice for his mic to pick up the sound and he's still deeper than most. He is hilarious if you know humour, and is only below 50 subs because nobody knows the name to search for him. Most people who have watched his newer videos (e.g: proissues on skywars, or Mob arena feat. Nomyt) have loved them, laughed and subbed him. He is really great, but his laptop is the only flaw.



Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
NeosForme. He's a friend, admittedly, but even without that his videos are energetic and often highly entertaining. I totally recommend some of his videos. https://www.youtube.com/user/NeosForme


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
silentNate said:
Not sure Ashens counts as he has a fair few followers but round my way the guy is a legend...

You want to skip tp 4.30 for the full entertainment/horror!
I love Ashens.
Wonderfully entertaining.

MikeJ of Informercialism can be quite amusing too.

Another favorite of mine would be NerdCubed.

Timeless Lavender

Lord of Chinchilla
Feb 2, 2015
I love:
Matthewmatosis who does in depth reviews and critic of games

SuperBunnyhop- same like Matthewmatosis description but more serious

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Noah. Now this is one guys that deserves a hell of a lot more attention. His analyses of video games are fantastic and thought prevoking and I urge people to check him out. The quality of his work is rough but once you get past that, it's really something.

Meg. This girl has a very interesting approach to how she reviews and looks at games. She does it from a very artistic angle and you kind of get swept up in her passion for the medium.

The Happy Console Gamer. This is just a feel good channel. Johnny and Rob are just these two very down to earth guys who grew up loving and continue to love gaming. They gush about their favorite games, favorite memories, at times favorite animated movies. What gaming was like when they were kids how far it has come what it was like being around for those transitional periods. It's just like sitting down with your buddies on the couch and having a nice relaxed conversation about your favorite hobbies.

Here, I'll share one of the most heart warming videos on their channel. Not even you cold, calculative misanthropic intellectuals can say this doesn't bring a smile to your face.

Caddicarus. This guy is entertaining as all hell. He's like the UK Jontron and goes pretty deep with his reviews on games that are both current and old. He's pretty much the PS1 retro channel.