Who holds your heart?!


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Jul 3, 2009
Frank Jaeger AKA Grey Fox AKA the Cyborg Ninja. hands down the best ninja ever, although Shadow from FFVI comes in a close second.


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Jul 6, 2009
Ness from Mother II. His entire world goes to shit around him and he's chill as a ************ through the whole thing.


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Apr 21, 2010
superbatranger said:
I don't think any video game characters hold a place in my heart. Hate me if you want, but they just don't.
everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes and jazz so its all good mate!


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Apr 21, 2010
BigCat91 said:
Star fox, and Spyro. Oldies yes but those were my favorite games as a kid
Hey oldies have a place in everyones heart (like a natural selection type thing) XP


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Your asking me to choose one? Just one?
Nope, can't do it. So I'm going to put a few down.

Tali and Garrus from Mass Effect. I just love characters who go from normal soldier types to ultimate badass in a series! Tali was especially awesome!!! (Three exclamation marks makes it true)

If you singled out anyone from Republic Commando, they would be kind of shallow, but put together they are amazing characters(course I'm biased. Deal with it!)

The Master Chief. Just because he's cool. Kind of shallow, but if you read the books it really brings out his character and makes him a real person.

Jack(or Subject Zero, if you prefer). Also from Mass Effect. I hated her guts, but she is one of the most complex characters I've seen in a game. Yeah, she seems like a complete *****, but as you play through the game, you can see how it's just a mask for how frail and helpless she actually feels.(Not that she IS actually frail and helpless, at all. Just that's how she feels)

Oh yeah, and Forde from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. He was awesome.
And Lyon, from the same game. Awesome how he was a good guy, just corrupted so far he couldn't control himself so you HAD to kill him, and he wanted you to. I kind of cryed a little when he died, I'll admit it.

Sorry to mess up your post, I just CAN'T pick ONE!

Edit:And I totally forgot about the Arbiter. Not only does he have that strange awesome voice of righteousness, but he is just an epic character all around.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
Warvamp said:
Your asking me to choose one? Just one?
Nope, can't do it. So I'm going to put a few down.

Tali and Garrus from Mass Effect. I just love characters who go from normal soldier types to ultimate badass in a series! Tali was especially awesome!!! (Three exclamation marks makes it true)

If you singled out anyone from Republic Commando, they would be kind of shallow, but put together they are amazing characters(course I'm biased. Deal with it!)

The Master Chief. Just because he's cool. Kind of shallow, but if you read the books it really brings out his character and makes him a real person.

Jack(or Subject Zero, if you prefer). Also from Mass Effect. I hated her guts, but she is one of the most complex characters I've seen in a game. Yeah, she seems like a complete *****, but as you play through the game, you can see how it's just a mask for how frail and helpless she actually feels.(Not that she IS actually frail and helpless, at all. Just that's how she feels)

Oh yeah, and Forde from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. He was awesome.
And Lyon, from the same game. Awesome how he was a good guy, just corrupted so far he couldn't control himself so you HAD to kill him, and he wanted you to. I kind of cryed a little when he died, I'll admit it.

Sorry to mess up your post, I just CAN'T pick ONE!

Edit:And I totally forgot about the Arbiter. Not only does he have that strange awesome voice of righteousness, but he is just an epic character all around.
You didn't mess up my post at all; In fact, these are my favorite types of posts. I love all your choices mate! Specially Forde ^^
Long posts FTW


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Aug 9, 2009
The guy from Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom
Ever awaiting to crush it and burn it


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Apr 24, 2010
Spider-Man from pretty much all of his games, even when the games are bad, I still will always love the character. But if that's too much of a cop out because of him mainly being a comic character I'd say Altair from Assassin's Creed for being a cool looking bad ass or Mario just for the fact that he has never done me wrong in a main series game.


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Oct 8, 2009
Usually character I create. I love customization and when a game provides no back story, I can make my own.

Like in Way of the Samurai 3. I play a samurai that took up the sword to protect his younger brother. He failed, and now he is on a path of vengeance. However, a boy in a small village reminds my character of his younger brother, and he has now made a new goal; Protect the village at all costs.

Every play through is different, complete with different clothing/accessories, weapons, and a new attitude and goal.