Who is gaming's greatest Silent Protagonist?


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Gordon Freeman obviously. Nobody else can pull off the best line in Half Life 2:

Alyx Vance: Leave the talking to me Gordon!

Gordon Freeman: ....

Instant hilarity.


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Jun 4, 2009
Mobius One. Or Cypher, because he's a badass mercenary. However, I think Mobius wins since he has the combat power of an entire air wing.


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Jan 27, 2009
All of them. I mean, if you can stay calm, emotionless and silent for most of a brutal conflict, you deserve some praise.

However, to contridict my other point, how can they not say ANYTHING at any point in time? I mean, not even a "Why the hell am I doing this?" or something really?

Anyway, my favorite would be Issac. No contest.


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Mar 15, 2009
chinese_democracy said:
Toty54 said:
That's because you are Gordon Freeman, you are link. That's why a lot of people enjoy games like Half-Life. Because you are the person role-playing the protagonist.
I myself can never begin to imagine how half-life would work if Gordon would shout out cheesy one-liners half the time.
So Freeman lovers are a bunch of narcissistic geeks, I get it now. You guys should just join the armed services and learn self fellatio. Also, you aren't supposed to have cheesy one liners in a game. Thats a bi product of bad writers, the same people responsible for characters like GOrdan Freeman.
What the hell is wrong with you? People love Freeman for what he did in the games, and the way he did it. Just like so many other people admire great men or women for what they did. Just because a person doesn't speak doesn't mean he isn't a person. If you met a mute guy, would you consider him non-human? Would he not be a person like the rest of us? And also, people might be more inclined to take you seriously if you didn't sound like an ass.


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Mar 15, 2009
Scumpernickle said:
Gordon Freeman and Serrious Sam. Sam talks but he mostly shoots, so I consider him to be silent.
But if he talks he isn't silent. Your science makes no sense!


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Sep 16, 2009
SultanP said:
Scumpernickle said:
Gordon Freeman and Serrious Sam. Sam talks but he mostly shoots, so I consider him to be silent.
But if he talks he isn't silent. Your science makes no sense!
But he shoots so much that you forget what he was talking about when he actually does talk. Or you just don't care and skip the scene.


I came here to laugh at you
Jul 15, 2009
Gordon Freeman is good and all but i think Revan from KOTOR is supreme here
Same, but let's not forget the Vault dwellers from the Fallout series


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Sep 2, 2009
Gigaguy64 said:
DrDeath3191 said:
Some game characters aren't very vocal. This thread is for the charcters who speak through actions instead of words. Who is gaming's best silent protagonist?

My vote goes to Link. He's one of my favorite characters of all time, so naturally he'd be my pick here.
Link or Felix from Golden Sun 2.
both are silent and bad@$$
Link? I do not recall a "Link".


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Gordon Freeman. Duh. [/Jokingly obnoxious]

Although does it still count if you talk as the character? I do that every time I play a game with a silent protagonist.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
SultanP said:
chinese_democracy said:
Toty54 said:
That's because you are Gordon Freeman, you are link. That's why a lot of people enjoy games like Half-Life. Because you are the person role-playing the protagonist.
I myself can never begin to imagine how half-life would work if Gordon would shout out cheesy one-liners half the time.
So Freeman lovers are a bunch of narcissistic geeks, I get it now. You guys should just join the armed services and learn self fellatio. Also, you aren't supposed to have cheesy one liners in a game. Thats a bi product of bad writers, the same people responsible for characters like GOrdan Freeman.
What the hell is wrong with you? People love Freeman for what he did in the games, and the way he did it. Just like so many other people admire great men or women for what they did. Just because a person doesn't speak doesn't mean he isn't a person. If you met a mute guy, would you consider him non-human? Would he not be a person like the rest of us? And also, people might be more inclined to take you seriously if you didn't sound like an ass.
As if you didnt sound like an ass for justifying the fanboys.
And fanboys it is. For Link and for Freeman. This is what happens when you only have two candidates.
The problem here is that their are very few truly silent protagonists on good modern games. You know what? Im going to nominate Dimitri Petrenko because he is silent and unkillable (for story purposes).
Most functionaly mute characters still get a line of dialogue or two (like the Hero in Fable and Fable 2) that disqualifies them.