Who is the biggest Bad Ass?


New member
May 28, 2010
Seriously lets see who we can come up to be our biggest bad asses

Now to keep it fair I decided it should have different categories





My choices are.

Gaming: I'm giving this one to Bayonetta, why, she took on a being that was at least 3 times the size of a planet, threw it through space and into the sun. Yeah that pretty much seals the deal to make her a bad ass

Anime: Roronoa Zoro from One Piece, while Luffy may be the main character, the fact that Zoro has done not only as impressive feats as Luffy, he is a normal human, yeah thats the thing, he is a normal human, thats why I find his feats far more bad ass then say Goku from DBZ

Movies: Chuck Norris in any movie he is in...except Sidekicks...yeah....

Cartoons: Our Favorite Swedish Murder Machine Brock F-ing Samson. the guy...personally I think he could give Chuck Norris a run for his money...hell if they did a death battle it would end up with the world blowing up like Superman VS Goku, yeah.

So what are your choices for biggest badass?


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Toph from The Last Airbender. I mean hell, everything in her life was set up to make her weak, vulnerable and spoiled brat. What did she do instead? She said "Screw my blindness I will become the greatest Earthbender there ever was!" and that's exactly what she did!
<img src=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/025/4/a/avatar___toph_bei_fong_by_genzoman-d380vto.jpg>

There are so many badasses to choose from, but guess I will go with Kazuki Takemura from my favorite Front Mission 3. In the world of trained soldiers and genetically engineered super humans there's just a simple guy, a college student for god's sake, who thanks to his dedication and training manages to beat them all!
<img src=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120117174121/square/images/d/dd/FM3Kazuki.png>

Just a week ago I would've said Jackie Chan, but now, after seeing Raid 2 I have to say Rama. I mean holy hell what that guy does is BEYOND awesome!
<img src=http://www.blackfilm.com/read/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/The-Raid-2-2.jpg>


New member
Dec 17, 2009
By default.

Samurai Jack. If only because his cartoon is the only western-made one I've ever thought good enough to watch.

This was incredibly difficult, but I'm comfortable with my choice.

Kill La Kill is, just narrowly, the most badass anime I've ever watched... And Satsuki Kiryuin is the best part of the reason I watched Kill La Kill.

You can't cheat at television. Unless you count torrenting a series. But you can cheat at videogames, so I'm going to do that now.
Simon/Viral and Gurren Lagann from SRW Z2. I'm copping out of agonizing over true vidya characters by drafting in anime's second choice... The game is one of two region free JP titles I picked up this month...
The other was the latest Dream C Club.
Judge me all you want (2:52). I have no regrets.

I just don't watch a lot of movies, so I'm just going to pass. I can't come up with anything I'm happy with.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I guess I'll start off with manga, since that's the first one that comes to mind.

The Skullknight from Berserk.

He's kind of a plot dump character, I know, but that doesn't make him any less of a badass. Usually I hate these types of Blizzard designs, but this guy just makes it work. He fights on horse back like a boss, and he has a sword that can cut through space and time.

As for anime...

Balalaika from Black Lagoon.

While the show is overly grimdark, which also bleeds into her character a bit, she's just such a powerful presence. Half her skin is covered in scars, yet she still carries herself with such class. Whenever she enters a scene she immediately demands your respect and attention.

For gaming, right now I'd have to go for Bigby from The Wolf Among Us. He channels that old noir dective persona like a champ.

With movies there's just too many for me to make an accurate decision.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Gaming: Solid Snake. Super powers don't impress me. Using human acquired skills to take out a giant mech as well as possibly an entire base of soldiers does. The old bastard has been through a lot, and he always seemed to know something else was waiting for him.

Cartoon: Can I say Bugs Bunny? Seriously, no matter what he got into, he always got out of it, and found something snide to say or do while escaping.

Anime: I don't watch a lot of anime lately. This was tough for me to come up with.

Movies: I don't watch very many movies either, however the Riddick movies are a guilty pleasure of mine, and there's no arguing that Riddick is a badass. I mean...I guess you could argue with him, but just don't give him a cup.


New member
Jun 30, 2012

Majora. She may not be the most powerful thing in the entire gambit of supervillains or protagonists, but she has style.

I mean look at that mask. Look how creepy and awesome it is!


Despite Naruto being a trainwreck, the character Pain was pretty damn neat. He was emotionless, cold, strong, and thought he was the good guy.

I'm not even sure how to describe him other than he had Gravitas to him. Just listen to this theme song.

Anime number 2:

Since I don't watch many movies, I'm going to cheat and use anime again.

Spike Spiegel. He's cool, he's a good fighter, and he's cool... What? I suck at explaining characters. :p

Just watch the damn series.


I'm going to go with an odd one here and say Fortuna from Roman Mythology.

She holds two things. In one hand its a cornucopia which signifies her ability to grant blessing, and in her other hand a rudder which signifies her ability to steer your fate in whichever direction she chooses.

And she is one fickle *****.

She gives and takes on whim and you can do nothing to change her mind, for better or worse.


New member
Jun 30, 2012
AnthrSolidSnake said:
Cartoon: Can I say Bugs Bunny? Seriously, no matter what he got into, he always got out of it, and found something snide to say or do while escaping.
An odd choice, but so right.

What was the name of the episode where elmer fudd chases him into an opera house? It just a string of shenanigans set to classical music where bugs bunny out smarts and out maneuvers him the whole time.

He pretends to be a barber and grows "hair" on Fudd's head that turn out to be flowers?


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
Cartoon: Bugs Bunny. Guy's unbeatable.

Anime: I don't watch or like most anime, but Panty and Stocking both have the capacity to be huge badasses, so there you go. (2nd choice: Gary Oak [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWi4Ce5yRVo])

Gaming: Samus Aran is pretty badass. Caius Ballad from XIII-2/3 is also kind of a badass. I mean, he's a dick, but he's a badass.

Movies: Iron Man, as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Anime: I don't watch much anime, but I'm going to go with Simon from Gurenn Lagenn. Is that how you spell that?

Yeah, the whole physics-defying, giant robot combining, "who-do-you-think-I-am" machismo thing speaks for itself, but what I like most of all is that he does it all sitting in his human-sized Lagenn. He isn't compensating for anything. That's what made him superior to Kamina.

Movies: Dirty Harry. Bit of a tired choice I know, but I just can't say no to Eastwood. I've got the "do I feel lucky" speech pretty much memorised.

Gaming: God, so many to choose from. So, let's be a bit hipstery and say Phoenix Wright.

Why not? With apologies to Solid Snake, Samus Aran and Commander Shepard, being a badass is easy when you're kitted out with guns, high-tech equipment and years of special forces training. The biggest badass is the one who gets shit done with nothing more than a loud voice, a stupid haircut and the insane kind of deductive reasoning that you need to survive in the Ace Attorney universes' bizarre approximation of a courtroom.

If you have any doubts, just check out what Phoenix can do in 'Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3'. Not only is he considered a top-tier character, but he can dig up dirt on Captain America, take a thrashing from Thor and Hulk and even defend GALACTUS in court. Dude earns his badass stripes if you ask me.

Cartoon: Guys above beat me to it, but yeah, Bugs Bunny.

If you stop and think about it, the Looney Tunes are among the most dangerous and powerful creations in all of fiction. They're unpredictable, chaotic, single-minded, virtually indestructible, defy the laws of physics on a constant basis and the laws of their universe dictate that the 'heroes' always win no matter what, while the 'villains' are always back for more the very next week. They're like a bunch of wacky cartoon Terminators.


New member
Apr 4, 2013
Anime: Alucard, from Hellsing Ultimate. Even if we ignore the Abridged Series for the moment (in which he's even moreso), the fact that Alucard spends almost all of the series with his powers severely limited, and yet still manages to go toe to toe with everything in the Universe is incredible. And that's before he's unleashed. Also, the fact that he's technically on the side of good, but is still a cruel, heartless psychopath is pretty bad ass.

Movies: To be honest, the first person who springs to mind is Pacific Rim's Stacker Pentecost. I don't think I need to say any more.


King of the Celery people
Jan 18, 2012
Cartoon/Anime - Wile E, Bugs. One's a attempt at being a bad ass, while the other is a badass that fully knows he's one;Meowth from Pokemon.

Gaming - Saints Boss. Badass with style.

Movies - Danny Trejo in Machete. Tom Hiddleston in Thor. Samuel L Jackson in Pulp. One is camp, the other is a subtle badass, while Jackson ain't needs no explanation.

TV - Joshua Jackson from Fringe; Sec from Doctor Who.


New member
May 28, 2010
AnthrSolidSnake said:
Gaming: Solid Snake. Super powers don't impress me. Using human acquired skills to take out a giant mech as well as possibly an entire base of soldiers does. The old bastard has been through a lot, and he always seemed to know something else was waiting for him.

Cartoon: Can I say Bugs Bunny? Seriously, no matter what he got into, he always got out of it, and found something snide to say or do while escaping.

Anime: I don't watch a lot of anime lately. This was tough for me to come up with.

Movies: I don't watch very many movies either, however the Riddick movies are a guilty pleasure of mine, and there's no arguing that Riddick is a badass. I mean...I guess you could argue with him, but just don't give him a cup.
Bugs Bunny...hmm it is true he can nearly come out of any situation unharmed, I can agree to that


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Anime: the only hard part here is choosing ONE berserk character. In the end, though, I think I have to go with schierke. Surprised? Guts and skull knight are great, but there's something about a 12 year old girl who can keep up with muscled badasses that deserves to be mentioned. Oh, all right, I'll cheat. Guts gets in too, since he's basically just an outmatched human.

Gaming: Garrus.

Film: Sam, from LotR. It takes a special kind of badass to carry frodo up a mountain, and then not kill him when he betrays you. Makes me cry every time.

Literature: Atticus Finch, for being a classy badass. Hector, the man slayer, gets an homer able mention.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
Cartoon: Got ninja'd on Toph before I even thought of her. I got nothin'. Maybe Bender B. Rodriguez, but maybe that's more because he's my favorite character of all time in anything.

Anime: Perhaps Scar from FMA: Brotherhood. I usually can't stand the types of characters that are made to look badass in anime, but Scar stayed just far enough from that to remain an actual character, instead of a cartoonish mashup of juvenile power fantasies.

Gaming: Kratos. Yeah, he's an asshole and one of the worst persons ever to be a protagonist in anything. But he takes down Gods, Titans and all the like. And I actually think there's more depth to him than he's often given credit for.

Movies: Hugo Weaving's portrayal of V in V for Vendetta is pretty damn cool.

Comics: Jesse Custer from Preacher, and one of the main reasons I'm psyched to see the TV show. He's incredibly likable and smart, but knows how to throw down and has a code he sticks by.

TV: Al Swearengen from Deadwood is a total badass mofo. Just listening to him talk is a pleasure of its own.


New member
Aug 2, 2010
Gaming: Kazuma Kiryu. Dude's hardcore as hell.
Highlights include: punching a chandelier, punching a grown man in a diaper, punching a tiger.

Movies: Ip Man. Damn this guy knows how to carry himself in a fight, and I'm not even going into the whole fighting against oppression and symbol of national pride business. Hell, the guy mentored Bruce Lee so instant badass.

Can't think of anything for the other categories so I'll leave them be.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Anime: Yasuri Shichika from Katanagatari. Dude just can't be beat.

Gaming: It's Auron from FFX. You just can't argue with those sunglasses, that sword, and that hair.

Movies: Killer #2 from Bunraku.


The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
T0ad 0f Truth said:

Despite Naruto being a trainwreck, the character Pain was pretty damn neat. He was emotionless, cold, strong, and thought he was the good guy.

I'm not even sure how to describe him other than he had Gravitas to him. Just listen to this theme song.

Your anime badass is wrong and you should feel bad:

Nothing but arse kicking.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
Tenkage said:
Seriously lets see who we can come up to be our biggest bad asses

Gaming: I'm giving this one to Bayonetta, why, she took on a being that was at least 3 times the size of a planet, threw it through space and into the sun. Yeah that pretty much seals the deal to make her a bad ass
Here's the problem...

When a human-sized character takes on a being that's three times the size of a planet, it's so insane that I can't get a real sense of investment. It's unreal. A man or woman who can take on something so utterly massive and so absurdly powerful destroys any sense of scale that the action has. Throwing a monster that's three times the size of a PLANET into the sun isn't badass, it's silly. I know Bayonetta is a silly game, but when I saw her throwing that thing into the sun, my reaction wasn't "Oh my god that's so cool", it was "Okay. That happened".

By contrast, the fights in The Raid and The Raid 2 are so obscenely badass, because it was grounded. Yeah, they had some silly moments, but you can get a sense of scale and the weight that every hit has on Rama. Or in Cowboy Bebop, when Spike tangled with Vicious, there were always some unrealistic moments, but never so insane that I just stopped being excited. A good fight scene never stretches the suspension of disbelief until it breaks, and that's the issue that Bayonetta's final boss had.


On Topic:


Toph Beifong (Avatar; the Last Airbender)
I don't think this girl needs any defending. Samurai Jack can take on the shapeshifting master of evil, Batman can punch the Joker, and Cad Bane can shoot some clones, but they all bow before the power of a 12 year old girl. Toph is one of the baddest motherfuckers in the cartoon world, not just for her insane strength in bending, but for her unique ingenuity and willpower. She was born blind, coddled by a couple of rich jerkoffs, and hidden from the world because they were ashamed of her. Any other one of us would have taken this as a reasonable excuse to be a wuss, but instead, Toph invents Metalbending, the most hardcore form of bending. Toph is forever best girl.


Rama (The Raid Series)
Jesus, do I need to talk about this? Rama is a human tornado of fists and pain, a weapon designed to obliterate bones and flesh that walks and talks like a person. He's a good person, and is probably the best example of Lawful Good I've ever seen in any form of media. A man who isn't fully willing to break rules, but who fights for the good of the people. Even when he's given a good reason, he's hesitant to draw innocent blood. Rama is the hero the cinematic world deserves, and damned if he isn't one we need.


Killy (BLAME!)
When characters in manga are professed to be professionals or skilled at what they do, they tend to not act like it. They stand around and gawk when things get heated, or when the stakes go up, announcing that yes, indeed, the stakes have risen. Killy doesn't do that. Killy seems to understand full well that most manga protagonists have absolutely horrendous dialogue, so he keeps his trap shut, and moves about with an air of professionalism and stoicism that makes him rather unique. While not exactly a dynamic character, he is the closest to a hero that The Megastructure and The City have. In a setting that's about as grimdark as one can make a setting, Killy singlehandedly carries a torch of hope alongside a laser pistol that can blast through damn near anything, assuming the recoil doesn't kill him. Everything is against him, time is forever gnawing at him, every person he meets is either trying to get Net Terminal Genes for themselves or kill him, the Safeguard have him listed as public enemy number one, and he's a living nightmare among the Silicone Creatures.
But damned if he doesn't fight on.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Anime: no question, Kazuma Kannagi from Kaze no Stigma
dude is the main character, yet basically stronger than any other character in the show, and has such an interesting personality that that works.

gaming: commander sheppard was my "obvious first choice" because...of course he was. but then I thought for a second and....Lu Bu. I know everyone has their own opinions,and badassery is subjective, but....Lu Bu has to be up there.

Literature: Harry Dresden or Tavi. (yeh, im a big jim butcher fan, so sue me)


New member
May 28, 2010
AsurasEyes said:
Tenkage said:
Seriously lets see who we can come up to be our biggest bad asses

Gaming: I'm giving this one to Bayonetta, why, she took on a being that was at least 3 times the size of a planet, threw it through space and into the sun. Yeah that pretty much seals the deal to make her a bad ass
Here's the problem...

When a human-sized character takes on a being that's three times the size of a planet, it's so insane that I can't get a real sense of investment. It's unreal. A man or woman who can take on something so utterly massive and so absurdly powerful destroys any sense of scale that the action has. Throwing a monster that's three times the size of a PLANET into the sun isn't badass, it's silly. I know Bayonetta is a silly game, but when I saw her throwing that thing into the sun, my reaction wasn't "Oh my god that's so cool", it was "Okay. That happened".

By contrast, the fights in The Raid and The Raid 2 are so obscenely badass, because it was grounded. Yeah, they had some silly moments, but you can get a sense of scale and the weight that every hit has on Rama. Or in Cowboy Bebop, when Spike tangled with Vicious, there were always some unrealistic moments, but never so insane that I just stopped being excited. A good fight scene never stretches the suspension of disbelief until it breaks, and that's the issue that Bayonetta's final boss had.


On Topic:


Toph Beifong (Avatar; the Last Airbender)
I don't think this girl needs any defending. Samurai Jack can take on the shapeshifting master of evil, Batman can punch the Joker, and Cad Bane can shoot some clones, but they all bow before the power of a 12 year old girl. Toph is one of the baddest motherfuckers in the cartoon world, not just for her insane strength in bending, but for her unique ingenuity and willpower. She was born blind, coddled by a couple of rich jerkoffs, and hidden from the world because they were ashamed of her. Any other one of us would have taken this as a reasonable excuse to be a wuss, but instead, Toph invents Metalbending, the most hardcore form of bending. Toph is forever best girl.


Rama (The Raid Series)
Jesus, do I need to talk about this? Rama is a human tornado of fists and pain, a weapon designed to obliterate bones and flesh that walks and talks like a person. He's a good person, and is probably the best example of Lawful Good I've ever seen in any form of media. A man who isn't fully willing to break rules, but who fights for the good of the people. Even when he's given a good reason, he's hesitant to draw innocent blood. Rama is the hero the cinematic world deserves, and damned if he isn't one we need.


Killy (BLAME!)
When characters in manga are professed to be professionals or skilled at what they do, they tend to not act like it. They stand around and gawk when things get heated, or when the stakes go up, announcing that yes, indeed, the stakes have risen. Killy doesn't do that. Killy seems to understand full well that most manga protagonists have absolutely horrendous dialogue, so he keeps his trap shut, and moves about with an air of professionalism and stoicism that makes him rather unique. While not exactly a dynamic character, he is the closest to a hero that The Megastructure and The City have. In a setting that's about as grimdark as one can make a setting, Killy singlehandedly carries a torch of hope alongside a laser pistol that can blast through damn near anything, assuming the recoil doesn't kill him. Everything is against him, time is forever gnawing at him, every person he meets is either trying to get Net Terminal Genes for themselves or kill him, the Safeguard have him listed as public enemy number one, and he's a living nightmare among the Silicone Creatures.
But damned if he doesn't fight on.
Eh Fair enough, but then again can't say I ain't sexist, I find woman and men badass. Course if you want a more grounded bad Ass I guess I give it to Good old Laura Croft for fighting a Dinosaur (yeah old school)

Then again thanks to feminists on here I'm obligated to mention female badasses or I'm somehow sexist for not saying it. Just saying LOL