Who is your favorite Bioware Character and why?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

I don't think I can pick just one. Hell, I'd have trouble picking a top ten.

So, in no particular order: Wrex, Liara, Legion, Mordin, Jack, Samara, Minsc & Boo, Morrigan, Alistair, Sten, Varric, Merrill, Avaline.

Gotta say, I never understood the love for HK-47. Sure, it was amusing the first time the he called me a meatbag and requested permission to kill people. But the 15th time... not so funny. That was pretty much the only string on his bow.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I'm commander Shepard, and femshep is my favourite Bioware Character on the Citadel!


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Probably Alistair from Dragon Age, Fangirling aside. I think, its because I find him hilarious, and really sweet, I don't think there's been a playthrough I haven't used him in my party, and I have about 10+ ongoing playthroughs.

I'm not good at giving reasons why I like characters. OTL

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Tali. Never before was there a video game character to which I literally groaned about the lack of romance options (in ME1), such a sexy and cute voice. I just find her generally like-able. ME2 kept her charm, and then added some seriousness to the character which just made her better.

As silly as it is, she sort of pushes me to complete the Mass Effect series.

Not sure why I didn't show as much love to the KOTOR characters.


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Jolee Bindo - sarcastic bitter mouthy old man. Just like me.

"You know what I hate? Well, lots of things, actually. But I'm old, and easily annoyed."


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
It's definitely (notice: not defiantly) Jolee Bindo. So many funny lines, like...
Plus, there's his whole "Gray Jedi" philosophy. It's intriguing. I wish it were used more often, rather than go with the extreme Light vs Dark sides (another reason I love KotOR II so much, as that dichotomy is criticized quite often in it).

HK-47 is good...in KotOR II, an Obsidian game.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
the Last Handmaiden aka Brianna.

My fondness for this character was supported by the fact that the voice actress also did Catwoman in Arkham city and also Yanga from Escape from Monkey Island.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
out of all the games i've played (kotor, je, me1, me2)
i'd have to say mordin, because he makes sense, as well as introduces/embodies a fantastic point of view, which is refreshing in me2 and the game industry in general

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Zhukov said:

I don't think I can pick just one. Hell, I'd have trouble picking a top ten.

So, in no particular order: Wrex, Liara, Legion, Mordin, Jack, Samara, Minsc & Boo, Morrigan, Alistair, Sten, Varric, Merrill, Avaline.

Gotta say, I never understood the love for HK-47. Sure, it was amusing the first time the he called me a meatbag and requested permission to kill people. But the 15th time... not so funny. That was pretty much the only string on his bow.
I get you. That's why I love what Obsidian did with him in KotOR II. They turned him from a one-trick pony to a philosophical, still-homicidal mouthpiece for Revan and it works so well.
DustyDrB said:
It's definitely (notice: not defiantly) Jolee Bindo. So many funny lines, like...
Plus, there's his whole "Gray Jedi" philosophy. It's intriguing. I wish it were used more often, rather than go with the extreme Light vs Dark sides (another reason I love KotOR II so much, as that dichotomy is criticized quite often in it).

HK-47 is good...in KotOR II, an Obsidian game.
Eh, beat me to it.


New member
May 18, 2011
endtherapture said:
Jan Jansen!! He was absolutely hilarious. Had great banter with Anomen too, the "dung orc" story was hilarous.
See Viconia, it all started when Jan's uncle, Plooty Paladin-Piper, got caught up in that nasty flesh golem eating contest...


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Garrus is very badass and awesome, but not a great character. I'd love to have him exist and be a buddy, be he's too unreal. It would have to be Merill (Or whatever she was called) from DA2. (Yeah, yeah I know. I hated it as a sequel, so I called it Kirkwall Advertures and was able to enjoy it) She was actually stupid about something. She didn't have daddy issues that, er, Shepards "daddy" would fix, she was fairly reserved, she didn't have a rack that meant if she tried to move her spine would have compressed to a singularity and she was actually stupid about the whole mirror thing. I found myself yelling (in my brain, of course.) for her to just listen to the people more experienced who care about her to not do it. But she did. She made a realistic mistake, like, y'know, real people do. I hated the fact that I couldn't talk her out of it, since I'm Hawke, and the whole game sets you up to be the problem guy - But from a character perspective, she was great.

Though quite why her underwear when she stayed at your house looked like oblivion elven platemail, I'll never know. I would have rather had her wearing one of Hawkes massive "I'm with the champion" shirts. Or like, her clothes. It just made me think of an oblivion face on her.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'd have to say Mira, the bounty hunter of nar shadaa, she was clever and knew what she was doing. She also wasn't going to accept becoming a cheesy romantic love interest and made it clear.

close second is Hk-47, i mean come on. "Definition-Love is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 km away using an aratech sniper rifle with a twilight scope...For me, love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds"



New member
Sep 11, 2010
Probably... Garrus Vakarian, Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy, Anders and Aveline.

... There's probably more. Like Samara and Merill, and Zevran.

Garrus - Because he's just a very enjoyable character. He's a batman-style badass, but he's not totally infallible. There's a lot of drama surrounding him too which is really fun to plunge into and either let him indulge in his psychotic revenge or take the longer route of trying to lay his demons to rest. Plus, as a gay gamer, Garrus is intensely attractive despite being a weird alien bird thing. Must be the voice. Or badassery?

Tali - Probably because it's easy for me to relate to the "coming-of-age" story character, but Tali first grabbed my interest as nothing more than a conduit through which I could learn about one of the most interesting and scarcely represented species in Mass Effect. But in the second game she started to come into her own and she was no longer just the fellow introvert who I was attracted towards, but she had a really interesting story of a neglecting father and the politics and social dynamics of her people.

Anders - What can I say, I just love Anders. He's a tragic character, chasing after peace and understanding, all the while being lead back to violence by either his own extremist ways or the demon that resides within him. As the game progresses, of course, we learn that there are two demons within Anders that he's been fighting all along. Along the way he's a charismatic healer always making humorous observations - The Allistair of Dragon Age II.

Aveline - I doubt many others will pick her, but I loved Aveline. She was always the voice of reason. Yes, she was the captain of the guard, the representative of lawfulness and loyalty, but still she ran with my Hawke, a rogue, and two apostates, Merill and Anders. Instead of constantly making offensive comments like Fenris, she saw her comrades good intentions and abided by them. Not that she was spineless, either. At times she'd put her foot down and I understood her place. Getting Aveline her promotion and helping her with her romance was incredibly fun and I truly felt like I had built a friendship by the end of it.


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
Revan, because he/she reminds me when BioWare made good RPGs. These days I just think they are riding the Star Wars nostalgia train.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
My favorite is Liara hands down. Shy, quiet, beautiful nerd girl with a crush on me is a win. Throw in the fact that she's insanely strong and it's even better. Then, seeing her act naughty--both 'evil' and sexual--in Shadow Broker...I think my heart just melted.
Tali and Merrill are my next favorite two, probably because they both have the same basic personality as Liara.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Okamipsychonaut said:
the Last Handmaiden aka Brianna.

My fondness for this character was supported by the fact that the voice actress also did Catwoman in Arkham city and also Yanga from Escape from Monkey Island.
Bioware had nothing to do with KotOR 2. The game was made by Obsidian.