Who lives with a Roomate?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
I'm a freshman in college and i live in a dorm with a roomate. I may not have met a more infuriating and disturbing person. Lets start with the hygene, i don't think there is any. His desk has a perfect 360 degree circle of popcorn wreckage surrounding it. His bowls are filled with age-old spagetti O's and cereal. I go to class at 8 or nine every morning for a few hours (be it 12 or 1). The feeling of annoyance that washes over me as i walk into the room and realize my roomate is still sleeping is at times, overwhelming. I climb into bed to take a nap and my roommate decides to wake up, and turn on the lights to a comfertable dark room. And when he sleeps, i have a feeling he may be gurgling on his own spit which keeps me up at night, imagning the rivers of saliva pooling up on his pillow and forming a river to the floor.
There is much more i could rant about.

Thankfully i will have my own bedroom, in a house full of good friends next year to live in.

So tell me escapists, do you have any former roomates or current roomates, good or bad that you may have stories of?


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I do!

Um... Most normal people attempt to do their part to keep the room clean. If you invite people over, it reflects poorly on both of you.

My roommate's pretty good. His friends and girlfriend are fun to talk to and when he's getting his thing on at her place I get to sit alone and comfortable in the room. Alone. Or with a "friend" yayness. And I'm messier than he is. Way messier. But it's just cluttered. Nothing big like old food.
Aug 3, 2008
I share a flat with 5 other people, one of them has a tendency to cook for him and his girlfriend, eat half of it and just leave the rest on the side for a week or so. Its disgusting and the rest of us get fed up with it.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
No. But sleeping with a girl in the bed can often be a trial. You're expected to put an arm around her at all times, meaning you are forced into a particular position - one arm being crushed under her weight and rapidly losing blood flow, the other stuck out with no use. Heaven help you if she has long hair, you'll end up with half of it in your mouth. You have to also share the covers, the size of your "share" depending on your willingness to fight. Finally, if either of you don't sleep well, you'll be waking up each other throughout the night from snoring, fidgeting, getting up for the toilet, etc.

Women can be worse than any house mate at times. I find hair all over the place. In the bed, in te shower, all over the floor, in the oven...Why are there so few bald women?


New member
Jan 28, 2010
When I first started attending the school I go to now I roomed with 3 other people in a small two bedroom apartment. Generally it was ok except for the one I shared a room with who decided the whole entire room was his dirty laundry basket and decided normal sleeping hours were during the day time hours (note he had no job and spent all night playing WoW). Also had an affinity for tuna which made the kitchen stink like all hell. The other two roommates weren't bad at all. Needless to say he moved out and was replaced and we continued the game or roommate swapping (with plenty of their own stories to go along with them) until my current roommate and I decided to move out last year.

I now share an apartment with above said roommate (at the end of the paragraph) and we each have our own rooms. I have some pet peeves with him but since they're nothing major I get along with him quite well. Considering we have our own rooms messes and what not are localized to our rooms and the kitchen (the one thing he's supposed to keep clean and does not (story of it's own, mostly to say he's supposed to take care of most chores around the apartment since he doesn't have a job and I do so I don't have the time)) there's nothing to really gripe about.