Why are British people so down on Piers Morgan?

Feb 22, 2009
Verlander said:
In Search of Username said:
sextus the crazy said:
NightmareExpress said:
He's the British version of Bill O'Reilly.
He'll talk of different subjects, of course, but his method of argumentation is largely the same.
Be loud, pretend to always be right, try to talk down upon the opposition...and then make sweeping generalizations about a demographic to either prove your point or discredit the other guy despite the arse-pulled statistics being of debatable origin or not proving of a point.

That's why I don't like him, anyway.
Pretty much this.

From what I've learned during my time in London, Piers Morgan is a right-wing talking head on a far right news source.
That's bad enough.
He's actually fairly left-wing. Slimeball either way, though.
I've seen this a few times. He's pretty centre-right in relation to UK politics. If you're American you could argue that he leans to the left, but compared to some American politicians Maggie Thatcher was a dirty commie.
I'm British and I'm not the only one who thinks this.

He has co-hosted his own current affairs interview show on Channel 4 with Amanda Platell, Morgan and Platell. Morgan and Platell were put together because of their opposing political angles. Platell would interrogate guests from the right-wing, Morgan from the left-wing.

Anyway the guy's not a socialist or anything, but I'd say he's liberal on most social issues (supports gay rights, etc.) and fairly neutral on anything regarding economics.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
rodneyy said:
E3137 said:
thaluikhain said:
As mentioned, he is more reprehensible than Jeremy "shoot people on strike in front of their families" Clarkson.
Except Jeremy Clarkson is joking when he says that sort of thing, I get the impression Piers isn't.
Charlie Brooker was sooo correct when he called him a "Slimy Prick"
yeah i always got that impression as well. he might say twattie things but its more his act, he plays a childish man/boy who prats around and says petulant things. just sometimes he goes a little far and missjudges something and it gets him in trouble.
Actually, if you watched the full interview where Clarkson talked about having the strikers shot, he first said a few sentences about how he supported them, thought it was great, made a standard car related comment about how the roads of London were now free of traffic because no one was going to work, and then he said "Oh, but this is the BBC, and we have to cover all views, so on the other hand I hate it and I'd have them all shot."

It was simply an immature joke about the BBC's policy of showing all views and trying not to take sides on any issue, and it was clearly set as such. The tabloids just took the single sentence and ran with it, as they are wont to do.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I don't think he's right wing or left wing, he's simply whatever will get him the most money and attention.

He'd happily do TV ads for Dr Harold Shipman's new retirement home, or Gary Glitter's new preschool if he thought there was two bucks in it for him.

No-one can sum him up quite like Stephen Fry did, but I think Charlie Brooker did have a good stab at it, tho sadly not at him.


J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
rodneyy said:
E3137 said:
thaluikhain said:
As mentioned, he is more reprehensible than Jeremy "shoot people on strike in front of their families" Clarkson.
Except Jeremy Clarkson is joking when he says that sort of thing, I get the impression Piers isn't.
Charlie Brooker was sooo correct when he called him a "Slimy Prick"
yeah i always got that impression as well. he might say twattie things but its more his act, he plays a childish man/boy who prats around and says petulant things. just sometimes he goes a little far and missjudges something and it gets him in trouble.
Jeremy Clarkson comes out with stuff like that as its his "persona" and people expect it, you can often see it in the stupid smile he shares with the other celebrities he is speaking too its fairly obvious at times that it was rehearsed. Its his gimmick, the same could be said for Piers Morgan I suppose. He made his TV career out of acting that way but his earlier tabloid career was never part of a public persona it was the way he conducted his journalistic MO.

Although I will say Clarkson being a Thatcher supporter makes him the bigger dick on some levels.


New member
Feb 13, 2013
rodneyy said:
E3137 said:
thaluikhain said:
As mentioned, he is more reprehensible than Jeremy "shoot people on strike in front of their families" Clarkson.
Except Jeremy Clarkson is joking when he says that sort of thing, I get the impression Piers isn't.
Charlie Brooker was sooo correct when he called him a "Slimy Prick"
yeah i always got that impression as well. he might say twattie things but its more his act, he plays a childish man/boy who prats around and says petulant things. just sometimes he goes a little far and missjudges something and it gets him in trouble.
He always seems to be in the news, and it's never for a good reason! Personally, I find it funny, but there's always people that seem to take it too literally. Still, at least he isn't being slimy and devious, which is one point in his favour (Unlike Piers, for example)


New member
Jul 24, 2012
OlasDAlmighty said:
I have no clue why the whole internet is so determined to hate him,

I know him mainly from America's got Talent and a few interviews he's done and if he ever struck me as anything it was a tad dull. Maybe it's because I agree with him on most issues like gun ownership rights, but aside from being a bit thick headed I don't see any real reason to label him the antichrist like other escapists on this thread have literally done.

Maybe the people who hate him so much haven't seen or read much American news and therefore haven't seen bogus journalism in it's prime. We don't even have real news anymore, it's mostly just idiots arguing over whether Obama's an American or not being filmed and presented as news.
Ermm..do you have a clue now, after reading all the posts on this thread. I am interested to know if you just posted without reading or you actually read the reason posters gave and decided it's ok b'cos half of american news is just as bad anyway.

Piers Morgan's method of debating brings the left down to the same level as those 'idiots' you detest so much: the extreme right wing nutters who argue about Obama's birth certificate. As the poster boy for increased gun control he does them/you a huge disservice. The way he completely misses the point, twists questions, puts words in people's mouths is made all the more worse because it's so mind numbingly obvious.

His debates go something like this:
'this many people/children were killed by guns in the US this year...so we need to ban assault weapons, don't you care about children'
'But 99% of them were killed by hand guns...are we talking about handguns or AR15's?'
'what was the weapons used in these school shooting?'
audience member that isn't blindly rooting for Piers just because his a lefty:
*face palm*

There are a number of people who can make a very reasonable and effective argument such as Jon Stewart etc etc..instead you have Piers chasing ratings. Yes other journalists, talk show hosts and politicians do it too but Piers Morgan is the least subtle one, and quite counter productive. The only pro-gun owner that has made Piers look respectable in a debate is Alex Jones and even that can be debated.

This is a guy who pesters other popular celebs on twitter to try to attract twitter followers...just to get beat anyway.


I think my hatred of Piers stems from a combination of his rating chasing intentions, how obvious it is.., and then how ineffective he is at supporting his chosen bandwagon.

That and lieing about hacking and other stuff and getting found out over and over again. He lies about stuff that people don't really lie about;


New member
May 5, 2012
This is the best thing, he's the world's biggest asshole over here but he looks placid next to some nameless *cough* Limbaugh O'Reilly *cough* personalities in the US.

He is involved and has done most of the scummiest things that tabloid newspapers do. He's just plain rude. Blah, blah, rich, blah, ego, blah.

He's a ****.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
For reference, Piers Morgan is a right-wing conservative. The only reasons American's think he is liberal is because America is one of the most politically conservative countries in the world (In many European, and until about 10 years ago, Canadian Conservatives are farther to the political left than the average American Democrat). But basically, the reason that Piers Morgan is hated is that during his time in UK journalism he was a rampant tabloid journalist who used under-handed and arguably illegal tactics in order to benefit himself. He has, relatively speaking, been behaving himself since he started at CNN, although he still employs O'Reilly/Limbaugh style tactics.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Verlander said:
Reverse Social Class-ism

He's a posh boy know it all crap editor conservative hack, and genuinely unlikable. Which kinda makes him a warm fuzzy hippy by US television standards. Jokes.
It's funny. If this thread is anything to go by, it seems he's managed to piss off people with far-left and far-right political stances.

I first heard of him during the gun-control debate (after Sandy Hook) and he came off as quite half-arsed and even unlike-able with Alex Jones in the picture.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Lilani said:
So I'm a fat American and recently I've gotten into watching British panel shows on YouTube. They've all got their own gimmicks and quirks, but if there's one thing that seems to be consistent it's that everybody hates Piers Morgan. Even Professor Elemental, the "chap-hop" artist rags on him a couple of times in his songs. Personally I'm only vaguely aware of the man. He was a host of some contest show I think for a while, and now he's apparently some sort of news show host on CNN.

But apparently he's managed to gain the ire of an overwhelming number of British citizens, and I'm rather curious as to what he's done to earn that much hate. I mean really, I understand there are some pretty un-liked celebrities, but this seems to be on the level of George W. Bush.
Let's be reasonable here, you don't need to specify the British. I am certain that anyone who knows who Piers Morgan is hates him.

I as a Canadian certainly do! The man is stupid, opinionated, and rude. Not terribly endearing qualities.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Because he's a prick.
Possibly because his arch rival, Jeremy Clarkson, presents one of the most widely watched British tv shows and is highly popular.
Actually, it's one of the most watched tv shows... In the world!

doggy go 7

New member
Jul 28, 2010
No-one really hates him because of his political views (as this thread establishes, no-one seems to be able to say what thoses views ARE), it's just because he's a ****. Sometimes he'll say something I'll agree with, and then I'm depressed because my views are shared by a ****. An unfunny ****. That no-one likes. ****.


Dec 24, 2011
IronMit said:
OlasDAlmighty said:
I have no clue why the whole internet is so determined to hate him,

I know him mainly from America's got Talent and a few interviews he's done and if he ever struck me as anything it was a tad dull. Maybe it's because I agree with him on most issues like gun ownership rights, but aside from being a bit thick headed I don't see any real reason to label him the antichrist like other escapists on this thread have literally done.

Maybe the people who hate him so much haven't seen or read much American news and therefore haven't seen bogus journalism in it's prime. We don't even have real news anymore, it's mostly just idiots arguing over whether Obama's an American or not being filmed and presented as news.
Ermm..do you have a clue now, after reading all the posts on this thread. I am interested to know if you just posted without reading or you actually read the reason posters gave and decided it's ok b'cos half of american news is just as bad anyway.

Piers Morgan's method of debating brings the left down to the same level as those 'idiots' you detest so much: the extreme right wing nutters who argue about Obama's birth certificate. As the poster boy for increased gun control he does them/you a huge disservice. The way he completely misses the point, twists questions, puts words in people's mouths is made all the more worse because it's so mind numbingly obvious.
To answer your question, yes, I've read most of the other posts on this thread as well as numerous other threads about Piers Morgan. Most posters basically just say the same thing: I hate him because he's a slimeball/douchebag/prick/moron. When anecdotes about him are used it's usually some photoscandal he was behind or something about him falling off a Segway.

Usually to deserve this kind of universal hate you have to be some sort of rapist or serial murderer, from what I can tell he's just kinda mean and unprofessional, both of these traits are basically requirements to be a successful journalist in the US. If he's really the worst you guys have you have no idea how lucky you are. I'll admit, the way he frames statements as questions is a little stupid. "How many X?" But at least he doesn't appear to have any wacky conspiracy theories.

Next to someone like Rush Limbaugh (the most popular radio show in the US) he's practically Socrates.