Why are people buying Skyrim?


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Because the amount of money I'd save by waiting a year is not enough to warrant waiting a damn year for Skyrim. I think I can only barely make it through the next 5 days.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
what the OP describes, is exactly the reason why I usually wait 6 month or more before buying a new game.

With Skyrim, I might make an exception though, partly because I predict I won't be "done" with the game within a week or two, like usual (I still replay games that take a week or two to complete, It's simply unusual for a game to have this much re-playability withut having to atart a new game).


Aug 25, 2008
The Map is huge...there are 300 odd dungeons...and god knows how many towns and city's...

Does it really NEED expansions? i doubt anyone will complete EVERY SINGE QUEST in the game in the first few months, there are a shit ton, main and side quest.


New member
Jun 11, 2008
Because a guy came into my office the other day with a pretty crazed glint to his eye and a Bowie knife, and he said that if I don't pre-order Skyrim by the end of this weekend he'll slice me up and down until I look like salami.

I tried calling the police, but they told me he's been going to a lot of places doing this, and what with all the budget cuts, they can't take on new cases. So now I need to buy Skyrim or look like food.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Well, you could say it's because if no one buys it, then they won't make DLC for it because it didn't sell, and then we won't have the GotY/Ultimate edition

Sigma Van Lockheart

New member
Jun 7, 2011
I have been waiting since 2004 its now the nearing the end of 2011 i think i have waited enought plus i would have to add another year to that time if i was to wait for GOTY edition so no imma buy it right now.

Troublesome Lagomorph

The Deadliest Bunny
May 26, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
Yeah, impatience I guess. But that's a rather derogatory way of looking at it - I've been bloody patient all this time.

I guess it's just being a true fan that does it, because I want the game SO DAMN MUCH at this point that waiting for another year or so for a non-existent (for me) financial reason would be silly.
This. We've been waiting years for this to be made, we don't want to wait another year just so all the DLC will be compiled into a single package.
Also: Steam sales on DLC. So it won't be THAT expensive to buy it all individually, if we time our purchases right.

Sagacious Zhu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Because we want to.


I bought Oblivion when it came out then got Knights of Nine and Shivering Isles on they're own. DLC isn't really a big selling point for me




New member
Apr 23, 2010
BGH122 said:
Because a guy came into my office the other day with a pretty crazed glint to his eye and a Bowie knife, and he said that if I don't pre-order Skyrim by the end of this weekend he'll slice me up and down until I look like salami.

I tried calling the police, but they told me he's been going to a lot of places doing this, and what with all the budget cuts, they can't take on new cases. So now I need to buy Skyrim or look like food.
This happened to you too!
Wow this crazed Skyrim fan has really gone to far now!


New member
Jun 11, 2008
imnotparanoid said:
BGH122 said:
Because a guy came into my office the other day with a pretty crazed glint to his eye and a Bowie knife, and he said that if I don't pre-order Skyrim by the end of this weekend he'll slice me up and down until I look like salami.

I tried calling the police, but they told me he's been going to a lot of places doing this, and what with all the budget cuts, they can't take on new cases. So now I need to buy Skyrim or look like food.
This happened to you too!
Wow this crazed Skyrim fan has really gone to far now!
Please, please stop him if you see him again. He's taken my wife and won't give her back unless I buy twenty thousand copies of Skyrim! I'm going to have to sell my house and live in a fort made of Skyrim boxes...


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
I want skyrim for two reasons;

-An offline game that I can play when I can't log into Diablo 3 when that comes out.
-Something to play while I wait for Daiblo 3 to come out.

Anyone know of a required 'always on DRM' or anything else I wouldn't want?

lovest harding

New member
Dec 6, 2009
Because I'm not going to deny myself a game I will enjoy for hundreds of hours because at some point it'll be cheaper?
Bethesda games are worth every penny to me. If they aren't worth it to you, that's fine, but I will gladly pay the brand new price (including buying the DLC as it comes out) because I will get enough enjoyment out of the game. That's just how I see it.

Nocturnal Gentleman

New member
Mar 12, 2010
I'm probably going to wait a year or two before I buy it. Pretty much like all other games I play. I don't really have as much time to game anymore and I really don't get hyped up for new games like I used to. Mostly because I got tired of seeing better versions released after I bought the first.

Mostly it's just an impatience thing.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
You gotta be kiddin' me. Might as well say "Oh, there's this awesome game comin' out soon that I wanna play. But dude, fuck that, after like 20 years it'll probably be free or somethin'."


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Well that won't be out for a fair while yet. I mean I could wait a year before buying my games and saving money. However I'm interested in the game and want to play it. I might get hit by a bus next month, and I would have died while holding out on pleasure for the sake of a couple bucks. Say there are 3 expansions before the "Complete" edition comes out, and that it takes a year to come out (NV has taken longer than that). Based on NV (the closest comparison) ther DLC costs £7.50 on Steam. So if there are 3 expansions then I'm spending £22.50 to buy all the expansions on release. Though I get the game a year earlier. I don't have much of a problem with that.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Impatience, pure and simple. Unlike EA and Activision, Bethesda actually produces products worthy of excitement and a new purchase at launch.


New member
May 8, 2009
Strain42 said:
Now before anyone gets mad or assumes this is some sort of anti-Skyrim thread, it's not. I'm not bashing the game, the developer or anyone who is interested in it.

But let's look at Oblivion and Fallout 3. Both of those games were eventually given expansion packs, and then re-released as a game that contained the original game plus all of the expansion packs. Sometimes these were cheaper than the original game.

So assuming that's going to happen with Skyrim, why buy it now? Is it just a matter of impatience? Do people want to support Bethesda by possibly buying the game twice?

Is there anyone reading this who does just plan on buying it once the Game of the Year edition comes out?

Just curious.
Look, man, you have valid points...except for the fact that you're disregarding dates. Look at Fallout: New Vegas. Released October of 2010. The most recent DLC came out not so long ago, and the GOTY Edition (the Ultimate Edition) is going to be out in February...of 2012. So yes, in theory, you could just wait for the GOTY edition, but how much money would you save? And is it enough to merit waiting nearly a year and a half to buy a game you want? And for the rest of us, to merit waiting nearly a year and a half to buy a game you really, really want?

Also, you're forgetting that this is an Obsidian game, so it's got a heavy emphasis on story, more so than most games. Ever heard of "Late Arrival Spoilers"? It's the stuff in a story that gets revealed inevitably to series newcomers simply because you can't avoid not revealing it. If you're catching up on the DVDs of a TV show that a friend recommended for you, you might catch a preview on TV of their latest season...and see that the villain of the season you're still watching is now one of the protagonists.

Congratulations: you were late to the party and now you've lost something from the overall experience.

Another possible example, though it's more of a Citizen Kane "spoiler" than anything else: Bioshock. You can't bring it up without the phrase "Would you kindly" being brought up at least once, and one of the things that made its twist so great is that no one saw it coming. If people keep saying that, and you hear Atlas saying it during your playthrough, you might think something's up long before the reveal.

And you don't get to complain about it, either. You're the one who waited over a year after release date to buy the game. In the gaming sphere, Bioshock may as well be The Usual Suspects: it's practically assumed that you know the twist, and you're treated with largely justified contempt if you protest people talking about it.

So...yeah. I'm buying Skryim on release day. Hell, I might even go nuts and hit the midnight release. Because I've really wanted this game for a while now, and I'm not waiting over a year so I can save a few bucks at the cost of too many things that can't be bought back with those savings.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
The extra money I am gladly paying is for the chance to be able to play it sooner, and have more time overall with the game. I'm paying a premium to be able to enjoy the game first and possibly for longer which I am happy with.

Sure getting the expansions cheap is nice, but the core game is itself is more than worth the £30 that I am paying for it, and the expansions will likely be worth the price that I pay for those.

I paid full price for Oblivion and it's expansions and I got 800hours of game play, better than any other game to date for me so I'm not afraid to put my money on the line.

It's definitely not the most sensible option for sure, but it's the most fun to me.