Red Dead Redemption has what I think of as the quintessential moment in all Western games, when you first arrive in Mexico and Far Away by Jose Gonzales starts playing. I happened to end up in Mexico just as the sun began to set, and riding along the dusty mountain trails toward the first town, the red tinged sky gradually darkening as mournful guitar filled my ears, it was the only moment in video gaming I can remember that I wasn't spurring myself on to the next section as fast as possible.
The entirety of the game I spent most of my time watching the little meter in the lower left corner, either using the minimap or seeing how much harder I could ride my horse to get where I needed to go a little faster, but this one moment, this perfect combination of song, setting and sun, got me to slow down, completely organically. Where I would normally be frustrated by a game forcing me to not go at full speed, I found myself just riding, feeling the whole of John Marston's character, his struggle. It might have been my favorite moment in all of gaming, because the Old West has always been my favorite setting and, while I have played quite a few games that made me feel like the rootinest tootinest cowboy in the wild, wild west, RDR made me feel something closer to what I really want out of the genre; a desperate man in a desperate situation, knowing that whatever lay around the mountain might kill him dead as easy as anything else and continuing anyway out of sheer grit and determination.