Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Call of duty appeals to a distinct branch of multiplayer shooters. In its own league, pick up and play shooters with fast respawns, it is the king. Because that is how the game is set up, for fast paced games.

What more shooters should be doing is coming up with their own niche of multiplayer. Class Based structure is dominated by Team Fortress 2 and Killzone 3. Halo Multiplayer is a game unto itself. Battlefield does excellent vehicular combat.

More games need to play up their strengths to offer a unique multipayler experience, rather than trying to beat a game at the top of its class.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Valid points I suppose but I personally don't like it, my girlfriend does though. And in my experience I dont think anyone can just pick up and play it. I am an avid gamer but I couldnt live long enough to do anything without getting killed by campers and spawnerss who theyre hot stuff. My experience with COD was dull or annoying at best. But hey, I am not fan of FPS multiplayer anyway.


Veteran n00b
Sep 14, 2008
Sean Hollyman said:
CoD is the best multiplayer shooter because pretty much anyone can play it.
Its a FPS they all use similar mechanics. Once you have the basic idea you can play most of them. Sure there are exceptions, there always are.

My experience with the francise has been if I come in when the game is new then I have a chance to not die all the time. If I come in to the game 3-6months late everyone else is so much more powerfull that I dont stand a chance.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
usmarine4160 said:
I think Battlefield is the best multiplayer game simply because it requires more finesse and control. Keeps those casual types out
Guess who Battlefield 3 was trying (unsuccessfully) to appeal to? Why else would their theme song be "99 Problems"?


New member
Jun 28, 2010
All COD 'skill' involves is reflexes and lag. If you have good reflexes and the connection in the game isn't laggy as hell (good luck with that) then you're pretty much guaranteed a 2.00+ K/D ratio in the game. Aiming doesn't matter much because the health is really low. Thats the reason its so accessible. Its a test of reflexes and situational awareness. COD players also like the rewards they get for their 'efforts' in the form of killstreaks.
Dec 27, 2010
Sean Hollyman said:
No, I'm not trolling. Yes, I know CoD has a lof of flaws, and is downright stupid at some times. But what makes Call of Duty so great as a multiplayer game is that it's so easy that anyone can play it...
BS. Absolute BS. Sorry, but you're wrong. It's not easy and not anyone can play it (I myself can't play the last two even though I was actually alright at 4 and WaW). The game's a lot more complex and downright irritating for newer players than you'd assume. I'm really sorry to utterly dismiss you, but your point's really quite clearly not valid. Again, sorry.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
COD might be a little more accessible than Battlefield, but it isn't really accessible in it's own right. Having seen various siblings and family just attempting to understand moving from the first person in a 3D space, I can tell you that it is not as simple to learn as it seems to gamers like you and me, and the fast paced game play of the COD games doesn't help anything.

Farmville is accessible... and maybe Peggle. The closest thing to an accessible First Person Shooter I have ever encountered is Portal, and even then it is very difficult at first for people completely new to the concept.

Do understand I'm making no comment as to how COD stands up as a game, please don't take this the wrong way.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I don't understand what all the hate is against campers. With the exception of MW2 (where scavengable claymores and the AA-12 extendo-mag basically made you invincible) camping is pretty easily countered. I've been killed lots and lots and lots of times because I'm relatively predictable in my positioning, and generally the map design is good enough that there's always one entrance that I can't cover. It's really not that hard to kill a camper, even a good one.

OT: I personally like CoD more than the other mainstream shooters out there, but I think it's probably personal preference (battlefield movement feels really weird to me and the guns feel underpowered, and halo is...well...halo). So I'm not sure if I agree with the OP, but I can at least understand where he's coming from

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Uhm, the best? So popularity and sales => Best.
Which means Rebecca Black and BieberBoy are one of the best singers we had in the past years? I really doubt that.
CoD is maybe one of the most sold shooters but by far not the best, simply because good or bad is always personal opinion.

I'd prefer CS or UT over CoD everytime. Does that make CS or UT better than CoD? Yes, for me it does.

About the CoD hate.. well, isn't it the same with everything on the internet? Hyperbole much? Jeah, CoD is the Fifa-FPS which doesn't really evolve. Meh, they're still decent and you can dump hours of playtime into them without worrying.
The Internet just needs some victims for their hate-parade. I mean i could understand it if we wouldn't have any other possibilities. But between BF, CS and many other shooters everyone should find something to be happy.

All the Activision hate is just jelly + nerd rage. If you don't like the game, don't buy it. Easy as that. I still enjoy my Modern Warfare 1 ;) If they acutally release something "new" i maybe try it.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Funny, everyone I know who has tried to play it with little to no videogaming/fps background has failed miserably at playing it, and going purely by your argument, wii sports is Gods golden gaming gift to mankind since anyone can play it, a flawed argument on nearly every level


New member
May 26, 2010
Call of Duty is the most boring shooter I've ever played. There is no surprise in it. Whoever sees the other guy first almost always wins and there are few chances for a comeback. Call of Duty is basically Unreal Tournament without dodging.

I like the character customization, but battles are so fast it's hard to tell if it makes a difference. I think game play wouldn't change if things like the perk system didn't exist.


New member
May 14, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
To be fair, Pretty much anyone can pick up anything and eat it (Albeit with some difficult shits afterwards, and eating a car could be hard) but my point is that food is rarely ever designed to not be user friendly, or to only be fun to people who are hard core food eaters, Unlike games, as alot of them are designed for hardcore Fooders Gamers and therfore not newbie/casual friendly


New member
Oct 7, 2007
My understanding that multiplayer has barely anything to do with why people like Call of Duty and that it's the cinematic single-player game that's actually the draw. Having played a bit of it, I can understand why. It's pulpy war fiction, it's over the top, but it's no less absurd than some of the Tom Clancy material I've seen, it does a decent job of bringing folks other than the United States into the fray as good guys, and it features some of the best use of scripted events modern gaming has to offer.

"Roach--go to plan B...."

Granted, its depiction of Russia is downright insulting and it seems like the Call of Duty world never picked itself up out of the cold war... but that seems to describe a lot of otherwise enjoyable war fiction.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
kian525 said:
i agree with you, cod is way too underrated. people hate the players, not the game.
Yet they see players as the game.

Sounds like an M Night Shayamlin twist.

Tommeh Brownleh

New member
May 26, 2011
It's a good shooter because, and allow me to use caps for emphasis, IT'S FUN AND CAN RELIEVE STRESS AT TIMES! It's nothing amazing. It's nothing to write home about, but it's fun. Hell, soldier isn't even in my top 10 fantasies, but you know what? It can be fun to play one.

I'm going to stop here, and end with this: different people like different things. If you don't agree with it, that doesn't mean it's shit.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I prefer Battlefield. Wide open engagements with vehicles will always trump CoD's tight, uber-twitch gameplay.