Why Call of Duty may possibly be the best multiplayer shooter.


New member
May 27, 2009
The game is not the most easy to mod, and there is no option to get DLC for free, so no, it's far from the best multiplayer game by a country mile, furthermore the game modes are strict at best, and are not varied much.

Oh also it's hardly easy to learn, it just gives loads of advantages to players who win by chance, such as care packages.
You don't learn very fast when your dying 24/7 and get spawn camped due to badly design spawns.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
kian525 said:
i agree with you, cod is way too underrated. people hate the players, not the game.
WHAT? It gets bloody 9.5's every year for some reason! It's overrated as hell!


New member
Jul 17, 2009
There are two reasons people dislike CoD: armchair game design with an unwarranted sense of elitism and aversion to anything popular with an unwarranted special snowflake attitude.

More OT: I'm not sure that I agree. I found MW2 multiplayer to be fairly hard to get into compared to a lot of shooters. Admittedly, this might be because I had more experience with more traditional shooters, so they were easier while I had little experience with the MW stype of FPS.

On the other hand, I really enjoyed MW2. I liked the campaign, despite everyone's griping - it was long enough to satisfy me, provided some neat set pieces, kept the action flowing at a decent pace, and varied the environments and situations pleasantly. And, while I struggled with it for a while, I really did enjoy the multiplayer.

People who complain about the fact that CoD is "just about whoever sees the other guy first" are both absolutely right and completely wrong. CoD is indeed primarily about whoever sees the other guy first. The issue is where people think that that's some sort of unintended design flaw or some kind of problem. It's not. CoD is just a different sort of shooter - it matters far more where you are, what sort of cover you have, how and when you move around the maps. It isn't so much that there's no way to win gunfights because they win if they see you first, it's that the way you win gunfights is by putting yourself in a position where you'll see them first. Personally, I much prefer this sort of tactical play to traditional FPS games where such issues confer only a minor advantage to the point that a player with especially good aim need not worry substantially about them and fighting smart can't ever really beat better aiming ability.

TL;DR: There are plenty of games that are decided more or less solely on reflexes and muscle memory. This isn't an inherent quality that all shooters must have. It can be nice to have a game that focuses more on other aspects of player skill too.


New member
May 22, 2010
I'd like to point out that going by the OP's criteria, Mario Party is the best game ever, period. Think about it; has anything ever been easier to pick up and play? You spin your joystick in circles. There's not much skill involved. And it can be a lot of fun, especially when inebriated.

However, I maintain that surface simplicity is only one element of game design, and that there are other factors that need to be considered when making a decision like this.

Alright, Inglip, if you want me to be the judge of the ghost beer, I'm up for it...


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Not at all.
The game is frustrating to anyone who is not a veteran at it and even then, the huge flaws in the game will piss anyone off after a short amount of time.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
I hate any game that is so fixed on being realistic that it sacrifices creativity. Screw CoD and everyone who thinks its gods gift.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I'm agreeing with all points made against CoD.
Every time I've played it (and I'm not a bad gamer, I used to play competitive CSS and TF2, in the top ten teams) and it was just too....luck based. No one aims really, (Bar the damned 'quick scoping') it's just, point kinda where the there player is. And hold down the fire button, whomever pumps more bullets first wins. Cover is absolutely pointless (Yes I know most high powered rifles can penetrate/destroy concrete) but when it's pistols, small rounds can shotguns. No dice. Just complete utter bullshit, I know you can't have ultra realism within a game for it would make to...boring or hard. But when it's acting to be real, and people think it's real. When it's just complete bullshit, then again. No dice.

All in all.
I hate CoD and dislike it's fan boys.
Long live TF2 ^^


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Dirty Hipsters said:
kian525 said:
i agree with you, cod is way too underrated. people hate the players, not the game.
No, people hate the players, the developers, the publisher, many of the gameplay features, and the websites and reviewers who seem to praise the flawed games at every turn and reward mediocrity with extremely high scores.

But I will admit, I do enjoy me some COD. It's just so goddamn addictive, despite all the flaws and imbalances.
The only imbalances are the douchers playing it. It's still a highly tuned, well oiled machine. The game's performance is still high quality, people are just sick of it. As a game in its own right it deserves those high scores, but I'm off the COD bandwagon for now because of the community and I'd rather get Skyrim, Saints Row 3, or any number of other games before I buy what is essentially the same game for the 4th time.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
AlphaEcho said:
kian525 said:
i agree with you, cod is way too underrated. people hate the players, not the game.
WHAT? It gets bloody 9.5's every year for some reason! It's overrated as hell!
I think he means how hostile the community here is towards COD rather than critical acclaim... Which is totally true.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I respect your opinion and I won't try to bring it down, so instead let's link arms and skip merrily into the sunset.

*does so*


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Redryhno said:
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
I second this statement
/thread because anyone can do it does not make it the best or even good. Not at all.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Geo Da Sponge said:
Troublesome Lagomorph said:
If you like grenade spam then yes. I much prefer TF2, however, due to the fact that there is much less grenade spam and you actually gotta figure out how to use your class.

Well, with most classes...
Much less grenade spam in TF2. Sure.

Actually I don't really have much to add to be honest, I just thought it was funny that you would say that when entire maps in TF2 are ruined by spamming (I'm looking at you Dustbowl and Goldrush).
Psh, all REAL demo men use swords.

Grotch Willis

New member
May 10, 2011
I don't think its even in the same league as TF2, but at least it does not have a glitch in the game that causes your xbox to freeze as soon as you try to play (Gear of War 3).

Zeh Don

New member
Jul 27, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Pretty much anyone can pick up a sausage roll and eat it.

Does that make it the best savoury food of all time?
Yeah, this was ended here. No question.


New member
Jun 24, 2010

Best this and best that. Seriously, tastes in games are totally subjective. Like what you want to like and don't be an ignorant moron.

If you like CoD, fine.
If you like BF, fine.
If you like Kirby's Epic Adventure, fine.

Just don't say this is shit and this is better, that's your opinion, not fact.


New member
May 22, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
Geo Da Sponge said:
Troublesome Lagomorph said:
If you like grenade spam then yes. I much prefer TF2, however, due to the fact that there is much less grenade spam and you actually gotta figure out how to use your class.

Well, with most classes...
Much less grenade spam in TF2. Sure.

Actually I don't really have much to add to be honest, I just thought it was funny that you would say that when entire maps in TF2 are ruined by spamming (I'm looking at you Dustbowl and Goldrush).
Psh, all REAL demo men use swords.
Plus, a decent Pyro can completely neutralize that demo spam. The grenades in CoD don't have a hard counter like that.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Sean Hollyman said:
CoD is the best multiplayer shooter because pretty much anyone can play it.
Sure, anyone can play it, but that doesn't make it the best (mostly because "best" is a matter of opinion). Anyone can sing great with autotuning, so does that make pop the best genre of music? No. Another way to phrase what you're saying is that Call of Duty takes no skill, which it really doesn't. One map of Call of Duty 4, I ran around with an RPG and shot it whenever I saw something move, since I was bored. Ended up with the second most kills of the round.

I prefer games where people don't camp, they are fast paced, and fun. So, Quake and Unreal Tournament, yes. Call of Duty, no.

The Last Parade

New member
Apr 24, 2009
yeah no, CoD is extremely hostile to new players, giving them shitty starting equipment to go against people who not only are more familiar but have better gear because they've been playing longer

Halo and TF2 are my picks due to the user friendliness of TF2 and the fact that extra gear gives bonuses but also draw backs and the fact that halo is a level playing field giving a higher chance of development