Why couldn't Lara get a jacket or coat from her fallen enemies?

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011

Fappy said:
I was talking about this last night actually. With all the sliding around on stone/dirt/wood you do in this game I imagine Lara's arms would be nothing but bone by the end of the game >.>
YAY! Mao is back1 I'M SO HAPPY.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I put on the Aviatrix outfit and didn't look back.

Though it was sure strange to watch that scene where she heats up that arrow and I can't really see the afflicted area she intends to operate upon.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
bartholen said:
Errr... why would there need to be an entire new gameplay mechanic? Why would there be need for any new animation beyond the basic movement of the fabric? And what would they need to program? Just have Lara carry some jacket from a random enemy in the game. Okay, maybe they need to make it more detailed and model it separately, but that hardly seems like the 7 tasks of Hercules. The devs could have just made a cutscene in which Lara puts on a jacket and have her carry the same jacket for the whole game.
Well, without a gameplay mechanic to it then it's just there to play dress-up with Lara, nobody is really going to buy the game because they can put different clothes on her so it's pointless for them to add in since it'll cost them time and money without giving them the benefit of extra sales of the game, by adding a new gameplay mechanic they would actually give a reason for it though I think that whilst that may entice some new players it wouldn't be enough to account for the greatly increased time and money of creating the mechanic.

On the subject of how much work it'd take to put on the jacket and all of that, have you noticed that as the game goes on her clothes get more and more tattered and worn? They'd need to do the same with all the clothes she could wear and then additionally they'd need to store data for what she was wearing when damage to her clothes occured and then make sure that damage didn't appear on clothes she wasn't wearing at the time.

There are a bunch more things to consider but I can't think of them off the top of my head; in the end it's just a lot of extra effort for very little reward.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Realistically games very very rarely have characters changing clothes. Only as a chapter change style thing to represent some time has passed and you have no choice over it or a core game mechanic(hitman) or GTA and GTA like games.

So it's just that and the DLC thing above, though I have to say Square has treated customers really really well with totally optional and correctly priced DLC since Human Revolution.

A jacket could potentially be impractical, given all the climbing, ziplining and diving around she has to do. Without a tight fitting, relatively slim jacket she would be risking catching it on something and plunging to her death.
And there's that and the fact something would hardly fit her.


New member
May 5, 2012
Because then all the angsty thirteen year olds who bought the game wouldn't be able to see her magnificently rendered ta-tas.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
Because then the coat would try to rape her to!
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Because there will most likely be blood on it.

I mean, would you wear something that has blood on it that isn't yours?

Kinda weird really.
Uhhhh yeah
It's a jacket, not a hypodermic needle
Actually, Hepatitus can remain active in bloodstains for up to 3 days, and while it doesn't transfer via contact fluid channels are easier to come by then you think