Why do all anti pirecy PSA`s have pro pirecy comments on them?


New member
Nov 22, 2009

I don't understand the mentality of the you tube community and why they would not support anti piracy groups, if you look at the comments for the video i see no one saying good job or keep up the good fight, instead i see entitled people talking about how windows is a bad operating system, witch is not true.

So please escapist community show this group some love and chase the damn piracy supports back to their troll cave where they belong


New member
Jun 26, 2009
because everyone knows the pros to piracy (and there's only one: you get your shit for free). Really, we know the cons too but PSA are just reminder. wait, you want us to start attacking youtube commenters. That's a no-no and it's pointless. Youtube commenters are bottom of the barrel trolls (not all of them.) holy shit, the comments are mostly from two years ago, talk about a pointless fucking crusade.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
If a PSA is shit, it should be attacked, or all we'd have is shit PSA's and no one would listen to them. And these people are just expressing their opinion, which is also a good thing, especially if you don't agree with it.

Want to know how to stop piracy? Don't take the fight to the pirates, take the fight to the industry. Make people want to pay for things, give them incentives. Make a connection with the gamers. Fewer people pirate Valve games than Activision, why? Because people like Valve.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
ionveau said:

I don't understand the mentality of the you tube community and why they would not support anti piracy groups, if you look at the comments for the video i see no one saying good job or keep up the good fight, instead i see entitled people talking about how windows is a bad operating system, witch is not true.

So please escapist community show this group some love and chase the damn piracy supports back to their troll cave where they belong
Yeah I wouldn't bring that attitude here.
There are plenty of people here that are incredibly (and incredulously) pro piracy and they'll come down on you with their invalid arguments like a tonne of bricks.
Not just that but much like 4Chan's catch phrase "we are not your personal army" so not the best idea to request the community's aid in a war that is commonly fought within this site.

Don't get me wrong, I agree piracy is selfish and unjustifiable (in all but certain specific and unenforced situations). Whilst your here though, the best way to stay sane is stay out of the war as much as possible and tune out the supporters.

Don't even get me started on the "art/media/information should be free" groups.

I'm also aware that certain sentences above will (ironically) probably provoke pro-pirates, so if such people are reading this: I know your stance, I've heard all your arguments, you've probably heard all mine, neither of us will change our minds so why don't we leave it at that.


New member
Aug 5, 2009
fletch_talon said:
ionveau said:

I don't understand the mentality of the you tube community and why they would not support anti piracy groups, if you look at the comments for the video i see no one saying good job or keep up the good fight, instead i see entitled people talking about how windows is a bad operating system, witch is not true.

So please escapist community show this group some love and chase the damn piracy supports back to their troll cave where they belong
Yeah I wouldn't bring that attitude here.
There are plenty of people here that are incredibly (and incredulously) pro piracy and they'll come down on you with their invalid arguments like a tonne of bricks.
Not just that but much like 4Chan's catch phrase "we are not your personal army" so not the best idea to request the community's aid in a war that is commonly fought within this site.

Don't get me wrong, I agree piracy is selfish and unjustifiable (in all but certain specific and unenforced situations). Whilst your here though, the best way to stay sane is stay out of the war as much as possible and tune out the supporters.

Don't even get me started on the "art/media/information should be free" groups.

I'm also aware that certain sentences above will (ironically) probably provoke pro-pirates, so if such people are reading this: I know your stance, I've heard all your arguments, you've probably heard all mine, neither of us will change our minds so why don't we leave it at that.
All this -- Furthermore, you say that they shouldnt be allowed to display their opinion if they dislike AntiPiracy, but think its ok to say things that support it? Its like saying that you cant say anything about anything unless your going to agree with it - But i digress, They support piracy because they choose to. Others support antipiracy, also because they choose to.

However, Windows is a good operating system. Wait, how does that relate to piracy :)


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Grilled Cheesus said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
It is also "not right" to be judgmental of others and try to tell them what they can and can not think about a subject.
Actually, in this case it is right to tell others what they can and can not think about stealing: stealing is a crime. When the members of a society fail to understand the basic moral concepts that society is based on (I can't have this just because I want it, I must earn it) there are major problems.

Let's say I'm a super villain and I invent a "Teleportation Box." If there's anything you want in this world, you type it into the "Teleportation Box" and the item will be teleported from where it is right into your home. You can have the best foods, clothes, cars, toys, games, taken from where they are to the safety of your living room, completely untraceable. All you want in this world is yours, free. Then I mass produce this box and give one to every child I could find.

What happens?

Immediately, items vanish from stores. The store owner paid for that item (went into debt) in hopes of selling for a profit. One or two items wouldn't kill the shop, but soon the whole store is gone. (Tower Records, Hollywood Video.) Not only has the store owner lost his items, but no one wants to shop there anyway because they can get his items free with the magic Teleportation Box.

Children don't know better. An entire generation with a sense of entitlement rises up. They are essentially sociopaths, believing all they see is rightfully theirs, knowing nothing of the harm they do from taking the posessions of others. Why should they work, earn money, become functional members of society when all they need is at the push of a button?

As a super villain spreading this evil, I get a five-year head start because the government has no idea what a Teleportation Box is. It takes them a long time to debate the constitutionality of it and pass legislation. They might outlaw it, some politicians might make statements against it to gain supporters in an election, but by the time any laws get passed and enforced it'll be too late--I'll have raised my generation of sociopaths, bringing chaos to the world and destruction to world economies.

So YES, in this case we had better damn well tell people what they should think about stealing (it's wrong, in case the Teleportation Box has twisted your sense of morals). While we're at it, we should make sure they know murder and rape are wrong too.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Pirate Kitty said:
Ironic Pirate said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
If a PSA is shit, it should be attacked, or all we'd have is shit PSA's and no one would listen to them. And these people are just expressing their opinion, which is also a good thing, especially if you don't agree with it.

Want to know how to stop piracy? Don't take the fight to the pirates, take the fight to the industry. Make people want to pay for things, give them incentives. Make a connection with the gamers. Fewer people pirate Valve games than Activision, why? Because people like Valve.
Because there are fewer Valve games and because Valve tie their games into Steam, making them slightly harder to crack.
Exactly, like has nothing to do with it.

I mean Christ, there was that deal going on for a ridiculous amount of games where you could pay as much or as little as you liked, even a single damn cent, and what happened?

People pirated it.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
That's a really flawed analogy. Nothing disappears from the shop, the box would instead replicate whatever item they wanted.

Piracy is demi-theft, there is no physical loss, only a potential loss of profit.
If I were to pirate 3D Studio Max there would be zero loss, there is no way I would ever have bought a £3000 piece of software legitimately. I could not afford it.

However if I were to pirate a CD I could have easily paid for? Then yes, there is a loss of potential profit.

Ironic Pirate

New member
May 21, 2009
Pirate Kitty said:
Ironic Pirate said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
If a PSA is shit, it should be attacked, or all we'd have is shit PSA's and no one would listen to them. And these people are just expressing their opinion, which is also a good thing, especially if you don't agree with it.

Want to know how to stop piracy? Don't take the fight to the pirates, take the fight to the industry. Make people want to pay for things, give them incentives. Make a connection with the gamers. Fewer people pirate Valve games than Activision, why? Because people like Valve.
Because there are fewer Valve games and because Valve tie their games into Steam, making them slightly harder to crack.

Well that too, but there are a fair amount of people who specifically pirate Activision games because they don't like them. Maybe only a few hundred, but it still adds up.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
TheGreenGoblin said:
It is right to tell others what they can and can not think about stealing: stealing is a crime. While we're at it, we should make sure they know murder and rape are wrong too.
It's illegal because the lawmakers think it should be.

But the lawmakers are selected by the people.

So if the people disagree, they can select one of their own, thereby getting the law changed.

I'm not disagreeing on the legality of rape, murder and stealing, nor that it being legal would instagib modern society, but you're saying people who disagree should be forced/brainwashed into a different opinion.

That's downright dictatorial. That's nazi Germany.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
People can attack and say anything, free speech is a beautiful thing when not impeeded on. Anti-Piracy PSA's are a joke anyway, its all just crazy speech to try and get people scared to do it. Piracy has always been around and always will be around, the only way to stop it would be some rediculous law changing the internet and what one can even do, and fuck that. Security at the cost of freedom is bullshit and I apply the same principle to piracy and the internet. Games that are heavily pirated sell a shit load anyway, pirateing games doent make a huge dent on sales, and the seller still makes mucho profit, they jsut get honary because they miss out on a few more sales


New member
Mar 7, 2010
TheGreenGoblin said:
Grilled Cheesus said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
It is also "not right" to be judgmental of others and try to tell them what they can and can not think about a subject.
Actually, in this case it is right to tell others what they can and can not think about stealing: stealing is a crime. When the members of a society fail to understand the basic moral concepts that society is based on (I can't have this just because I want it, I must earn it) there are major problems.

Let's say I'm a super villain and I invent a "Teleportation Box." If there's anything you want in this world, you type it into the "Teleportation Box" and the item will be teleported from where it is right into your home. You can have the best foods, clothes, cars, toys, games, taken from where they are to the safety of your living room, completely untraceable. All you want in this world is yours, free. Then I mass produce this box and give one to every child I could find.

What happens?

Immediately, items vanish from stores. The store owner paid for that item (went into debt) in hopes of selling for a profit. One or two items wouldn't kill the shop, but soon the whole store is gone. (Tower Records, Hollywood Video.) Not only has the store owner lost his items, but no one wants to shop there anyway because they can get his items free with the magic Teleportation Box.

Children don't know better. An entire generation with a sense of entitlement rises up. They are essentially sociopaths, believing all they see is rightfully theirs, knowing nothing of the harm they do from taking the posessions of others. Why should they work, earn money, become functional members of society when all they need is at the push of a button?

As a super villain spreading this evil, I get a five-year head start because the government has no idea what a Teleportation Box is. It takes them a long time to debate the constitutionality of it and pass legislation. They might outlaw it, some politicians might make statements against it to gain supporters in an election, but by the time any laws get passed and enforced it'll be too late--I'll have raised my generation of sociopaths, bringing chaos to the world and destruction to world economies.

So YES, in this case we had better damn well tell people what they should think about stealing (it's wrong, in case the Teleportation Box has twisted your sense of morals). While we're at it, we should make sure they know murder and rape are wrong too.
I think there needs to be a distinction made here about stealing, and circumventing copyright protection (I refuse to call it pirating).

Yes, to pirate something hails back to the days of brigands sailing around, stealing from "the man", and giving to themselves, or to the local whores (Wait, that sounds like MPs in the UK... anyhoo...). It's an application of a term dreamt up by the most overworked of scandal machines, partly because they needed to make it sound like the hated people of old (Actually, I don't think pirates were hated by local whores, seeing as they paid them...), and partly because "circumvention of copy protection methodologies" doesn't quite roll off of the tongue as well...

Back to the track now, and it's just not the same as stealing, or theft. Stealing implies a physical theft of something material. A stolen game from a store would be theft, a noCD would not be, even if it allowed you to play a game without using the original media, and possibly return the game to the store. If the game is returned, then there is no theft, even though you're still using the product. Retail store still has their original investment, and you still have the means to play the game.

People as a whole really need to lose the "theft" side of copyright protection circumvention. As a thing to do, yes, it's still morally grey, but it's not a physical theft, no matter how much you want it to be.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Ironic Pirate said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
If a PSA is shit, it should be attacked, or all we'd have is shit PSA's and no one would listen to them. And these people are just expressing their opinion, which is also a good thing, especially if you don't agree with it.

Want to know how to stop piracy? Don't take the fight to the pirates, take the fight to the industry. Make people want to pay for things, give them incentives. Make a connection with the gamers. Fewer people pirate Valve games than Activision, why? Because people like Valve.
percentage of pirated to real copys its about the same for both company. more people(numbers wise) pirate activision games simply because there more popular.
The only way to keep your game from being pirated is to get a good DRM.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Ironic Pirate said:
Pirate Kitty said:
Ironic Pirate said:
ionveau said:
but still its not right to defend piracy and allow others to attack anti piracy PSA's
If a PSA is shit, it should be attacked, or all we'd have is shit PSA's and no one would listen to them. And these people are just expressing their opinion, which is also a good thing, especially if you don't agree with it.

Want to know how to stop piracy? Don't take the fight to the pirates, take the fight to the industry. Make people want to pay for things, give them incentives. Make a connection with the gamers. Fewer people pirate Valve games than Activision, why? Because people like Valve.
Because there are fewer Valve games and because Valve tie their games into Steam, making them slightly harder to crack.

Well that too, but there are a fair amount of people who specifically pirate Activision games because they don't like them. Maybe only a few hundred, but it still adds up.
I don't even think it's about all that. It's more boredom + ability + the desperate need for attention. It isn't profitable, so it's basically the same as tagging an overpass. Where the individual that does it thinks to himself "I'm cool because I can do that" but to everyone else he's seen as just another asshole! I guess if you were selling them it could be profitable, but then it's akin to robbing a bank, or at least a liquor store.