why do americans "dislike" europeans?


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Chipperz said:
robert022614 said:
Tarrok said:
1 - I don't really know how you can claim "Europeans" as a group. Germans are completely different from the Irish (both surprisingly lovely people, but I'll be damned if Irish women aren't hot and German women aren't a hair away from being men themselves :p)
what part of germany have you been to?!?! i was there for a year and alot of those women are freaking beautiful not to mention women outnumber men 4 to 1 in germany!!! *sigh* germany.
See above - I am well aware there are hot German women. Of course, they're rare, but that makes it a game! Kinda like finding bigfoot! :D
Rare? You've for sure never been here. In my University we got like 3 females for 1 male student. Thats quite a nice quota, and to stay realisticly, about every 10th is really hot. We've got 36353 students at the R.U.B. thats about 1211.7666666666667 hot girls on the campus here. Quite enough i would say. If anyone would vow me that his College/Uni. has more, i want a proof.

But for sure Tarrok is right on that point that people like seal never would take our fugly Heidi Klum persons if they would have a hair more. :p
Or even Claudia schiffer, Sandra Bullock and all the others ......brrrr noooo thanks ;)


New member
Jan 8, 2010
captainfluoxetine said:
WilliamRLBaker said:
I don't dislike people from europe..and if any thing it would be the british not europe as a whole.
But its really no different there either they dislike us it seems.
What do you dislike about us brits?

Lets tear down some cultural walls bruddah!
I was saying in general Not that I hate brits but it wouldn't be Americans hate europeans but brits.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Baby Tea said:
kiwi_poo said:
I was wondering why Americans (not all of them) say Europeans are ugly and never wash.
Americans are actually Europeans anyway, right? so why do they insult Europeans?

And another thing: why do American racists say immigrants should go back to their country?
Wouldn't that mean that they should leave back to Europe and stop whining? Or are they all just massive hypocrites?
Why do Europeans (not all of them) say Americans are all fat, gun-toting homophobes?
It's just stupid, ignorant stereotyping. It happens everywhere, regardless of country or race.

And the American racists are saying other nationalities should go back to their own country, because they are racist, and all the ignorance that entails. I don't see this as a big head scratcher. And, no, they aren't European. Maybe in decent, but they don't see it that way. See where the ignorance plays in, here? But you can't expect someone who hates someone strictly on the color of their skin to respond to logical, reasonable thought or argument.
This was pretty much what I was going to say... but he said it better and much more politely then I would have.


Keep a hat handy
Jan 23, 2010
Wait...I'm supposed to hate europeans? Huh. I did not know that.

Though I hear many of my family talk bad about them, its usually as a joke. As far as I know, a lot of us Americans talk a lot of shit because we find it kind of entertaining amongst ourselves.

There usually isn't much merit behind it.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Therumancer said:
Among other things it doesn't seem to even address the issues of Internet censorship, when you have Australia ranked higher than the US given recent events (and their development of a national firewall) I think there is a problem.
Or maybe they're not counting the national firewall until it's implemented?

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
The only Europeans I dislike are the French, or rather, Parisians. And that's only cuz they were total douchebags to my family and me when we visited. Though I do like their food, and their language is pretty.


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
AndyFromMonday said:
I have fooled you, there is no woman here.
...I see your point.
Very well. Nobody likes the male population of France.

I've actually got nothing against them. But their pompous nature precedes them.

dusk storm momma

New member
Apr 3, 2010
I didn't know I hated Europeans? I don't think anyone I know knew that they hated Europeans either? This post really surprised me, I didn't know that there was an American, I am assuming we are speaking U.S., vs European. I know in earlier U.S. history there were immigration limits for Irish, Greek, and even Italian(probably others too) but that was like decades ago.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Dead Raen said:
AndyFromMonday said:
I have fooled you, there is no woman here.
...I see your point.
Very well. Nobody likes the male population of France.

I've actually got nothing against them. But their pompous nature precedes them.
Pompous nature? I've met French dudes and I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. There's assholes and pompous little shits in every country but they don't represent the entire population of a country.


Money to burn
Nov 18, 2009
Cid SilverWing said:
Chancecall said:
That's like asking why Europeans hate other Europeans. Americans aren't really Europeans, they're more like Americans.
People emigrated from Europe to America when it was discovered, thus making them descendants of Europeans.
FACT(sort of.... Europeans didn't really settle till quite a while after) but lets look at it like this. If you say Americans aren't Americans but Europeans because they immigrated from Europe, Then don't you also have to say (depending on personal beliefs etc etc) that in fact Americans are Africans, because Europeans are originally from the African continent.

I know the background, but the point I make is that Americans are American and haven't been European since the Europeans settled in America and started calling themselves Americans. Thus, descendant or not, they are American, not European.


Intolerable Bore
Dec 24, 2009
MrBirdy said:
You seem to know the dutch, but It's well known that about 80% of the american people do not know whom founded their most famous city: "New York" (New Amsterdam). That and as been said before, the American public schools have a way lower level then the european ones. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that americans detest anything socialist, because it is just a stepping stone to communism in their eyes and thus don't want to pay taxes for good education?
It's not that we don't want to pay taxes for school. It's that we don't want to pay taxes for anything.

I'm actually flattered that you think the aversion to it is something as ostensibly noble as ideology.

I realize I didn't mention the Greeks before, though, and that's intentional: America has no real opinion on the Greeks because, in the American consciousness, Greece hasn't existed since roughly the early centuries AD.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
I'm french and i'm just wondering why some ignorant people think french people don't wash or lost every wars. You know, a good history teacher or simply a brain (do you know what is it?) can't be replaced by some websites, foxnews, thesun, and some comics. So, please, learn to think, stupid guys!!