Squilookle said:
CoCage said:
Squilookle said:
Yeah I don't remember anyone calling the Wii a failure, and that was about as far from what Microsoft and Sony were up to at the time as it is possible to get
The Wii was a success, but it's problem was lack of third party support. It got a decent amount, but by 2011 the support had just dropped in an instant. Foreshadowing what would happen with the Wii U, when the console did not have much third party support at all, but a few or the indie.
So in other words: 'Yes, the Wii was called a success.'
Yes, but once again, the Wii's major problems foreshadowed the problems the Wii U would continue to carry to a worse degree. The Wii U on the other hand I would not call a success, even though I liked the console. Not enough to keep it, and I traded it in to get a Switch.I do admit to having some minor regrets, because Nintendo is too stupid to not do a port of Wonderful 101. The problem with Nintendo at that time was that they were expecting for lightning to strike twice with the Wii U by hoping to capture that casual audience again. Not realizing that yes, the Wii sold a lot of units, but how many of those casuals stuck with Nintendo? Not many. You believe the amount of people I have known or met who had a Wii, but according to them only got it for Wii Sports or the occasional Mario, and not much else. After playing those games, they did not do much with the console and had it sitting their collecting dust. Hell, this was problem for even die hard Wii fans at times that varied from person to person.
The marketing for the Wii U was a disaster, because Nintendo would assume the casual audience would buy it due to brand name alone. A tactically dumb decision, because a majority of that casual audience was confused as fuck or moved on to casual things like mobile gaming. You won't believe how many parents or kids for that matter who thought the the console was an upgrade to the Wii, and not an entirely new console itself. The Wii U itself kinda pulled a Sega Saturn or Dreamcast to me at least.