Why do people from the US constantly complain about game prices?


New member
Jul 2, 2010
Because $60 is still a lot of money and just because we pay less doesn't mean it doesn't suck. Yeah, it sucks worse for other people, but it sucks for us, too.
EDIT: Aha! Ok, analogy time. Others complaining about Americans complaining is like the man who got kicked in the balls saying the man who got punched in the face can't complain. Even if getting hit in the face isn't as painful as getting kicked in the balls, IT STILL HURTS!


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I would hope everyone would be complaining at the ridiculous costs games have now. 60 dollars for a game? That's insane. I would never pay more than 30 dollars for anything but the best of games, and I know none of my gaming friends would either. We all just buy from steam during sales, when almost every game is available for 5 dollars.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
LordNue said:
tehroc said:
$60 for a 4-6 hour game is still a rip off. 2 hour movie cost $10, so $5 per hour; so for a $60 game you should get at least 12 hours of game.
Except you're not paying on an hourly basis? You're paying a set fee for the game, a game that costs millions of dollars to make. By your logic RPGs should cost hundreds of dollars each then.
Movies costs millions of dollars to make. That what I consider to be the minimum length to equal monetary value, deal with it.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I AM grateful my government doesn't hate video games with a burning passion. Yet. I just also like anything to be cheaper than it already is. I really do wish you guys weren't getting raped at the counter. However, I also want any discount I can get as well.
Feb 4, 2010
PS1 games averaged $40 new when I got my Playstation and the top end price was $50. During the PS2 era this remained pretty much the same. Note that I almost never bought games when they were brand new-I thought $50 was too much for a game and I only made the investment if I was sure it would be worth my while. (Oh Star Ocean 3, how you disappointed me.)

Games were fairly long and there was a lot of variety. Even if I bought a lemon I could be sure I'd get a lot of gameplay out of it. (My SO3 save clocked in at over 100 hours.) Now they're asking $60 dollars for games that are much more linear and far less engaging to me than what I played last generation or the generation before.

I remember buying Super Mario RPG for the SNES for $60. I'd gladly do it over. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for Modern Warfare 2 or most of the big ticket games of today. In fact the only games I consider worth my while among the current crop are Bioware RPGs, Arkham Asylum, and some of the Sony exclusives. This generation is a lot flashier but it has a lot less substance and frankly it nearly turned me off to contemporary gaming altogether. They're lucky to get as much out of me as they do.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
tehroc said:
LordNue said:
tehroc said:
$60 for a 4-6 hour game is still a rip off. 2 hour movie cost $10, so $5 per hour; so for a $60 game you should get at least 12 hours of game.
Except you're not paying on an hourly basis? You're paying a set fee for the game, a game that costs millions of dollars to make. By your logic RPGs should cost hundreds of dollars each then.
Movies costs millions of dollars to make. That what I consider to be the minimum length to equal monetary value, deal with it.
Yes but everybody goes to see movies, sometimes more than once. Games are usually only bought once by each person, and the consumer base is much smaller.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
The same reason we Australian's complain about game prices... Because we think they're too expensive...

I would have thought that was obvious.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Adzma said:
Seriously, it pisses me off to no end whenever I see people from the US who complain about spending $60 for a new game. People in Australia and Europe would kill to get those kinds of prices. Lets compare shall we.

StarCraft II listed on EBGames.com for $59.99 USD, the same for Halo: Reach. On EBGames.com.au SCII is $98 AUD, and Halo: Reach is $118 AUD... That translates to $88 USD and $106 USD respectively.

The RRP For SCII in the UK is 44.99 GBP which is equal to $70 USD. Halo: Reach has a RRP of 49.99 GBP, roughly $77 USD.

Seriously, you guys have the cheapest games in Western society. Stop complaining about it and be thankful you don't live in Australia or Europe.
Why do people from your country always create threads bitching about things?

At least I can say, "it's not me, just some people in my country".


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Do we? Do you have a source? I haven't heard of anyone complaining about their StarCraft 2 purchase price. Most people are glad that it is out, and that it is good.

That said, if the premise of this thread is true, good, I'm glad people are complaining about the high price of videogames, in the US and wherever else. Does the OP people think we should be more like rest of the world, and bend over, grab our ankles, and take it up the butt? Not in America, baby!


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Burger King says we can have it our way constantly. That pretty much sums up the general mindset over here. And everyone burns the message into our heads that we are special and that no-one else will ever be like us from the day we come out of the womb. That makes us feel entitled to special treatment, and when we don't get all the free shit we want, we ***** about it. A church next to my house had a sign that recently said, "All want to sow, but few want to plow", and I think that sums this whole text up.


Avid Reader
Dec 22, 2008
No matter how good someone has it, they will find a way to complain about it.
Give a man a bar of gold, he will complain it is too heavy.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
I kind of consider myself to have an, "It's ok to complain about the prices." card because I live REALLY low class. I'm still buying like gamecube, x-box and ps2 games. All of the newer games are way expensive, though my dad's found a way to get us a Wii and a 360 we have to wait for hand me down games from friends.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
Adzma said:
Seriously, it pisses me off to no end whenever I see people from the US who complain about spending $60 for a new game. People in Australia and Europe would kill to get those kinds of prices. Lets compare shall we.

StarCraft II listed on EBGames.com for $59.99 USD, the same for Halo: Reach. On EBGames.com.au SCII is $98 AUD, and Halo: Reach is $118 AUD... That translates to $88 USD and $106 USD respectively.

The RRP For SCII in the UK is 44.99 GBP which is equal to $70 USD. Halo: Reach has a RRP of 49.99 GBP, roughly $77 USD.

Seriously, you guys have the cheapest games in Western society. Stop complaining about it and be thankful you don't live in Australia or Europe.
I personally don't often have a problem with the price of games and have made the argument more than once that the price is fairly cheap these days. Hell, I payed MORE for an N64 game when I was making minimum wage.

Of course, I can understand why some people would be put off by the price. Mirror's Edge cost 60 USD and I beat it in an afternoon for example and I was a bit annoyed at the value I received for my dollars. I can also understand that people in other places have more of a right to be annoyed. I may not mind spending 60 USD on a game but over 100 USD would make me shy away from many, many game purchases.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Fearzone said:
Do we? Do you have a source? I haven't heard of anyone complaining about their StarCraft 2 purchase price. Most people are glad that it is out, and that it is good.
I wasn't using SCII as an example of people complaining about a specific game to be too expensive, I merely used it as an example of a new game which differs in price in different regions. Also if you read through more of the topic, you will see some people admit they complain about game prices. I'm not saying ALL Americans complain. I'm asking why the ones that do, do.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Why do people clump my entire country of three hundred million together when a few dicks are ignorant?

But my gamer heart goes out to Austrailians and Europeans out there, who have to put up with that crap.
Apr 29, 2010
The Austin said:
Ace of Spades said:
In earlier generations, games used to cost $50. You raise prices, people complain. Period.
This. I remember the game barrier was $50, and then the modern generation came around.

$10 bump.
Which somehow becomes a $50 bump when shipped to certain countries. Like mine for instance. To this day, I still can't comprehend the import taxes here. 7 dollars for a box of cereal. It astounds me.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
because i still remember when on launch day new games cost $20 for a big popular title


New member
Sep 20, 2009
HeySeansOnline said:
Why do people clump my entire country of three hundred million together when a few dicks are ignorant?

But my gamer heart goes out to Austrailians and Europeans out there, who have to put up with that crap.
FFS. I've said three times now that I never said ALL Americans. If you read the topic title it says "Why do people from the US" not "Why do Americans"

Marble Dragon

New member
Mar 11, 2009
The fact is, buddy, it's very easy to complain about things not going your way, and not so easy to look on the bright side of life. If they raised the prices of food at your local convenience store, it would be a lot easier to dismiss it as sucking, and hard to actually think, "Well, at least I can afford to buy food at all. At least I don't have to worry about everyone I see being a terrorist with bombs strapped to him."

In fact, shut up about game prices no matter where you live. At least you have video games. At least they aren't simply a twinkle in your eye, something those people in the rich countries have. And while we're at it, those poor kids should shut up too, because at least they aren't the pelicans who are dying because of the oil spill. You don't see the fucking pelicans complaining, do you now?