why do so many people hate the united states?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I guess because they're responsible for a lot of bad stuff that happens that affects the rest of the world.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
The reason why I slightly dislike the USA is because it drags other countries into its problems.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
America gave us Bush, they support the War Crimes that Israel commits against Palistine, America follows the words of the founding fathers like they were gospel even if it makes no sense i.e. the right to bear arms, America seems to be so against the idea of anything resembling socialism that they don't get the simple things their government could provide, Fox News for example is not regulated enough, there was no good reason to vote against Health Care and there are several other problems I can't think of right now.

Now there are problems with every country its just America's problems have a larger effect on the world than most I think a lot of hate is over America's Allegiance to Israel, some may just hate America because some Americans don't even seem to realise that Europe is not a country, so that sort of patronising attitude of some Americans pisses people off but I think a lot of the hate is probably people jumping on the band wagon.

I don't hate America, I don't appreciate some things about it but I don't hate it. Like I said before there are problems with every country I don't see America as any worse than most countries its just the choices made have a bigger effect.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Let me put everyone's thoughts into one sentence.......

"You try to police the world, we will kick your ass for it"

That is why you have alienated yourself.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
It's like Denmark is (in)famous for their .. shall we say mildly offensive drawings and not for Niels Bohr. It's the bad stories that reaches Europe like Americans hunting squirrels our their outrageous weapon law


New member
Mar 29, 2010
I've been across the pond 3 times for a total of 8 months and while the average American I met was decent folks with a healthy look on life in general, most were also incredibly ignorant about pretty much anything outside their state and even more so outside their country.

And when a country seemingly full of people who have no clue about the world step into the voting booth and elect leaders who have veto power on issues on the world stage there's bound to be some pretty disastrous decisions being made.

Looking at American media, they seem more interested in scary the crap out of their viewers than reporting the actual news. Which explains quite a lot. But it doesn't excuse the general ignorance, especially with the vast majority having access to the internet and can check more or less objective sources for proper reporting on current issues.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Future Hero said:
You are inherently racist, without even realizing it, BUT you're also gigantic hypocrites about it, and have knee-jerk reactions to any perceived racism.

You're still one of the most sexist countries in the world, DESPITE having one of the most vocal feminist groups.

You look down on racism, but still encourage homophobia, sexism and religious discrimination.

You seem hellbent on sanitizing your own history, yet take great pride in the accomplishments of your ancestors.

And I'm really sick of hearing : "oh, your English is really good, are you American?"
I'll let most of those points go even though they sound like you don't have much to base them on. But one of the most sexist countries in the world? Yes, there is still a wage discrepancy. Yes, there is somewhat of a societal norm that steers males and females into different roles. Every civilization in the history of the earth had societal norms.

Women in the workplace, in just about any capacity, is so typical it wouldn't even warrant a second thought.

A 20% wage gap hardly seems like one of the most sexist countries on earth.

As for hearing "oh, your English is really good, are you American?", and you aren't in America, why would you be mad at us for that? And if you are in America, why would you be surprised that someone would mistake you for an American if your speaking the native language of America.... In America?


New member
Mar 31, 2010
Okay OP, I'm here looking at your original post and I'm thinking: Holy shit, that guy has no caps or punctuation or anything. You're probably quite happy with your post, as shit as it is. I, on the other hand, know I'm superior to you so I'm going to shit all over it and correct it because to my eyes you are in desperate need of some English lessons.

Whilst I'm correcting you, I'm probably going to make you feel fucking shit about being so terrible at English. I don't give a shit what you think or what anyone else around here thinks about that. I am just going to feel good about having given you better English even if your self-esteem is now in tatters.

Sit well with you?


New member
Jul 17, 2009
because america has horrendous foreign policy of if we dont like them we claim them as a terrorist then blow the shit out of them using our bombers and fighter craft.

also the british arnt liked in europe because of their stereotype and the same goes for the french the germans russians spanish itallian etc etc... though the british tend to be the most polite i find and also are damn good at waiting in queues


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Because people from every country generalize.
And we police other nations, have money and beliefs that not everyone agrees with.

Also, the vast majority of people I have met aren't unreasonably intolerant. The only reason people might say we are, I'd argue, is because the intolerant ones shout the loudest and are dumb so they get more attention.

Mr Montmorency

New member
Jun 29, 2010
captaincabbage said:
no oneder said:
Because we're so hateable:

Mr Montmorency said:
[...]it's full of pompous, self centred faggots who like shooting at anything that is marginally different to them. It has the lowest intelligence scores for the education system. It has horrendous crime rates and prison overcrowding. It has a flawed governmental platform that offers the illusion of choice. They're responsible for triggering a financial disaster that served to put millions into debt and ruined the lives of many hard working people because some stupid bankers decided to delete some numbers on a computer.

It is the worldwide example of what humanity is and why it should be annihilated.
Pretty much this.
I can't believe Mr Montmorency got put on probation for that post. He was simply posting his opinion (admittedly with some unnesessary language) and a lot of points, which in my opinion were correct.
It's because people took me out of context. Some people are still stuck in 2005 when ****** was still a homophobic slur. That entire post was simply a condensation of the faults of America, and it was taken at face value. I OBVIOUSLY know that they didn't "delete numbers on a computer", I'm hardly going to describe the entire housing catastrophe, otherwise it'd be a wall of text.

They reported me as a result without obviously getting the clear undercurrent of nihilism and misanthropy. I am saddened by this disregard of anything not at face value. Just say "******" and they report you.

And I'm the moron, guys?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
thetrue13th said:
Ahh. The ranting gryphon is always good. But on topic, there are some mighty ignorant people in the united states, and they scare the f*** out of me. Course they're not all like that, to assume so would be stupid, but the voices of the minority drown out the majority, and sometimes they get so loud and angry I end up wondering if I'll wake up the next morning to find a mushroom cloud on the horizon and an american flag painted on my front door in the blood of the nice islamic family down the road. But most of you. Yeah, you're alright.
I've had the good fortune to spend time with 2 and he's so unlike how he is in his rants. When he's just being him, he's funny (well he's a stand up comedian!), personably, whacky, smart, a pisshead and actually very polite. It was a bit of a shock at first because I was so used to his "ranting" persona.

As I mentioned, I've been to the USA twice now and can't wait to get back. Ruthie's parents are two of the most warm, knowldegeable and decent people I have ever met and if every American were like them then we'd all be better off. Hell if more BRITS were like them we'd be better off too!

The problem is, as people have said, only the berks tend to be the ones listened to.

Last time I was there I went out for a burger - a PROPER burger - you know...one made from meat unlike the shit we get here. Aside from doing a really good burger (10z medium rare with blue cheese) the waiter clocked I was English and bought me out a big glass of milk and some fresh from the oven (and hotter than the surface of Mercury!) cookies and said: "Welcome to the USA, sir!"

Why is that guy a waiter and not a fucking ambassador?!?



New member
Apr 8, 2010
Mr Montmorency said:
captaincabbage said:
no oneder said:
Because we're so hateable:

Mr Montmorency said:
[...]it's full of pompous, self centred faggots who like shooting at anything that is marginally different to them. It has the lowest intelligence scores for the education system. It has horrendous crime rates and prison overcrowding. It has a flawed governmental platform that offers the illusion of choice. They're responsible for triggering a financial disaster that served to put millions into debt and ruined the lives of many hard working people because some stupid bankers decided to delete some numbers on a computer.

It is the worldwide example of what humanity is and why it should be annihilated.
Pretty much this.
I can't believe Mr Montmorency got put on probation for that post. He was simply posting his opinion (admittedly with some unnesessary language) and a lot of points, which in my opinion were correct.
It's because people took me out of context. Some people are still stuck in 2005 when ****** was still a homophobic slur. That entire post was simply a condensation of the faults of America, and it was taken at face value. I OBVIOUSLY know that they didn't "delete numbers on a computer", I'm hardly going to describe the entire housing catastrophe, otherwise it'd be a wall of text.

They reported me as a result without obviously getting the clear undercurrent of nihilism and misanthropy. I am saddened by this disregard of anything not at face value. Just say "******" and they report you.

And I'm the moron, guys?
I'm not gonna say moron, but I just just think you should use slightly less instantly painful insults. If you make a clever joke about their ineptitude and they're too think to pick up on it I find it much more hilarious.


New member
Aug 16, 2010
The US is easy to hate because she sticks her nose in a lot of things where it doesn't belong. US citizens are easy to hate because they are usually very ignorant of everything that is not "american".
I've never had any problems with the US citizens I've talked to on-line apart from their ignorance and view of the world, most of them have been very warm people with respectable morals and so on. They just come of as dumber or downright stupid. My pet peeve is the word "freedoms" and how they apparently have more than everywhere else.. /facepalm


New member
Aug 17, 2009
The most frequent Americans others encounter are:

Mr Montmorency said:
[...]it's full of pompous, self centred faggots who like shooting at anything that is marginally different to them. It has the lowest intelligence scores for the education system. It has horrendous crime rates and prison overcrowding. It has a flawed governmental platform that offers the illusion of choice. They're responsible for triggering a financial disaster that served to put millions into debt and ruined the lives of many hard working people because some stupid bankers decided to delete some numbers on a computer.

It is the worldwide example of what humanity is and why it should be annihilated.
Of course I meet people on a day to day basis in England who are the same...

My particular hate of americans is FOOTball... which is played with the hands... unlike real football (or to use the americanism soccer) It is everything I hate about america...
They fought against England in their civil war... sure ok that's fine, then steal our language, fine right ok, then change words, ok that's alright humour can have no u is you want, THEN they still call it English! BASTARDS! Call it American and I will be fine... and call notfootball American football... By the way I like "..."


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Just the usual.

They still think they are the biggest dicks in world power despite the last enemy who could actually be called a viable enemy was defeated 60+ years ago.

Im more just waiting for American foriegn policy to severaly turn round and bite a huge lump of Americas ass off.