Why do you dislike people?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I can tolerate almost anything but I have 2 pet hates.

Liars and thieves.

I don't mean those little lies we all tell like to our wives/girlfriends/boyfriends/husbands that we're going to a friends house when they know full well we're going to the pub to get shitfaced. Little white lies I can take, we've all told at least one in the past.

I mean those that talk complete and utter bollocks, and it's obvious it's bollocks. A lad that used to hang around with us in our teen years had a habit of talking crap all the damn time.

And I just can't stand people that steal.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I don't dislike people. I dislike persons who have left a negative impression on me, but short of open hostility, I'll give everyone a fair go, because I know that sometimes first impressions can go wrong. I should know, because I'm kind of left-of-centre, and sometimes I'll do something stupid, or I won't realise that there is a social convention that means I shouldn't use certain terms, or shouldn't talk about certain topics, and I'll end up making a bad impression even though I'm actually just a nice guy who isn't flawless at social interactions (I'm getting better though, so that's good).

So I don't dislike people, I dislike individuals, and only after they've given me good reason to dislike them.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I hate people that care inordinately about, well, everything. Don't get me wrong, i see no problem with having passions and interests, but so many people that i've come into contact with make mountains out of molehills at an alarming frequency just because they seem to thrive on useless drama,and it's just so DULL. At the end of the day, does clothing, or music taste, or fuck, idk, preferred OS actually matter? I don't think it does, on any level.
And i hate the willfully ignorant. Ignorance, i can't really take issue with because we can't all know everything, but i utterly resent the sort of people that demonize intelligence and common sense. You know, the ones that giggle at the notion of reading a book. Or watching the news.
I hate the arrogant and the xenophobic, and at the same time, i despise the constantly self-flagellating and the bleeding hearts and... Well, i don't like most people.
But, really, it's probably because they terrify me.


Elite Member
Jan 9, 2009
There's a lot of things about people that irritate me. Some make me angry, others I just have amused incredulity towards. I don't really hate people in general though.

Here's a list of various things that annoy me, I feel like listing all of a sudden.

Arrogance, in any form.
People who compulsively lie, making up crap on a consistent basis.
General stupidity.
Inexplicably fucking up playing medic in tf2, despite how easy the class is to play at a pub level.
Eating pizza with a knife and fork or any finger food for that matter, that is something I'll never understand
Talking stupidly fast when working in retail, or constantly mithering me when I'm browsing in a shop. I want to be left alone when I'm browsing.
Saying Two and a Half Men is actually good, and meaning it.
Playing hunter on World of Warcraft, or Rogue in PVP.
Incorrect pronounciation of the letter "z"
Racism, homophobia and any other backward socio-religious prejudice
People who even though they can see they are wrong, continue to argue what they originally argue out of some kind of fear they'll look stupid.
People who hate everyone because they want to seem edgy.
People who moan about how crap their life is, when they have no real need to.
Attention whoring, people who put on the poor-little-me act.
Going on a talent show and not fucking it up for my amusement.
Sitting near where aircraft spawn in any Battlefield game waiting to fly one with 15 other people.

I'll leave it there I think. I could be here all night.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I dislike being around people in general. It's awkward to feel as though you're supposed to talk to people when you have nothing to say. People often want me to go hang out with them or do things that are simply less fun that whatever I'd do on my own. I suppose it all comes down to the pressure to perform when around people. I don't mean in the sense that I'm lying to them or putting on an act...but rather that I'm constantly sacrificing for the greater good of those around me.

I try to treat everyone with respect, regardless of how I feel about their mannerisms or actions. I think largely because of this reason and my humour, I've never really had anyone in my life that I truly disliked or who really tried to get on my nerves.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Because they always say or do stupid shit to me.

they always play their music at ear blasting volumes.

Btw, the next prick who throws a condom at my face saying that I might need it will have their throat slit.

let's rock

New member
Jun 15, 2011
Generic Gamer said:
the only reason I don't have a lot of fondness for a lot of the people I meet is because they're overly emotional brainless reactionary idiots who are so used to society protecting them from the consequences of their rudeness that they now feel entitled to just say whatever they hell they feel like.
This couldn't have been said in a nut shell better without being a threat to people with certain algeries, you sir (or mam, not really sure), have summed up all of humanities existance in just one sentence


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Hypocrisy is the biggest reason why I dislike people. It's due to growing up and being socically shunned in school because "I'm weird" when them, themselves were the odd weird people.

I was 10 and made the joke "A dog is for Christmas not just for life!" and I got demonised for it. So... it's fine to suffociate a wasp slowly to death but joke about dog abuse and that's evil? Double standards.

I play alot of Heroes of Newerth. You find alot of arsebats in that game. It really convinces you that if there will be an apocalypse, it will be caused by humanity.

*edit* I also have predejuices against chavs and sluts (male and female).
I also can't help it but feel nausiated by flamboyancey, which is ironic as I'm bisexual. I guess I seethingy hate the homosexual stereotype as some of it overlaps to slutiness.

*edit* In Uni, when I was up and about in my flat after 'normal bedtime (11pm)' I would be sure I was quiet, epecially when I went to the kitchen to get some food. Then when I would be in bed at 2am, my flat mates would charge into the flat slamming doors, making shitty noise, giggling, laughing and being oblivious jerks. It pisses me off that I spend so much effort and concern being considerate to other living organisms that they then turn around an metaphorically slapping me in the face. It's a wasted effort. I hate the feeling that people abuse my good-naturedness.

My mentality is to be nice and friendly and helpful and polite to everyone, inless they give me reason not to. Then... I see what I can get away with which is detrimental.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I don't hate ALL people... I just hate small things about MOST people...

Jesus, I won't even bother naming them...

Let me just say this: Chances are that I can find something I hate about you, but it's your personality that decides whether or not I'll look past it...


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I never judge someone on what music they like or something like that. In fact, some of my best friendships have been made by supporting rival football clubs (I support Arsenal, being from north London).

I will only forge a negative opinion of someone if they are a dick. From my perspective, you have to really overstep the line between banter and being a dick for me to percieve you as a dick. This is why I actually dislike very few people that I actually know.


New member
Aug 25, 2011
I hate alot of things about everyone, really.. But you can't just go around hating everyone, so i look past most of it.
There's not really just one big thing that pisses me off, rather there's ALOT of small things that annoy me alot.. Wether i like a person or not depends on their general personallity, i guess..
Quality of personality > Quantity of things i hate about you : I'll be your friend. Sadly that is only the case with like 1 out of 10 people.
I usually end up disliking most people i meet.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I don't have enough time to hate a lot of people so I usually just have one person I really hate at one time and it's usually a passive-aggressive relationship where they may not even know how much I despise them.

Quantum Star

New member
Jul 17, 2010
Maybe it's just because I'm a diagnosed autistic fellow and I can't quite grasp how people work, but I just can't comprehend why people can be such jerkasses all the time. I have an extreme dislike for people who are loud and obnoxious, act stupid in general, completely ignorant (looking at you Fox News), talking tough but being a complete coward when confronted, and most of all, people who think they are superior to everyone else and talk down to others like they're some dumb animals, waiting to be enlightened by his wonderful, captivating presence.

So yeah.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I hate most people because I assume they are stupid until they prove otherwise, and then I probably hate them for being : racist, overly emotional when it's not necessary, abusive, arrogant and I hate people who don't think for themselves.

oddly the people I'm attracted to are arrogant and argumentative >_>


New member
Apr 20, 2009
So long as people are imaginative, intelligent, and use the ability to stop and reason things over, I don't mind them.

For example: I don't like people that have no imagination and follow what's written without deviating from it's course. Using the 'best' tactics, characters, weapons, items, or whatever, so that they will have the easiest time winning with the minimal amount of effort that is required to just slam your head on the keyboard and win. All of this without figuring it out on their own, but instead just doing what everyone else does. :\

The death of civilization (or multiplayer games in this case) is stagnation, and these types of people aren't helping it any.