Why do you hate your life?


New member
Dec 23, 2010
I hate my life because I always felt that I was at the whims of outside forces and I was barely every in control.

My mom lost our house after my grandmother died because she got extremely depressed, she also started heavily drinking and she kept me out of school. After all that shit I had to live with my brother and it sucked because once my mom was getting good money and her head on straight he stole a majority of it and spent it on his own shit.

So I never had the school supplies I needed for projects. Then he always took me for a lair and believed people in the neighborhood over me always. Then the fucker never kept a decent amount of food in the house I swear I lived on hotpockets for a good 4 years of my life. Then up to a few years ago I dropped out of school because there was too much gang activity at my school and on the bus.

Through those years I always wanted help it was either me getting art supplies so I can start being a freelance artist or go back to school yet. It was either no or my mom didn't have the cash. I tried to get normal jobs yet I fucked up my back a long time ago and now I have serious foot pain that keeps me from standing for a long time. Plus my lack of a diploma pretty much keeps me out of work place as well.

Overall I learned to null bullshit and negative attitudes I believe shit will get better, I hate my current turns in life yet I wouldn't really change it because I met some good people that I can talk to that'll listen for once unlike my family does.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
Almost the same story, been in love with this girl for almost a year, finally told her, waited two agonizing weeks for her answer, which I got just this morning: no.

I don't hate my life though, I like going through while blindly refusing to except anything but positive scenarios. So I'm about halfway through moving on, I'd say. Never really done this before, so I wouldn't know, but still.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
social anxiety disorder. i've had it since i was about 15. mostly it doesn't affect me that much (well, i dont go to parties or talk to strangers), but it keeps me from holding any job for very long. i started working when i was 18, i'm now 28 and in those 10 years i've had 41 different jobs. you read that right forty-one jobs. i've quit all but two of them, the one i have now thats a 3-4 hours a week running MTG tournaments at a comic shop, and seasonal part-time at game stop a few years ago. for those who dont know, money is reeeeally important, and it's hard to have a life when you can't work. i've tried medication, and all the ones my doctor was willing to put me on did nothing or made it worse. i tried disability an was denied because they said i was "capable of acting in my own self-interest" (quitting 40 jobs sure sounds responsible to me). so my wife works long hours at a job she hates so we can a life, even though that life is in my mother-in-laws house which is perpetually dirty (shes a hoarder, who we can't even begin to treat), has no heat and no a/c, and 3 cats that are constantly sick and terribly behaved.

i was also not raised very well so i never finished high school, and have lost over 50% of my teeth (and no, not because i'm a druggie, which every damn doctor and dentist always assumes. fuck, i dont even drink!).

so yeah... theres my guts. enjoy

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
I don't hate my life. I am worried about my future, as I am on the cusp of graduating University and I am trying not to panic as the world rushes to meet me. I am coming to terms with the fact that I am an adult (I am 21) and that it is expected of me to be responsible. And on top of it all I am having to consider my gf in all my future plans as whether or not we get married will affect my job choice. Despite all this I am happy with my life and the people I share it with, just a mite stressed out.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
I don't hate my life, but I am going through depression. I had a breakup that I wasn't told about for two weeks until I asked their mom wth was going on, and even she didn't have an answer for me.
So I started talking to my therapist again, and have to go back on medication for social anxiety disorder and depression - which I originally stopped taking because what I thought was a loving relationship had been my support.

Black Arrow Officer

New member
Jun 20, 2011
I'd say one advantage I have is that I have no urge for sexual activity or even a relationship with someone. I tend to think logically, and romance is at the bottom of my list of life priorities. Hell, I don't even really need friends or family for emotional support. It's not like I hate people, but I tend to enjoy keeping things quiet and simple. I don't even have a Facebook because there are so few people I want to keep in contact with. I'm focusing now on finishing my degree in criminal justice so I can join the local police force, where they make good money for the relatively low crime rates.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I don't hate my life; it's pretty okay. But while I'm in the complaining mood, I have absolutely no sense of place or purpose, and I can't remember a time when I did. I know I haven't been living long, but I'd always expected to have found something by now.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
I love my life, I just hate everyone else's life and the fact that they live. It kind of drags my life down when all these other lives are around me.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Thyunda said:
*massive snip*
I fucking love my life.
If you seriously mean the part I left unsnipped, then you are amazing. I've never known someone so down in the shitter and still love life. You are an inspiration and I sincerely hope things pick up for you soon.

OT: I don't. I wasn't going to post anything, but then I saw that post I quoted.


New member
Dec 23, 2010
DanielBrown said:
The social phobia I developed after an assault and spending almost a full year indoors really messed up my entire life. Every time I try to do something about it I end up even more isolated than before.
Been six years now...

Wouldn't say I hate my life, but I'm pretty disappointed in how it's turned out. I'm weak as fuck when I used to be a cocky and charismatic guy. Don't really see any future for me, but I'm still trying to turn it around. Very slowly so.
I can understand how you feel after I dropped out of school I fell into a deep depression didn't really like going outside plus where I live there's nothing really close so I couldn't just go somewhere to hang out.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Well if I have to give a reason I suppose the worst I can say right now is I hate my life currently because I'm out of food and Sprite right now and as a result am going to have to make a Walmart run tonight. Other than that things are pretty damn good. Just moved into a nice apartment which I will be working out of for all but 3 hours out of 40 most weeks. Right now I'm gearing up for a 4 day weekend full of Old Republic and television. If all goes well I won't have to put on pants until Tuesday except for Christmas with my family on Sunday and going to the store tonight.


New member
Sep 20, 2011
You're not allowed to hate your life. Not until you've grown up absolutely impoverished, in an environment of complete despair and loss.

You have the internet, food, shelter, and the capacity to make more of your life at any moment simply by deciding to do so. To say that you hate your life is so utterly arrogant and self-centered as to be rendered completely moot by the laws of nature itself.


New member
May 4, 2009
Creator002 said:
Thyunda said:
*massive snip*
I fucking love my life.
If you seriously mean the part I left unsnipped, then you are amazing. I've never known someone so down in the shitter and still love life. You are an inspiration and I sincerely hope things pick up for you soon.

OT: I don't. I wasn't going to post anything, but then I saw that post I quoted.
Main thing that keeps me going is sheer arrogance. What, do you think me some puny mortal that'd just cave in at the first sign of pressure? Pah. Go back to your parents, children. A real man just entered the room.

Course, it makes me kind of a dick. But hey, I'm not taking shit from university students. I will not be told that student life is hard. So when they start complaining at me about having a week to write a 2000 word essay, I present them with my red-letter informing me I have seven days to dig up £60 or face going to court.
I simply order them to get an extension on the deadline.
Which...funnily enough is exactly why I'm not in courtroom custody. Desperation does great things for charisma.

SnakeoilSage said:
You're not allowed to hate your life. Not until you've grown up absolutely impoverished, in an environment of complete despair and loss.

You have the internet, food, shelter, and the capacity to make more of your life at any moment simply by deciding to do so. To say that you hate your life is so utterly arrogant and self-centered as to be rendered completely moot by the laws of nature itself.
You know, there's more things that lead to hating life than growing up in poverty. You don't have to be an Ethiopian child, starved and dehydrated, to have reason to hate yourself. Loneliness is the biggest cause. Loneliness is the worst of the things that get to me.
And yeah. I have no money. Fortunately, I have help with my internet, so I at least have that luxury.
But if I leave the heating on all night, then I don't eat the next week. If there's one delayed payment from the council, then I'm in debt. But those are all material problems. Fuck them.
The biggest problem is I'm so far from family and former friends. I don't seem to synchronise with anybody in this city. I have a few acquaintances, and I get on well with people, but I can't ever seem to get rid of the insufferable loneliness. And it is torture.

So, Snakeoil, rather than declaring the upset 'arrogant and self-centred', maybe you should realise there are more important things than money, and that the wealthy can be sad too. Telling people that they're rendered moot by the laws of nature because they hate where they are is extreme. You're either very bitter, or very privileged.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
I don't hate my life, there's many things I lack but I can make up for it. I hate many others though.


New member
May 23, 2009
The only reason I hate my life is because it's not like Video Games,Movies,TV Shows,Comics,or practically anything awesome/interesting.

Reality is Boring.


New member
Jul 4, 2008
I hate the fact that other people hate their lives, and I guess that's part of my life...

But seriously pal, chill, shit can get rough and life is hell, there is no can't when it comes to moving on from a love interest, there is won't or don't want to, simple, go out and find someone else, you'll forget her eventually, whether you want to or not.

And as to whether it's possible to be have a crush on a dude and a girl at the same time, well if you're bisexual I can't see why not, straight guys can have a crush on 2 girls simultainiously(happened to me once or twice), so I fail to see a difference there.

But seriously, if you wanna be happy only thing you can do is BE happy, your life is quite simply what you choose to make of it, sure you may not control all the variables, but how you handle the one's you're presented with, and what you choose to do with what you got on hand, is all that matters.

I'm a broke, highschool droppout, workin a dead end job and barely payin my damn bills, but I choose to LIVE and to love, and to have fun whenever possible, I turn my job into an enjoyable activity, by being as positive, flirty and funny as I can be while serving customers, time flies, I enjoy my time at work, and I get relationships buildin every day with my regulars, I've made good friends through work previously.

And how does it affect my dating life? Fan-Freakin-tastically, if you're a positive and energized person, and stay in control of yourself(like know basic social etiquet, and don't like, force yourself on people, hang back and relax), generally you get results, with ease, if you're bummed out all the time, you cannot expect to get dates or have someone want you, why? Because if you can't make yourself happy, you can't make anyone else happy, simple, you become a downer to those around you, and that doesn't help your love life AT ALL.

My advice? Take it easy, life can only get you down if it ends(and that down is bein buried), or you let it. Go out meet a buncha new people, the more practise you get dealing with people you find attractive in a casual(not obsessive and possibly creepy) way, the easier it gets to just have fun, and attract those you want to.


The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Threads like this I actually really love my life. I have a loving family, a great girl, and a decent enough job. I get to play a bunch of great video games in my spare time and hang out with awesome friends.

BUT if I was forced to choose one aspect I dislike I'd say bills are garbage and need to die. Oh, and I want a raise!


New member
Sep 5, 2009
OT: I'd be sarcastic and gloat about my life, but it's a bit of a dick move. All I can say is chin up. Look up, not down. When I got dumped out of a long-term relationship (3 years) when she left for another I was destroyed. I was full-on suicidal, though I never attempted. Never been so depressed.

But here I am, almost a year later, with another fine gal and I'm optimistic as ever. Things always improve if they're bad now. Life is a see-saw of sorts.

"I am an optimist, it does not seem much use to be anything else." - Winston Churchill

Wesley Withersnap said:
Chin up, chaps.

This man is my new favorite individual on the Escapist.