Why do you love Shadow of the Colossus?


New member
Oct 4, 2010
I swear this isn't to inspire fan-rage. I haven't gotten very far in the game and I think it's very engrossing so far.
However, I'm curious as to why everyone sees this game as some sort of pinnacle of game design excellence. Maybe I just haven't gotten that "wow" factor or I'm missing an extremely big point here. What makes this game so artistic and amazing to everyone?

I will say the boss fights are absolutely spectacular and exciting and feel huge and require a great deal of thought, and the atmosphere of the game does create a sense of isolation and a vast, open world. But other than that I haven't seen much that's made it worthy of such spectacular praise. I think it's a good game, don't get me wrong, but I want to know why it is you love it so much. What's made it stand out among all other games as one of the most artistic games in the world, that I've heard several people claim is perfect in every way?


New member
Sep 26, 2010
It is a game that was able to pull off telling an emotionally deep a story in a way that requires little to almost nothing actually being told to the player.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Because it was just amazing. I played it around when it first came out, and it was literally like nothing I've ever played before. The environment was just stunning and the boss fights actually felt epic. It was the most breathtaking game I've ever played. I wish my PS2 was never stolen, because I would love to play it again.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
Well, the game is amazing because it gives that sense of amazement with very little time invested. The game is basically 16 boss fights separated by vast empty plains. But the way the game connects those fights, is what makes the game spectacular. As you go through the game, you start wondering what your overall purpose is. Why do you need to kill the colossi? What have these amazing creations done that you need to wipe them off the planet?

It's incredible that the game gets you emotionally attached to it when the premise is so simple.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
I wouldnt call it perfect in every way but its certainly one of the best games Ive ever played. For me the collossi really make the game, they actually feel colossal with weight behind every movement. Each one is unique in the way they act and move and the part where you go to fight the bird colossi is where I realized the game was truly a different but amazing masterpiece

The other thing that I really love is the setting. You're in a cursed land where people wont go and it actually feels empty. Its just you, your horse, a bunch of murderous colossi, and a mysterious entity that you know is going to give you want you want but not the way you want it. Sometimes I just like to go out and explore the forbidden land and Ive found some really cool stuff. Its a lot like fallout 3 in the way that Ill walk outside a town, pick a direction, and start walking till I find something cool


New member
Mar 2, 2009
To me it just had a certain quality that no other game has pulled off. I felt like I was going into each battle completely blind, and it created a unique feel of excitement as I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Whether I was waiting for them to peek in to look for me so I could grab onto their hair, or dodge poisonous lasers long enough to aim for the feet.

It's one of the few games that actually had me verbally going "crap crap crap crap crap crap" when things started to go awry. I felt like I was really part of the situation.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
The music is great for one thing, and hanging onto a colossus really gets my heart pumping! That said I haven't played through the game in a while, Might pick up the HD Collection, since I've never played Ico.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Dem boss fights, man.

Apart from that I've always thought the game was a bit overrated. It's great, don't get me wrong, but not in the way people say. What little story there is is heavily formulaic with only the merest hints of anything beyond what you see.

Apart from a pinch of moral ambiguity regarding the colossi (most of them aren't exactly hostile and they all look majestic and slightly depressed), all that stuff about depth and artistic merit is so much hot air.

That said, I think the colossi fights really are spectacular enough to warrant the game's reputation as a classic.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
This to me was simple. I asked to play a game that ONLY had boss battles and they had to be against giant mofos that I had to climb to find their weak spots. This game delivered in a very excellent way.

Jimmy T. Malice

New member
Dec 28, 2010
The main problem with Shadow of the Colossus is that it emphasises art over actual gameplay. The boss fights are certainly unique, but they each require one specific technique to climb a colossus that you inevitably have to repeat endlessly when you get knocked off while trying to whittle down its humungous health bar. The final one is so tedious and tricky that I have get to muster the patience to finish it in the HD collection. Ico has some of the same problem.

Jaga Jazzist

New member
Jun 25, 2008
I really like the game's minimalism. More is less and all that. After you kill each colossus you gain more max health and stamina but it doesn't bother you with a flashy Level Up screen, you can just see that the bars are bigger. It doesn't hold your hand, only telling you the controls at the right context and then not reminding you every few minutes. The hints it gives to kill the colossi are given after a fair while and even then they're pretty cryptic. Along with that the controls and UI are fairly intuitive and so long as you don't mess up too much the fights don't feel dragged out.

Basically I find that the game treats me like an adult.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
LordofPurple said:
I'm curious as to why everyone sees this game as some sort of pinnacle of game design excellence.

I will say the boss fights are absolutely spectacular and exciting and feel huge and require a great deal of thought, and the atmosphere of the game does create a sense of isolation and a vast, open world.
I think you've just answered your own question.

It also develops a character bond with an NPC through gameplay and not through dialoge or cutscenes. Just like in Ico.

And just like in Ico, the minimalistic narative adds to the mystery.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
'Cos it's awesome.
What other reason do you need?
But in all seriousness, watch Yahtzee's review.
It pretty much hits the nail on the head.


Australian Justice
Jan 30, 2010
It just was an amazing game. Jumping on to a flying colossus, and then being dragged into the water clinging on for dear life while you try and reach the colossi's weak spot is just an experience not many games can match. kept God of War. that game was awesome. But if you want a real reason, Shadow of the Colossus is able to keep to the KISS principle. Keep it Simple Stupid.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
Secret confession: I Actually don't. I found it was too hampered by the technical limitations of the PS2 as a platform, and although I quite liked the colossus climbing gameplay it wasn't enough by itself.

Now Ico I really did love tremendously.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Get to the ending, man. It'll all come to you then.
What everything you've done builds up to.

If I were to describe to you the experience you're supposed to have through the game and what it means in the end, it would only ruin it.


New member
Mar 25, 2012
LordofPurple said:
the boss fights are absolutely spectacular and exciting and feel huge and require a great deal of thought, and the atmosphere of the game does create a sense of isolation and a vast, open world.
pretty much that.i am probably a bit biased since I was just playing shadow of the colossus for the first time . in fact I just saved and turned of the ps2 to drool to my friends on steam about how awesome it is but i can tell you that the boss fight 5 (i think) with the massive bird monster in the lake may well be the most enthralling ,engaging ,fun experience I have had on a console period.

EDIT:found more things to drool about.The horse.i don't know what it is that makes me love riding on the horse so much.it isn't just that it has the best controls of any horse ever in a video game,that isn't a great achievement seeing as how your only rivals in horse control is those barbie games or something made by rockstar.but riding arrgo.i don't know why it is so awesome.the camera angle,the scenery and the ambient music just make it incredible.
i also cant forget the music.the music itself aint to great.the music placement and use is probably the best i have ever heard.the way it changes depending on what's happening is magnificent.