Why do you post?


New member
Aug 13, 2008
I have started writing many comments before stopping and closing the tab. I'll be halfway through the comment, and I'll ask myself, "Why am I typing this?" And really, why do any of you care to respond to anything? Previously, I posted semi-actively. I commented, flamed, and pondered with the rest of you, but at some point "why am I typing this?" dawned on me. What do I care if the avatared masses read what I have to say? What do I gain from that? Satisfaction? Feelings of community?

These thoughts have swirled in my head for some time. I read articles on The Escapist and several other sites, and I read the comments on those articles. I read the opinions of hundreds of people every day, cooperating, arguing, progressing, stagnating; yet, through all of that, I don't care what people think of my opinions or thoughts, for the only person who I care to know about my thoughts is myself.

Again, why do you post?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Sometimes there is a worthwhile discussion about something I'm interested in and feel like contributing. Often, though, this is to tell someone they are completely wrong.

Other times I'm just bored.


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I post in a thread if I feel I can add something to the conversation or if my opinion of something is asked. I'm also posting to increase my post count, but nowhere near as much as I used to (I'm going at about 6 posts/day, I used to post about 30-40/day back in January).

Jason Danger Keyes

New member
Mar 4, 2009
I watch a lot of videos, read many articles, and read many forum topics and discussions, but I'm more of an observer, an outsider looking in. I've been here several years and post quite infrequently, and when I do it's usually to join a conversation I find interesting or ask a question.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Mostly because I'm bored :p Sometimes I feel better about putting my opinion out there on certain subjects.

Jelly ^.^

New member
Mar 11, 2010
Boredom, but if I type enough of a paragraph that being able to post it justifies getting bored with being bored, then I shall post it. This is a prime example.

Also, sometimes I watch as the captcha sneaks up on me, taking a few seconds to load, and then I almost feel like I'm a criminal for avoiding making the post on the captcha's appearance.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I get that too. I can be halfway through writing a post, then realize that no one will be interested, it's gone on waaaaaay too long, or that there's not a lot of point. I then feel really sheepish and delete the comment.
Anyways, I usually post to add my voice to the sea of public opinion concerning something, to ask a specific question, or because I'm generally interested in a topic. I don't care so much about my post count though.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
I post on things I like, or when I just want to say something...or just on random threads I guess.

Or when I see a thread and am like "haaaaayyyyy..." then spend 10 min reading through it


New member
May 11, 2010
It varies; either because I'm bored and there's a fairly harmless thread that I can post on without incurring anyone's wrath, or because there's a discussion about something I have strong opinions on and I feel that I should contribute, even if what I say will be instantly lost in amongs everyone else's posts


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Yeh, those thoughts play on my mind alot..
And it seems like alot of people here are just lurking in the shadows and waiting for some kid with an opinion to write something before pouncing on the poor guy and telling them how wrong they are. That seems to be a favourite for most people. For shame escapists... And we cant forget the posters who likes to post in the wrong forums! for example.

-For those who like Viva Pinata! What was your favourite pinata?-

Some_Twat88: i dont like viva pinata.

Deathlordevilguy: OMG you like that game reeely?

But the fact of humanity is. We simply like to talk. And this isnt a bad thing! Humans talk a bunch of crap that never gets heard every day but that is our nature. The only difference with forums is that whatever we say will hang around like a bad stain for people to look back on and snub. So forum posting is no different. We're just sharing our Wisdom/Crap on a wider scale.



Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
But, but, but this is the internet! D: I thought everyone cared about my opinions!

Nah I'm kidding. =P mostly boredom. [sub]Plus deep down I have a secret obsession with wanting to one day be a famous internet icon...[/sub] [sub][sub]Ruling the world with the power of Google.[/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub]The power, my God the power![/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub][sub][sub][sub]It's the only time I feel aliiiiive! >:D[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Because I'm here, because I want my voice (well, opinions) to be heard and because I just can't face load of studying/schoolwork I have to do.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Oftentimes just because I can.

Sometimes to try and make a point or offer another point of view on a topic.

Sometimes I post just to see if anybody will acknowledge or comment upon my post by quoting it.

Other times I've just got something that (I think) is really witty to say about a topic or discussion. Those ones usually get me on probation though. /shiftyeyesatthemods [sub](they're HUNTING me![/sub][sub][sub] Like a DEER.)[/sub][/sub]

Mostly, just because I can.


Sep 22, 2009
Because I'm awesome and this realisation must be shared with the rest of humanity so they can join in the worship of my amazingness.

Really, though, because I'm bored and it's something to do when I don't feel like indulging in any of my other interests.

Steppin Razor

New member
Dec 15, 2009
Pararaptor said:
To grace the site with the drops of profound, insightful pure wisdom that are my posts.
To give them the privilege of reading my words, allow them to bask in the intense raw energy that radiates from the mere record of my presence in a thread, so powerful even that people cry when reading what I have to say out of the waves of emotion they experience.

I'm basically the reason this site gets the traffic that it does.
I post because I seek Pararaptor's approval. Every post I put out there is done entirely in the hopes that he will see it and approve of what I've said. He doesn't have to quote me back, I just know when he's seen something and approves of it. True story.

Serious answer: Ummm.... mostly because I can? I mean, if a thread interests me enough, I'll put in my two cents. And I'll especially contribute to a thread if I can disagree with somebody in a dickish manner. I'm nice like that.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Pararaptor said:
To grace the site with the drops of profound, insightful pure wisdom that are my posts.
To give them the privilege of reading my words, allow them to bask in the intense raw energy that radiates from the mere record of my presence in a thread, so powerful even that people cry when reading what I have to say out of the waves of emotion they experience.

I'm basically the reason this site gets the traffic that it does.
*basks* This is far less enjoyable than your post would have me bel-... Hey, you taught me that explicit wisdom is closer to knowledge than wisdom ... that's really wise, and it was taught to me through the self-producing means of wisdom. This basking thing is highly under-rated, you should post more and then tell me about it.

OT: Boredom, when someone is horribly wrong and I wish to correct them, when one of the people I like is in an argument and I feel they missed something, or I feel I can help them drive the final proverbial nail into the already nail-filled coffin of their enemy.

Also, mainly boredom.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Nine times out of ten, I'll type an entire comment, proofread and restructure it twice for readability and then delete it and close the tab.
It's usually in the restructuring that I think "..but who really cares anyway?" and abandon the notion of posting.
I only post when I click post before reading what I've typed.
I'm surprised I managed to post this.!


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Pararaptor said:
To grace the site with the drops of profound, insightful pure wisdom that are my posts.
To give them the privilege of reading my words, allow them to bask in the intense raw energy that radiates from the mere record of my presence in a thread, so powerful even that people cry when reading what I have to say out of the waves of emotion they experience.

I'm basically the reason this site gets the traffic that it does.
Oh goody another Pararaptor post. Thank god. I needed my fix man.