Why do you think Windwaker is good?

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
It wasn't as good as Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, but it was really the last Zelda game that captured that Zelda feel for me. Twilight Princess tried to be too dark and gritty. I mean, there were parts of Ocarina with some grit, but it was all towards the end and a necessity of the plot. Twilight Princess seems to have just decided grit was in or something. Maybe Skyward Sword will be good.

And then I've never used handheld systems. Maybe those games are great. I wouldn't know.

Fugitive Panda

New member
Jan 21, 2011
Mr.Teatime said:
The different feel from the previous games that were more serious?
I honestly don't see this. Sure, the graphics were more bright and colourful, and the game didn't have as many creepy underlying themes or situations or OoT or MM, but it wasn't any less serious. Less dark, sure, and it certainly had more playful or humourous moments, but, I'd say WW easily has the best plot and progression of any Zelda game to date - the final battle in particular was one of the most tense and exhilarating moments in the series. When the game actually gets around to it's story, it is 100% serious, and doesn't mess around.

That's one of the reasons why it's my favorite Zelda. I guess the contrast between the game on it's break and the game when it gets down to business gave everything so much more impact. Not to mention the smooth gameplay, stylized graphics that haven't aged a day, unique overworld and more freedom of exploration than any other game in the series.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Well, for one thing, the game had a unique visual aesthetic that aged pretty well even today for a Gamecube title. The exploration was fun and the combat was nothing short of exhilarating and intense.