Why does everyone hate the PS3?


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I don't hate the PS3, I just think that the 360 is better. And that's just because I HATE the Dualshock 3, to light and to small. That's all.

(Not that i play my familys 360, PC all the way!)


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Zenfar said:
GonzoGamer said:
Zenfar said:
OK so here are my reasons why I don't like the PS3 that much they are different then most people:

It doesn't have an indie developer program and it should have had 1 gig of RAM.
That was one of the things that made me want to get a 360 (that and the custom soundtrack for any game) but the thing that drove me away the most was the RROD.

That and I was able to get Mass Effect for the PC.
I still play a lot of PC RPGs: Mass Effects, Oblivion, Fallout 3, if you have a good graphics card it is the way to go, I like big draw distances.

If you get the 60 GB X-Box 360 you are getting the new motherboards and smaller manufacturing process chips so your chance of a Red Ring goes way down. I wait until the 60 GB version until I bought and I am very happy.

The biggest plus of the PS3 is the Blue-Ray but I have that on my PC so kind of hard to justify it for just that.
Yea, I've heard that the new models are less likely to brick but they've said that before. Not only that but if (it's true that) they really rushed the machine onto shelves a year before the competition knowing that there was a problem like that, I'm not going to trust them when they say "oh, hey it's all better now."

In fact, if that's what really happened, I'm going to be afraid to buy any console next generation when they all know they can make crap that spontaneously combusts and people will still buy it. It sets a terrible precedent and as a consumer, I don't want to encourage that kind of shenanigans.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Anton P. Nym said:
New Troll said:
I also don't understand the complaints over price. Sure it's expensive, but it's cheaper than buying an XBox 360, a wireless adaptor, and a Bluray player seperately.
That's assuming that everyone would want a wireless adapter and a BluRay player. I want neither... I hooked my Xbox in with a $12 length of Ethernet cable, and my 26" TV doesn't really spark a desire to pay an extra $10 a movie for the extra image density.
Hmmm... you seem to have chopped off the whole part of me basicly agreeing with what you're saying here. Like I said, the PS3 has it's purpose which might or might not be suitable for a particular consumer (i.e you.)

Besides, I buy platforms for the titles they support and not the other way around. I bought the 360 because of Halo and Gears and Dead Rising and the Arcade. The PS3 has a lot of good hardware, but the titles just don't draw me as much as the Xbox's did.
Nothing wrong with this. I did the same with the Sega Genesis over the SNES, and the Playstation over the X-Box, though my original choice was Dreamcast.

Other than that though, any serious gamer should probably own both if they're truly serious.
Had I an unlimited game budget, I'd have all three consoles and a kickin' PC rig. I don't, so I concentrated on the platform that matches my tastes the best. If that platform isn't the one you would've picked, well, my choice doesn't prevent you from choosing differently.

-- Steve
Hence, you're not a serious gamer. You're a realist. Thank you for agreeing whole-heartenly with me, in your own way. -laughs

Back on topic though, all three systems have thier purposes which are all three fairly different.

If you're seeking more hardcore gaming, you'd want an XBox 360.
If you're seeking more broader entertainment, PlayStation 3.
If you're seeking to please the family, especially the rugrats, then Wii.

For me, I prefer to relax with my entertainment, hence my usage of my PS3. But when I'm with my best friend, we're a lot more likely to liven things up on the 360. The Wii for the most part just collects dust unless a mood for Mario Kart arises. My best friend does absolutely love Smash Brothers though, but I prefer Soul Caliber on my PS3. Mainly cause he kicks my ass really, really, jokingly bad on Brawl.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Mazty said:
Why base buying a next gen console on its ability to play last-gen games?? I've never understood it, but frankly it doesn't make any sense. Apart from a few games on the PS2, there are all next gen sequels to them (out or due to be released) on the PS3 with better graphics, gameplay etc.
This was one reason I liked the PS3 to begin with. I didn't have to get rid of my vast collection of PS2 games. But then after playing games on the PS3, I found no desire to play my PS2 games anymore. Now the only old-school game I still own is Brigadine for the PSX. After playing the next-gen survival games, I sometimes wish I had kept Silent Hill 2 though.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I have to say, I don't think there IS a large amount of PS3 HATE, its a strong word for people just having opinions about certain areas of the PS3 where they either prefer the 360, or simply cannot afford it.

I'd have to take issue with the idea that the PS3 is so awesome, proving it that 360 games are ported to the PC, I was fairly sure that a mid range PC obliterates all consoles in terms of power?

I very much doubt that all the anti PS3 people would say no to a free one, and the majority is just a cost issue, and can we quit factoring in Live costs to make the 260 more expensive, if I shell out for live and you fill your PS3 with diamonds, yours is more expensive.

People can bang on about specs all day, but the facts are, to the layman, there's very little difference in the looks on screen, I've seen a few videos of the same game running next to each other, and I just can't care. Price is a valid thing, exclusive games, valid thing, after all the PS3 has LBP, MGS, FF, God of War 3, etc, its got a great lineup, as does the 360.

a bit less bilinear polygon bending or trifocal quadraflop interrogation really doesn't change so much on screen in the end. If its a multiplatform game, it's going to be made to 360 standards, and maybe polished a bit for PS3 , if you're real lucky.

Note, I'm not anti Wii either, but its an entirely different console really and can't fairly be compared in the sense of power.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Personally I don't like it because its too pricey, online is HORRIFYINGLY BAD (latest patch: now you can text message!), controller hasn't changed since like 1995, except for the part that they ripped off (and that other part they got sued for). Honestly speaking, there is nothing going for the PS3 that makes me want to buy it - anything it can do the 360 does better, and chances are good my computer does it better than THAT anyways.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I was planning on getting a PS3, but then I saw the price, and then the massive PR failure that was just about everything Sony management said.

so I built myself a PC. Best decision ever. Now all I have to do is fight off rabid mac users (yes, there are mac users that aren't rabid, a friend of mine being one of them) instead of rabid [other console here] users.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I have a PS3. I think people are turned off because of the price and in later models, the lack of backwards compatibility.


New member
Aug 3, 2008
Because it is teh gays.


It's the big price tag that puts me off friend, nothing else.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Too expensive and really the good games compared to the bad games is really bad. Only pro is that u get a nice blu ray disc reader.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
It is all about the games. Once Sony gets enough games on the shelves that look appealling to me and aren't on the 360 as well then I wil get one. Until that day I am content owning a 360.

*And to save yourself listing all the "good" Sony exclusives I am well aware of the ones out and the upcoming games they have planned.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I have a PS3, I chose it over the XBOX 360 because PS3 has Metal Gear Solid and God Of War and I must play those games and many XBOX games I've wanted to play, like Halo, Mass Effect and Bioshock (although it is on PS3 now), I played them all on my PC.

I've also noticed people complaining about the PS3 being heavy, what does that matter? It's not like you are holding it all day, and it isn't that heavy really.

But I also don't understand why some people have to hate the console they don't own, I don't hate XBOX. It has never done me any harm and I don't see a reason to hate it.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Every single person I talk to in real life, that owns a PS3 says the same thing (I know 6 people): "It's a movie machine, that's it, and an overpriced one at that since the difference between blu-ray and unconverted DVDs is not that big of a difference to make it worth the money."
Out of those 6 people, 2 own more than 2 games for it. Out of all 6, only those 2 actually play games on it. Again, out of the 6, the 2 with more than 1 game are the only ones not to go buy a 360 AFTER the PS3, to use for gaming. This all says a lot to me.


New member
Aug 3, 2008
hannahdonno said:
tokoolforranch said:
So I own a PS3 and it seems like it is getting shunned by the world of gaming. Everywhere I go there is always a Microsoft fan boy telling me how much the PS3 sucks. Don't get me wrong, I've met some PS3 fan boys and the are not any better, but why is the PS3 the scum of the universe? Maybe it is just demographics, or maybe I just don't know enough people. AND, why the f-sauce didn't they release an expansion for Fallout 3 on the PS3??????? Not cool. >.<
Because it is far too expensive, huge and lumberous and why have one when you can settle for a cheaper, more versatile console?

Hello Mr Fanboy!


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Because they are jealous?

PS3's have more grunt which means that they'll be making much prettier and more immersive games in the future, where the 360 will probably hit the wall before then and then rely on it's price point to keep it in play. Or a new console. Maybe they see the end coming and are just getting scared...


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Sebenko said:
...so I built myself a PC. Best decision ever...
I think building your own PC is like building your own lightsaber. I takes you to a whole other level. You get so much more for your money this way and it just gets better when you only have to swap out a few bits to stay current. I can understand why people like consoles over OEM PCs, but homebrew PC is it. Consoles have the PC beat on ease of use, but not power.

I have my PC hooked up via DVI and my 360 hooked up via VGA to a Dell 24" Ultra Sharp and it is a blast going back and forth playing the best from both platforms. The Wii is my family room console. If I ever get that HDTV for the family room then it will be a battle between a HTPC and the PS3, but so far my gaming is in the cave (my home office).


Apr 28, 2008
It's too expensive for me, not enough games I care about (for example, I've never played a MGS game), and I HATE hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the dual shock controller layout. It's uncomfortable and weird to me.

Zenfar said:
Sebenko said:
...so I built myself a PC. Best decision ever...
I think building your own PC is like building your own lightsaber. I takes you to a whole other level. You get so much more for your money this way and it just gets better when you only have to swap out a few bits to stay current. I can understand why people like consoles over OEM PCs, but homebrew PC is it. Consoles have the PC beat on ease of use, but not power.
Yeah, I love PC gaming. It's expensive for sure, but it's really satisfying. Plus, since I do a lot of software development on my PC I don't mind spending extra to speed things up. Really, I'm on the computer for hours and hours every day, I may as well have a good one.