Why has no one done self conscious AI in games?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Fable 2 Knothole Island expansion has a secret room that has computers, beef jerky, and some torture devices, like Lionhead Studios... you know, the usual.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
James Cassidy said:
Max Payne broke the 4th wall on this one. So did Max Payne 2.

In MP 1. Max was drugged and he knew he was in a computer game.
"The truth was a burning green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics hanging in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. Endless repetition of the act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feel of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of."

In MP2, when he was in the hospital and had a dream he was at the police station you read the board behind his desk and you will see it say "You are in a computer game."
I totally missed both of those. In MP1 all the dialog would not work for me (Vista), so I didn't hear any of his comments. And must have run past the reference in MP2

Yet I am referring where the whole game is based on the fact that one of the AI is self conscious. For example, you have to help it escape into the real world. Or, you have to kill it, but it realizes that it doesn't really die and you have to figure out a way around that.


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Well, there are several times in games where a character will be like "press X to swing your sword!", and that's sort of acknowledging that they're in a game.

I remember on Gamespot they had a contest to see who could come up with the best game idea, and one of the runners up had an idea that involved self conscious AI. The game itself was supposed to be this GTA clone, but the plot was that the game was evil (something about subliminal messages or something), and a programmer had installed this program in the game that would tell you how to break it. So, you, the player, would be trying to sort of glitch out and destroy the game in the way the character told you to. It was neat, i'll post it here if I find the whole description.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
It would be so cool to be playing a regular game, where all of a sudden one of the characters realizes that they are in a computer game. (Scripted, of course) Just imagine the gameplay, plot, creativity, immersion, that could ensue.
Could be interesting, if I did that the character would realise they're in a game, meaning that their existence is tied to you keeping playing the game.
Then they would exploit their being part of the game code by making you unable to exit. From that point on you cannot leave the game without switching off the console/pc. Nor can you save, load, access the menus or pause, because all of those interfere with the charactre's existence.
Nor can the character kill you, because that would mean the game would revert to a previous point and they would be destroyed, replaced again by their non-aware self.
The only way to regain control of your machine would be to hunt down the character and kill them, thus writing them out of the code of the game.
Of course, their being part of the game would give them all kinds of unfair advantages, think gamebreakers but on purpose, lateral thinking would be needed to kill them.

Of course if I really wanted to fuck with people's minds I would add a script that makes the pc respond with the character's voice/mannerisms once they have been killed 'in game'. Not sure how legal that is but it would be amazing to have someone beat the 'game', only to quit and have the computer tell them "You'll have to try harder than that my friend..."


New member
Nov 1, 2007
I love it when games break the fourth wall...at least, when its done sparingly.

I remember when in No More Heroes it was hilarious. Especially when it made reference that I knew only game nerds would get, it was just such a great moment.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Max Payne kinda has a scene like that. He's looking at his wife's handwriting and realizes: "I was in a computer game". But it always happens during the dream levels.

And in Max Payne 2 you can see a notebook of sorts that reads "Wake up, you are in a computer game".


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
This is effectively Matt Hazard
I thought Hazard was a reversal of this. Being unaware of not being the hero and having never starred in a game before whilst his developers attempt to kill him. If that makes any kind of sense...


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Plenty of games break the fourth wall. But building a self-aware AI would be hideously complex and problematic. Skynet, anyone?

Okay, Skynet's not exactly the best example, but figured it would go over with newbies better than mention HAL. Everyone knows that the technological singularity will be the death of us all.

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Star Ocean 2 Till The End of Time actually used the concept of the characters reality being nothing more than a computer simulation designed to entertain the beings of a 4D space.

The party goes to Styx and finds the area flooded with Executioners. Escaping their ship in a small shuttle, they witness the mysterious beings and their awesome might first-hand as the Federation battleship Aquaelie which had escorted them is destroyed. Reaching the Time Gate, the party enters "4D space," a dimension higher than their own. According to the 4D beings, their universe is actually not real in relation to 4D space; rather, it is a computer simulation developed by Luther Lansfeld, the owner of the Sphere Company. Dubbed the "Eternal Sphere", it is similar to a real-world massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the 4D inhabitants.

James Cassidy

New member
Dec 4, 2008
Jannycats said:
Max Payne kinda has a scene like that. He's looking at his wife's handwriting and realizes: "I was in a computer game". But it always happens during the dream levels.

And in Max Payne 2 you can see a notebook of sorts that reads "Wake up, you are in a computer game".
If you would just have scrolled up not but 5-6 post, you would have seen that I mentioned this already.

Do people not read anymore?

Although there is one more thing I forgot to mention in Max Payne. When you go into the elevator in Luigi's Laundry building you get into an elevator. If you shoot the speaker playing the elevator music Max will thank you or turning off that insipid music.

Yet I am referring where the whole game is based on the fact that one of the AI is self conscious. For example, you have to help it escape into the real world. Or, you have to kill it, but it realizes that it doesn't really die and you have to figure out a way around that.
So you want the characters to always break the 4th wall?

*Your character points a gun at another.*

Enemy AI: "So you think you have won? Wrong. Even if I die right now I will be back when you restart the game."

*you play the game again*

Enemy AI: "We meet again. Maybe you should have finished the game so I wouldn't have to come back anymore."


New member
Jul 30, 2008
It would be unbelievably cool to play as the controller in the Matrix as a level in a regular game. A portal like game, where your character suddenly beaks free of your control, and you have to manipulate the environment to kill him before everyone else becomes self aware too.

James Cassidy said:
Max Payne broke the 4th wall on this one. So did Max Payne 2.

In MP 1. Max was drugged and he knew he was in a computer game.
"The truth was a burning green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics hanging in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. Endless repetition of the act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feel of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of."

In MP2, when he was in the hospital and had a dream he was at the police station you read the board behind his desk and you will see it say "You are in a computer game."
I was just about to say that, but you've put it better than I would have.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
bad rider said:
How funny would it be "keep playing, I don't want to die"
When you go to the "quit game" screen in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri the voice-over says "Don't go, the drones need you. They look up to you."


New member
Nov 25, 2008
It would be awesome if a game could interchange randomly between it and real life. Imagine an online world which affected reality and vice versa. If a millionaire could set up an island somewhere where this could happen - and the players interacted in a variety of forms with the island (rts or turn based management and building or fps style etc) The player controlled things are robots on the island (i'm not talking human shaped robots because thats a bit too far) which they see through cameras and control through their pc much like a normal game.

I would love to play that. Imagine, you start the game in control of a simple tracked bot with a welding tool, you began by building up your bot with upgrades salvaged from around the island in a variety of forms (taken from other bots for example) and could begin to create followers. You could even design new bots through an interface with parts you had salvaged and deploy them on the island.

I have to think about this more.