Why has this never been an FPS?


New member
Jun 25, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
Someone has never played star wars battlefront...
To be fair the AI are idiots, and eventually you get good enough to take out most people before they get the chance to fire off a single bullet.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
I've been thinking about this too and i hate the phrases;
"Get the *****"
"Do that"
"Shoot down the ******"
Etc etc.
Being a part of a smaller strikeforce where every individual has an own task would be more fun.

Player, Plant C4's
Npc 1, help player
npc 2, distract the guards
npc 3, what he ^ did
npc 4, disable the enemy transports
nps 5, block all entrances except your escape route


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Well the classic concept of an FPS is to follow the story of someone during a war and he/she accomplishes the feats that turn the tides of blah blah blah...

And in that classic concept the player can take more bullets than NPCs and usually have more skill than them.

Realism hasn't been a concern until say... 2005?

there have been a handful of games like Flashpoint CwC but a lot of them have fallen through the cracks due to tedium or non-impressiveness.
Take MW2 would you enjoy that game without the fantastic environments, situations, and explosions???

If you want to experience being a grunt I recommend the Battlefront Series.

Clueless Hero

New member
Oct 5, 2009
Sorry, but I only genuinley appreciate realism in strategy games.
RAKtheUndead said:
Clueless Hero said:
Because Realism does not Fun.
I hate people like you, so [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.119445], so [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.129006] much [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.105860]. You spoil my chances of getting new and improved simulator games, because all you're interested is explosions and breaking the laws of physics.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Vault boy Eddie said:
While youre at it, why not make a FPS where youre the base cook, or the janitor.
JOHNSON! If you don't get those carrots sliced and in the pot within THREE MINUTES, we're all going to STARVE!

*cue bullet-time melee action as carrots fly at the screen*

Vault boy Eddie

New member
Feb 18, 2009
Amarok said:
Vault boy Eddie said:
While youre at it, why not make a FPS where youre the base cook, or the janitor.
JOHNSON! If you don't get those carrots sliced and in the pot within THREE MINUTES, we're all going to STARVE!

*cue bullet-time melee action as carrots fly at the screen*
I take it back. WHY HASN'T THIS GAME BEEN MADE YET!?!?!?!?!


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Rainbow Six, SWAT eat your bloody heart out now away with you and your FPS ideas the market is saturated enough as it is.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
Isn't that the basis of every multiplayer war-themed game?

RatRace123 said:
That's it. Why does everything have to be an epic battle where YOU are the ONLY ONE who can stop the enemy?
Because in every other situation YOU are the ONLY ONE who is a player-character.
Yeah, given the AI of your teammates, it's pretty clear why YOU are the ONLY ONE who can stop them.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Because unless there is some closure to the plot- which you have control over- then the story has to be character driven. If you're just a grunt taking place in a huge war, then you feel unfulfilled. Either the plot has to advance or the characters own personal journey has too. Same with every book, movie, and other game ever made


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Sometimes people want to escape reality and pretend to be the biggest badass on the block and honestly I see nothing wrong with that, people want to do it I say let them. It's a fantasy and I don't really think anyone except for an obsessive neurotic would want to be told they are worthless in game.
That said there are several games where you take control of simple grunts, like Star Wars Battlefront.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Icecoldcynic said:
Someone has never played star wars battlefront...
Well, with the A.I. with what it is, you are the only one contributing to the war effort. Seriously, two enemies shooting at each other from halfway across the room shouldn't take about two minutes for someone to die without intervention. Your buddies would be more useful if they just stood still, at least then they wouldn't constantly get in the way.


New member
Sep 25, 2008
I think because thats more like the platform of every multiplayer war-related shooter for a good while now.

A single player like that would just not be as fun. Because you can have fun with the story and do the out of the ordinary... theres places for the average joe kind of character... but sometimes escapism in something much larger than life is... fun. Its probably the core of video gaming

Banana Phone Man

Elite Member
May 19, 2009
I don't want games to have total realism. This is what makes them so fun. I want to play them for a good story even you know that they will never happen. Take HL2 and Gordan Freeman. A scientist that goes around saving the world and crowbars every alien in his way sounds more interesting than Gordan Freeman the scientist that spends all games pushing papers and giving out free physics lessons.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Actually Rambo type FPS bore me silly.

I've played so many of them that the only shooters I get a kick out of are online hardcore realism games.

If I can take more than one bullet to the heart, I just can't get any fun out of it.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
RatRace123 said:
Alright, we've all seen those military FPSs where you play as either the rookie who rises to the top in one epic battle (or war) or you play as the badass veteran who also happens to be fighting in an epic battle, or war (almost always the biggest of his life).

So here's my question, where is the realistic FPS? Here's my thoughts on how it would work: you play as a standard grunt, nothing special, you get shipped off to another country for a military operation. You survive the firefights, the mission was a success, most everybody lived (the ones who died didn't wear helmets) and you move up one measly rank (making you a slightly better, but still relatively unimportant grunt)

That's it. Why does everything have to be an epic battle where YOU are the ONLY ONE who can stop the enemy?
Battlefield 2 for the X-box. You body hopped from grunt to grunt. You died? Jump to another grunt. It was actually kind of fun, but the story was about disappointing, but there is only so much you can do when your main character is a faceless army.