Why I play Dungeons and Dragons Online


New member
Mar 30, 2009
I love DDO as much as the next person, the only problem I have is I can't get new gamecards for it anywhere near me, Paypal is not an option (just trust me on it, I can't use it) and I can't pay for it using my normal bank transfers. Silly thing is, I can for LOTRO. Would be smart if Codemasters would use the same payment options for all their games, but unfortunately no such luck.

Now for LOTRO I have my lifetime subscription, so I never need to look back, but for DDO I can't continue at this time. Quite a shame.


New member
Apr 30, 2007
ntomlin63 said:
Ok, based on goings on in the march madness forums it appears many people are not aware that DDO exists. In an amateurish way to rectify this situation I hereby present to you for discussion purposes why I play DDO.

I have played P&P D&D for almost 30 years now. I started in high school in 1980. Over the years I think I have played every D&D based game that has ever been created from Pools of Radience to Baldur's Gate, Icewind dale and now DDO. I even played the arcade D&D game back in the day as well as the sega genesis D&D game whose name escapes me. I explain all this simply to illustrate I know at least a little something about dungeons and dragons.

I didn't start on the beta version of DDO, in fact i have only been playing since very late in 2006. I wished I had been able to play earlier but finances dictated otherwise. It is my understanding that in the very early days there were some serious problems with the game. Bugs of course as with any new game, a low level cap which meant you quickly could get your character to the maximum level and then were stuck with nothing to do and a fairly serious lack of content. Now, I don't know all of that for a fact, I wasn't there, but it is what I have heard from others who were there.

When I started the game I think the cap was 12th level although I am not positive, it might have been 14th. But at any rate, I tried the free 10 day trial and was hooked. in less than 10 days i had bought the game and set up my account. My previous MMORPG experience was playing Everquest from the original game through the planes of power expansion when I tired of the game and quit. I bought World of Warcraft and within my free trial period was so bored with the game I canceled before the initial 30 days were over. With DDO I jumped in with both feet and have never looked back.

I have found that, in my opinion, DDO has a rich varied environment full of adventure for every level range in the game. That's not to say all level bands are equal because in all honesty some are slighted slightly although there are still a lot of things to do. The game is based on the 3.5 edition of D&D which for me was a bit of a let down as I am a huge fan of 2nd edition. It is set in the Ebberon game setting which was created not by professional game designers but rather a long time player who submitted the setting and won a contest Wizards of the Coast did to coincide with moving to 3rd edition D&D.

The new starting area is nicely paced and gives people who don't know the game a good chance to get to know how the various game mechanics work. I don't like the difficulty in grouping at that stage based on how things are now broken up into stages of the starting area based on tutorial mode or not. After completing the starting area quests, gaining some decent starting items and a little cash, one moves on into the harbor of Stormreach and the next group of starting adventures. And that's the pattern for the entire game I suppose, you follow a sort of progression through the various levels, gaining ever stronger equipment as you go.

The character generation system has two modes, you can choose to follow a preset template or customize your character. Between choices of how you allocate your starting stats, your skills and your feats you begin a customization process with more variables than most games seem to bother attempting. As you gain XP you also gain action points allowing you to pick various enhancements to your character further customizing your choices. This allows for more possibilities than I know how to calculate although I am sure someone out there might have an idea.

There are several races you can start out playing, Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Halflings and Warforged. After gaining overall favor (I will explain that a bit later) totaling 400, you may create and play Drow elves. The classes on can play are Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Bard, Cleric, Wizard and Sorcerer. Any race can be any class and each has various strengths and weaknesses.

Within the game are various factions with which one gains favor. These are not adversarial, gaining favor with one faction does not cause you to lose favor with another. You gain favor through accomplishing quests which are "sponsored" by the associated faction. Quests have three primary levels, Normal, hard and elite. Some quests also have a solo option. The amount of favor you gain is based on what level of difficulty you accomplished the quest on. Normal for instance may grant 3 points, hard 6 and elite 9. These are not cumulative. Each quest favor is dependent on the highest level of completion. If you complete on elite in the above example you have 9 favor not 18 from a cumulative score. What is cumulative, is different quests sponsored by each faction for your total faction favor. Once you reach certain levels of favor within each faction you are granted various gifts or services.

Game play within DDO is very much of the style known as hack and slash. I realize this is not every one's preference but it does happen to be my favorite style. You talk to various quest givers and then undertake the given quest. Here is one of my favorite aspects of the game, in the vast majority of cases, travelling to the quest is a matter of moving about six steps in game. The entrances are mostly right there.

Another aspect I love about DDO is there is no farming. Every quest is an instant dungeon created on the spot for the individual or group that is undertaking it. There may be 20 groups all simultaneously doing the same quest and they will all be in their separate versions. Same with treasure chests, inside every chest is loot reserved for each member within a group. Nobody can ninja your loot because it is reserved for you and you alone. You have an option of allowing someone else to have it if you so desire but only you can make that call.

There have been several mods to the game since i started playing. All have been free. There is about to be in the very near future a new major expansion which will also be free. The level cap will be raised from the current 16 to 20th level. New areas and new quests will be available along with new monsters and new treasure.

Basically I love DDO because of the variety of play available depending on your personal style, (I tend to be a sword and board type), the sheer number of different quests spread out over all level ranges, and perhaps most importantly, the community at large. I have met so many friendly people that just want to play and have a good time that it is a joy to play the game even when things aren't going so well. Sometimes the monsters win. Now granted, I have run into a few jerks, but they are very much a minority. The vast majority of people on DDO are friendly and helpful and generous.

I realize this is a disjointed review of DDO, I am pretty much a casual gamer after all. But I love DDO and however long it exists, I plan to be an active part of the DDO world and community. If you want to check out the forums all you have to do is google DDO or stormreach and you should find the forums easily enough. There you will find people far better equipped to explain the game coherently than I am.
Correct however DDO did get off to a good start but adding moduals and content started out slow. Then you also must consider that D&D doesnt have a huge following around the world. Thats why LotRO gets top billing for Turbine. You look at subscription numbers you will see LotRO wins hands down. I enjoy both games personaly because I am an american who grew up with D&D.


New member
Nov 17, 2006
epaulet said:
Quanefel said:
epaulet said:
Quanefel said:
epaulet said:
lerincho said:
epaulet said:
I was downloading when I read this thread:


I stopped the download for now... so you can permanently make your character poorly built just because Turbine decides to balance the game? Why would I invest too much time into a character who I can't respec?
there are 4 different version of character planners that players have created. there are enough tools that you can use prior to doing anything within game, to help elimnate errors.

I have characters that have been effected by these changes, and there is always something new you learn you can do from the one you believe to be "broken".
While I've always adapted to changes in a game rather than complain. Reason for adapting is simply that you can always change it up a bit. Sure you can always make the best out of the changes, but that's not quite the same.

I don't think anything in MMOs except for things like your characters race/sex/class (although maybe not the last one here because of multi classing) should be permanent. Even at great pain, there should be a way to change your character if you do indeed mess up, whether it was your fault or not. I really don't know if I can commit to working on a character only to have my hopes at making the character I want shattered because of a change.

You're a DDO player, nice try. A Full Respec aint happening.
Errr... well, I downloaded the client but I haven't gotten to installing/playing yet because I'm busy this week. But no, I'm not a DDO player (yet?). Why would you say that? Because I read the forums for a game I am looking into?

No, I am a LOTRO player. Lerotho of the Elendilmir server.

Well since you are coming over from LOTRO and asking about a full respec in DDO then I am assuming LOTRO has one as well? If that is so, I guess it would make sense to ask about if DDO has a full respec. My apologies. I need to look into LOTRO's full respec for myself. :D
Well LOTRO's system is quite different from DDO's from what it seems. We have "traits" to differentiate our characters.

First are Virtues. Virtues are the same for all players. You earn them and they level up to a max of level 10. Each virtue (labeled as Confidence, Wisdom, etc.) raises some stat by a decent amount, another by a more moderate amount, and another by a fairly small amount. Out of a fairly large pool of virtues you pick 5 to put on your character.

Then racial traits. These are minor bonuses such as 2% extra damage for some weapon type or a weakened stealth on a long cooldown... stuff that's useful in certain situations. You can equip 5 out of 9 I think of these. Each race has their own set.

Then class traits. These change your playstyle more or less. Kind of like talent trees of World of Warcraft. You can choose up to 7 at max level out of a pool of... 24 I think? They are divided into three trait lines, and slotting a certain amount from one line grants extra bonuses (Minstrels, the main healer, have a healing line, a buffing line, and a dps/solo line).

Then at max level you have 3 legendary slots. Legendary traits are fairly powerful skills usually. Most can be used with no conditions once unlocked, but three are "capstone" legendary traits for if you slot 5 traits in a single line.

If respecs weren't possible in LOTRO (changing traits)... it would be very crippling. VERY crippling. But I trust DDO it isn't so since people have survived thus far. I'll definitely be taking a look at the game. I remember before its release I was following it but after hearing so many people say what a failure of a release it was it scared me away. I guess it's time to see if it has redeemed itself.

I have been thinking of trying out LOTRO sometime but I have a handful running my guild over on DDO to spread my time out too much. It wouldn't really be fair to my guildmates.

I can imagine it would be crippling to not be able to change some mistakes out in LOTRO. In DDO, our small respecs help ease any problem we might face as far as a character being "broke".

DDO at the start was not what some D&D had hoped for. Alot wanted FR or Greyhawk setting, and alot were old time players who enjoy the rules below 3.0. I myself was a little turned off with the 3.5 rules in DDO but I got use to them and have stuck it out to this day. 3+ years and counting. It would be great to see all those old school D&D fans get into DDO more than they have, our numbers on DDO would swell if they came over with us. But, I imagine they are a stubborn lot. lol


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Now what's bugging me is the general consensus of useless casters... now normally this wouldn't be a problem but it seems Turbine's been slacking on updates so I'm not sure when that'll be fixed. As more of an end game person myself, huge imbalances are pretty important to me. I recognize based on what people say player skill matters more... but when looking at balance it has to be taken with skill as a constant. There no bigger fun killer than playing a class you know requires your group to pick up your slack for no fault of your own, imo.
OMG who said there is a uselessness to casters? NO WAY! Now I will grant that casters are a bit squishier, meaning less HP and less AC, but by no means are they useless as any level. They are harder to play correctly, IMHO, but not useless. Casters are almost a requirement in getting quests done quickly and efficiently and certainly some quests are almost impossible without one. Not to mention HASTE *crack*.

At lower levels casters need to run with someone with some muscle to keep the bad guys off them but around 7th - 10th lvl this becomes less needed. A good group of casters can OWN a quest even if they run it a few people short of a full party. A good caster can solo most content by 12th lvl (it varies as to the caster). I've heard tanks *fighter types* say things like "we're lucky the casters even let us come along", in good fun.

Don't underestimate the POWER of a GOOD caster in DDO. Don't underestimate the value either. We play on Argo, which is tank heavy. This means it's hard to find a good caster, cleric, or rogue on our server. They are there but there are many more tanks or people attempting to play a caster, cleric, or rogue who are not so good at it. A good caster will get begged to do runs. I often have 2 or 3 tells requesting my caster before my screen is even fully loaded. And my husband's cleric was a HOT commodity while he was running him.

I don't believe there is a useless class in DDO. They all do their parts. IMHO all the classes have a role in the party and can do that and more. :)


New member
Mar 20, 2009
ghirmeshk said:
doctorwhofan said:
Mrsnugglesworth said:
doctorwhofan said:
Mrsnugglesworth said:
doctorwhofan said:
Mrsnugglesworth said:
doctorwhofan said:

let me repeat


I started for the D&D aspect, and stayed for the community!

I dont think you realize what QFT means. Quote For Truth. But you didn't quote anything. ?
One: THe quote button only works half the time.

TWO: Biiiiigggg post above me, the OP, in fact. Why repeat it and make the thread any long than needed?
True. But I was just messing with you in the first place. I guess I failed. Damn you logic.
NP. But Turbine Player + March Madness = no patience left.
As a Valve player + March Madness = No patience. I like both companies, but I will probably cry if Valve doesnt win. If only just for a moment.

point. Neither will cry. We came here to accoplish something and we did. Winning is just cake...for in DDO cake gives you a Djinn.
And the Djinn grant a wish . . . if you have the wisdom to wish well:).
...or be foolish, and feed the masses with Tasty Ham!


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Oh, any who join, If you look on the LFM (looking for group, which actually works and is used btw) and on Thelanis and you see "The Goddess is holding Court..." THat's me.

And DDO'ers when advising anyone, speak up for the help channels.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
ntomlin63 said:
Yeah its bad when the NPC you have to protect has absolutely zero sense of self preservation and goes out of his way to try and get killed.
yes! i agree w me better half, id like nothing better than for coyle to turn on us so we can have the joy of killing him~so many of the npc's we are sent to rescue in this game we have to kill in the end (they turned) why not Coyle?


New member
Mar 21, 2008
epaulet said:
Errr... well, I downloaded the client but I haven't gotten to installing/playing yet because I'm busy this week. But no, I'm not a DDO player (yet?). Why would you say that? Because I read the forums for a game I am looking into?

No, I am a LOTRO player. Lerotho of the Elendilmir server.

EDIT: I can look past the no respec thing if everyone says it's not as bad as I think it will be. Now what's bugging me is the general consensus of useless casters...
Real life takes precedence. Most of us understand and respect this.

As for useless casters???? Ok, epaulet, personal opinion here but... I think it is time to stop listening to a MINOR vocal group of screamers that aren't getting it their way and try out the game yourself to come to your own conclusions.

I've played wizards and sorcs. Neither were anywhere close to useless. Quite contrary, they were highly effective. On the days I was bored and needed to get some plat, I'd grab a caster and start a killing spree for loot. I didn't grab a fighter, I didn't grab a cleric, a bard, barbarian, rogue.. I grabbed an arcane caster.

Now, those statements may be coming from the fact that current end cap stuff has great saves if not evasion, elemental resistances, and at times spell resistance. All of these things combined equals to that of a caster nightmare. So of course people are going to consider casters being "useless". Those opinions are short sighted in my opinion.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
doctorwhofan said:
Oh, any who join, If you look on the LFM (looking for group, which actually works and is used btw) and on Thelanis and you see "The Goddess is holding Court..." THat's me.
Do you serve cookies in your court?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I enjoyed meeting a few Escapist forum goers yesterday in DDO. I had great fun. I am looking forward to meeting a few of you today who have sent me PMs here.

Again the offer is extended if you wish to try DDO and would like a guide, someone to show you the basics of the UI etc then please send me a pm here on forums and I will arrange a time to meet you.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Re: respecs

In DDO, one may respec one's feats and enhancements, and if a bard or sorcerer, spells as well.

What we can not respec is race, sex, alignment, class and skills.

The two biggies that get the nerd fury flowing are class and skill respec. Class respec I personally don't think should be allowed...you pick a level of wizard or fighter, you should be stuck with it. Learn2Play. But I can understand the argument that multiclassing kinda changes things if there's ever any changes to a class. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it.

Skill respec I can get behind, but I can understand why it's a tricky and difficult job to make it happen. Each class has it's own set of class skills (which cost 1 point) and cross class skills (which cost 2), also each class gets it's own amount of base points (+ INT mod) and there are tomes which give a permament increase to your base stat which aren't tracked for when they were eaten, then add to this the fact that the game also doesn't seem to remember when you took a level of what and the whole thing becomes a mess. Skill respec needed to be in the game from the start, to hack it in now won't be simple. So, again, I understand why it's not so. I don't agree with it (I think it should be very high priority), But I can understand what's up.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I wasn't really interested in DDO, ever, and I'm big on D&D. The thing that D&D games never seem to realize is that the fun of pen and paper is in the strategy of placement, and you can talk about strategy in games all you like but they always seem to fubar up the "attack of opportunity" thing by attempting and failing to simulate the-...

ladytech said:
I played FPS games for many many years. I started with the very first version of Doom. I probably still have the floppies around here somewhere. I enjoyed Farcry, Counter strike etc etc. however I've always had a love of DnD. Unfortunately most MMO's out there are too boring in their combat especially since I was used to FPS combat. When I found DDO it solved my problem. Here was a game I could be a twitch gamer in. It somewhat satified my need to control combat.

I can block, shield bash, sidestep. I can plan strategies, use choke points. I can flank, trip and stun my opponent. I especially like the ability to jump over an opponent and strike them from behind. I control where my character is in relation to the foe I am fighting. I do not have to stand still in front of monsters keying in commands and waiting for them to execute. I also have the ability to dodge blows and in coming spells. I can use the terrain to my advantage ducking behind something when needed. There is more but I think you get the point.

I've since tried WOW, LOTR etc and unfortunately DDO spoiled me because of the combat. Any FPS player thinking of trying a MMO should consider the 10 day trial for DDO.
Disregard that, do want.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
1) Coyle gets his (but not from us) in Southern Threnal, and all too quickly for my tastes. Remember, the chance to do in Coyle was a wish from the Djinn of the Cake (after make my character a dragon mage); the Djinn tells you "sorry, someone beat you to it."

2) one other escort comes to mind: Derward the Engineer, also from Threnal. I know b/c we failed him last week; a reaver came into the room when we were all getting our lot from the chest - Derward died from our inattention.

most importantly

3) you now get ten (10) character slots at start. per server. if you are displeased with your first attempt, start a new one right away. you can always delete the first later if you think it is beyond repair. Finally, if you _really_ hate your server, and your character is too high to abandon, you can have it transferred for $25 cash (per character. yes, it's a lot, but you can do it if you think it is worth it).

and 4) the DDO forums (as are other gaming forums, no doubt) are full of deeply felt opinions as well as hard-won knowledge. Like elsewhere on the net, you have to learn to separate and evaluate.

Lots of well-articulated reasons why we like DDO here, well-said!

See you in Stormreach ...

[edit: and anyone who wants to see a great combination of the game and the intelligence and creativity of its player base should watch more of Lessah and Clankenbeard's videos! search for wanderingmonster on YouTube. My favorites: Bard Hazing and Muckin' Around.]


New member
Mar 20, 2009
silverdraggie said:
doctorwhofan said:
Oh, any who join, If you look on the LFM (looking for group, which actually works and is used btw) and on Thelanis and you see "The Goddess is holding Court..." THat's me.
Do you serve cookies in your court?
It Tempest's Spine, S'mores FTW!!!


New member
Mar 20, 2009
SchnorriS said:
1) Coyle gets his (but not from us) in Southern Threnal, and all too quickly for my tastes. Remember, the chance to do in Coyle was a wish from the Djinn of the Cake (after make my character a dragon mage); the Djinn tells you "sorry, someone beat you to it."

2) one other escort comes to mind: Derward the Engineer, also from Threnal. I know b/c we failed him last week; a reaver came into the room when we were all getting our lot from the chest - Derward died from our inattention.

[edit: and anyone who wants to see a great combination of the game and the intelligence and creativity of its player base should watch more of Lessah and Clankenbeard's videos! search for wanderingmonster on YouTube. My favorites: Bard Hazing and Muckin' Around.]

1) not satifactory. I think we should, at least watch him die.
2) There is Vale quest that is an escort. But he is NOT Coyle.

Stormreach Dating Game and When Servers Merge are the funniest! NOTE: Bard hazing was done by Tolero, in her player Merlask years.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Ya know when the lag clears up on Thelanis we need another ladies night in Tempest or Velah...NAKID RUN!!! =)


New member
Mar 27, 2009
People just think because their opinion is different yours must be wrong.

The biggest indicator of success for an online game is how active it still is and how long it has been active.

After all nobody is going to be logging on every day to play it if it sucks so thats the real test of a game and DDO has been around for a long time and is still here to this day which says it all for me.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
For those reading these stories who are going to come try DDO. If you chose Argonnessan in the US servers you can find me at Lerincho, Vrykyl or Gil.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Theres a thought, its been sort of haphazrdly done already a couple of times but if you are new and on Sarlona you will find me (infrequently as i am pretty casual) as
Gaspar-human paladin 16th
Svigdar-dwarf fighter 2nd/ Ranger 15th or
Eiron-human monk 12th

You can find my wife, more frequently as she plays more than I do under variations of

Mommawolf her three are all Mamawolf or some such spelling varient

Capped Paladin
Capped Cleric
11th (almost 12th) barbarian